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If you could fight one celebrity


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the earth goes through cycles of warming/cooling every 5000 years or so... all coastal and below sea level areas of our world will be underwater within the next 50-100 or so years regardless of global warming... that just expidites the process a little. somebody say word...

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why wouldn't you?


His self righteous, junk science, over simplified, unconfirmed BS is annoying. Talking about polar bears being extinct when a projected 137 plants animals and insects are being wiped out because of Rainforest deforestation. The Rainforest in the lungs of the world and the source of countless of our pharmaceuticals.


Fuck Ice. Fuck Polar Bears. Fuck Greenland. Fuck Al Gore. (no homo)


read more: http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htm



not only that, because of his movie every retard i speak to talks to me as if they are the fucking king of global warming.


You wanna fight dude because he's trying to do something to save the planet. Wow, and I thought I was an asshole.

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Global warming is shit.

Like that other dude said, lets worry about today.

We got genocide, global starvation, earthquakes and shit.

And yall are worried about it getting .5 degrees warmer every 25 years


You're a fucking idiot. Global warming = mad Ice melting and raising the ocean levels and engulfing mad major cities all over the world. It also means more fucked up weather patterns ie massive hurricanes and flooding around the world.

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Cali, Busta is a big dude. He looks like he can fight too. I've been hearing about him bustin' dudes down lately. I'd pack a lunch if I were you.


naw....actually...he wasnt that big at all...

ive fought bigger dudes before...


but the body guard he was with at the time....that fool was HUGE....and when i say huge...i mean fat and tall.....think of the black dude from the show rob and big..


as for busta...hes a little bitch....i probably wouldnt even fight him...id stab him in his fucking throat.

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You wanna fight dude because he's trying to do something to save the planet. Wow, and I thought I was an asshole.


There are plenty of people who are trying to save the world. Those people do way more then they will ever get credit for. I want to deck the dude because he's a self-righteous, hypocritical politician.

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