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Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I -no spellcheck

Tuff Tone

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


In Phoenix, you go to tent city -aka- jail for a week on your first offense... my buddy got a third one and is now on the lam.... he is facing 6-12 months in jail for a dui. (Even longer now that he's hiding)


I hate this fucking county.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


I've been pulled over driving drunk a few times...once they gave me a road sobriety test and I passed, once dude didn't even notice


If they ever tried to get me to take a breathalizer I'd just say no, I'd much rather lose my license for awhile then be fucked dealing with an actual DUI

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


Then they say sir we are taking you in for refusal to blow. DO YOU PEOPLE NOT READ. ITS IS LAW. Drunk or not drunk refusal to take a breathalizer is automatically 3 to 6 months suspension.


No Dui on your record. Your insurance jumps less. Employers and potential employers will not be notified. You ride the bus for 4 months max. IF THAT. Stay lawyered up, most can get it knocked down to 3 months or so max.


Most of us don't work at best buy for a career. A DUI notice to your job means any mobility goes out the door with the charge.


Either way a bus pass/cab fare to the bar is the way to go.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


Then they say sir we are taking you in for refusal to blow. DO YOU PEOPLE NOT READ. ITS IS LAW. Drunk or not drunk refusal to take a breathalizer is automatically 3 to 6 months suspension.



You lose your license no matter what, I think you are missing the point.


Not getting the DUI proven saves you thousands of dollars in legal fees & insurance rates.


Do not blow, walk, piss or let them draw blood. Keep your mouth shut and tell them to take you to jail for the night.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


You lose your licence no matter what, I think you are missing the point.


Not getting the DUI proven saves you thousands of dollars in legal fees & insurance rates.


Do not blow, walk, piss or let them draw blood. Keep your mouth shut and tell them to take you to jail for the night.


Thank you.


Btw. Many states allow cops to pull you at their own leisure if you have had prior convictions of DUI. Many states have color coded plates, meaning hello heat every single day.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


Saddam if you say you dont want to take a DUI test or blow in the breathalyzer its an automatic 3 or 6 month suspension... DUMB ASS!!!


As opposed to getting a DUI on your record?


I'll take it.


This is MA by the way.

First offense


Incarceration: Not more than 2 ½ years House of Correction

Fine: $500-$5,000

License suspended for 1 year, work/education hardship considered in 3 months, general hardship in 6 months


That's not including insurance costs and courtroom costs that will be in the thousands.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


my friends dad has 5 dui's because he's a douche bag. but he had a good lawyer and none of them are on his record and he still drives and has a lisence. granted thats like an insane amount of money.


but id say get a good lawyer.

and dont let them take it down to driving while visibly impaired or something like that. coz if they do you cant contest the evidence and cant get out of the drunk driving charge.


or something like that

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


here for your first offense you usually get 2 days in jail, time served, community service, $500 fee, attend victims impact panel, but your license doesn't get suspended.



i had a dwi (less than blood alcohol level) when i was 17. the whole thing was fucked up. the cop lied and said i ran a red light, which i didn't. he arrested me, didn't read me my rights, didn't handcuff me, and i sat in the front seat. he also took me up to the jail for a blood test without notifying my parents first. i think he was a perv. anyway, i still had to pay a fine, do community service and attend driving school.


i try really really hard not to drive anywhere when i'm out and drinking. i've even walked miles to get home down a fucked up street, but it's worth it when you think about the possibilities of you hurting someone else.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


As opposed to getting a DUI on your record?


I'll take it.


This is MA by the way.

First offense


Incarceration: Not more than 2 ½ years House of Correction

Fine: $500-$5,000

License suspended for 1 year, work/education hardship considered in 3 months, general hardship in 6 months


That's not including insurance costs and courtroom costs that will be in the thousands.



Uh you still have to go to court and it goes on your license that you were pulled over for something...

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


You still get points on your license your still prolly gonna go to drivers retraining your going to get introuble and youre still gonna have to pay court fees and insurance is still going up. Some cops have breathalyzers on their flashlights by the way so they can still detect your breath when they come up and flash light in your face...

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


You still get points on your license your still prolly gonna go to drivers retraining your going to get introuble and youre still gonna have to pay court fees and insurance is still going up. Some cops have breathalyzers on their flashlights by the way so they can still detect your breath when they come up and flash light in your face...


Do we need to go back over this..?




The alligator eats the bigger number to have a greater overall effect on his hunger.





Lage Jailtime, large Fines, big Court costs, big Lawyer fees, big loss of license, big threat to job security, and on record.


Refusal (small pizza)

Jailtime, Small fine if any, court cost, lawer fee, small loss of license, traffic ticket.




BIG pizza > Small pizza




DUI > Refusal.


The alligator eats the dui because it has a GREATER overall effect on his life.


Thus, smart alligators refuse to blow.


Ps. Crack the damn window and hand him the card, its not illegal to keep your window up and talk to the officer.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


Uh you still have to go to court and it goes on your license that you were pulled over for something...


Yea but not a DUI. Do you know what a scumbag you sound like when you have a DUI on your record? I'm not going to front like everyone in here that I've never driven drunk, but I would do everything in my power to not get a DUI on my record. Yea you still have to go to court. Wah? You'd have to go to court anyways. It's a lose lose situation if you agree to a breathalyzer / sobriety test when you know you are wasted. Count it as a loss but but make the best out of your situation by not getting convicted of the DUI.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


It's like you're saying, "Listen OJ, you are going to court anyways, might as well tell them you killed those white people. You're on TV, people are gonna know you were in court for something."


Or getting arrested for painting. You would never say yea fuck it im in court, you got me I did it. You deny deny deny.


Not taking the tests is that denial.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


here for your first offense you usually get 2 days in jail, time served, community service, $500 fee, attend victims impact panel, but your license doesn't get suspended.


First off you were 17. So your experience wont be the same as anyone 18+. And I don't know where you are from, but here you DEF lose your license 1st DUI.


In regards to not taking the test in MA


With the new Melanie's Law in MA denial of a test if you are under 21 is a mandatory 3 year suspension. Which is pretty fucking rough.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


i know i was 17...i said what i got because of the fact i was 17.



"here for your first offense you usually get 2 days in jail, time served, community service, $500 fee, attend victims impact panel, but your license doesn't get suspended."


applies if you are 18 and over

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


You could just not drink?...


More than likely you'll have to take a drug/alcohol addiction class as part of your probation. Its really funny because all the people with DUI/DWI's sit in there saying "I just got a DUI, I don't have a problem."

NEWS FLASH...The second you get in legal trouble because of your vice, its a problem. You'll be better off not drinking considering it will be a term of your probation.

Don't continue to be stupid.

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