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One of the best sites I have found on the internet...

Guest spectr

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after doing this for about 7min or so, ive donated about 600 grains, seeing as Grains of rice per gram= 36590, and Grains of rice per kilogram= 36589830, it seems pretty fucking pointless unless you do it for a month solid, which even then will leave you with under a kilo of rice.

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yeah but the point is to get as many people as possible to do it and over time with lots of people spending a few minutes here and there lots of rice will be donated...

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but you learning.... see we can teach the children... or adults who usually sit around talking about pee in the butt and dance and graff in this case....


edit oh yeah I was at 3600 grains of rice before my net connection died....

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i'm up to 2360 and i'm bored. when will it stop?


when people are no longer starving across the globe, or once it costs the sponsers so much money that they can't afford to give awy free rice anymore...

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