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Blackmalin type shit...


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ok...so monday night im at this bar and as im leavin i catch this juicy ass mop tag by the front door in the hallway (do em dirty white). think nothin bout it..whatever.... i get this call bout 4 days later and my man leaves a message on my fone. dudes like you came to my bar round 1230 and left 230 and on your way out u caught a tag on my bar we need to talk b4 i contact the police..so i man up call him back since i no he nos it me obviously since hes callin my fone...and what the fuck how did he get my number??...the fuck.. so i man up and call him back tell him i sorry n all that shit and give him a proposition (totally flipped the script on him )..tell ol boy, im willing to paint over my shit and ill even do a mural for free in the bar (figuring i could still get up) he says hell think bout it n call me back... calls back in bout n hour n says his partner who co-owns the bar says no and wants to take me to court...this is when he tellls me he has me on video and contacted the police n those fuck heads gave this prick bastard my info, my convictions, adress, and fone number...coulda swor that shit was illegal but what do i no....so im pleadin whith this jag off like dont do this ( im on probation for graff second time in this city n not really feelin doin a bid) ill do what ever you want ill make this mural classy or whatever..trien to be mad sissy bout it so maybe he got some hart n lets me off....calles me back after consulting with his partner and says no...i ask if i could settle this outta court he says yes...6 bills....FUCK.... now ima havta start hustlin powder to get that shit...i donno just ventin ...kinda drunk...still a little more to the story but im sure yall dont want to read it....thanx people...holla

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I have yet to read the other responces, but here's mine.

You're "boy"s either a filthy snitch for diming you out, or he's seriously fucking with you in an attempt to try and punk you outa 6 bills.

Which considering he's supposed to be your "boy" and knows you have a newborn to support makes him a lowlife.

Either way he deserves to die.

My $0.02.

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And if he really snitched on you, you woulda heard from the Po by now and he wouldn't be trying to extort you. Either way you shouldn't have admitted shit. Anybody coulda wrote your name. I would suggest walking by that bar to see if they really have cameras or not facing where you got the tag. If the answer's no, then you might wanna concider your options.

Mine would include a van and 5 or so homies and duct tape.

But you go ahead and come up with your own salution.

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I still can not believe this kid is so much of a pussy. Why the fuck would he call anyone back about something like this? And if he did, he shoulod of told them to fuck off and hung up. If you are going to try and get up, you need to assume some type of risk. Trying to say your sorry, just makes you look stupid.

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Fucking fag dude you need to think about shit and deny everything always. Who the fuck cares if they got you on tape. deny deny deny...


As much it may surprise people I have been caught in situations like this. Not to the point of where they called my phone but to where I went back to a place when I had another gig and they were like we need to talk to you. Brought me in the backroom with the people who supposedly saw me.


I just sat there and were like wtf are you talking about the entire time. Although I had no prior arrests so I just said go ahead get the police invovled and I will just tell them where you guys keep your stash of coke and still get off since again I didn't do shit.


Anybar you go to (if its a kick ass bar) has a stash of coke somewhere in their establishment...

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Mr. NERONEZ, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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NERONEZ: Man, rule one is - Keep your head straight when you're getting up.


Solution to your current problem. March down there paint over the shit. Boom! Gone. What fucking problem.


Solution to future problems. Leave the mop at home when you get drunk.


Tighten up your operation and implement graffiti stealth tactics.

Which leads me right back to the above statement.(this would be a good flow chart, I can't get that thread out of my mind)


One other thought. Someone in your story is untrustworthy. Since there were only two people in your tale I'm assuming you can't keep secrets when drinking. You left there and someone knew you wrote.


You need new/no friends.


Goodluck with the buff mission. Shit, you should buff it and hang a painting over the spot. Ha! Much confusion.

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I have yet to read the other responces, but here's mine.

You're "boy"s either a filthy snitch for diming you out, or he's seriously fucking with you in an attempt to try and punk you outa 6 bills.

Which considering he's supposed to be your "boy" and knows you have a newborn to support makes him a lowlife.

Either way he deserves to die.

My $0.02.


especially if you r boy has some sort of stock in that bar IE he throws shows there or drinks there all the time.. Seen it go down like this a few times... fuckin snitch bastards




also I would record convos with dude where hes blackmailing you, then flip the script on him and tell him its even

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i like how all these 50- n00bs are tryin to be all serius when they should all know whats gonna happen...


your a fucking dumbass and this guys isnt doing shit, he obviously knows your a punk ass whom he can hustle for 6 bills.

if you were real you'd find him in the alley, whoop his ass(if you could, but prolly not.) break his legs then skull fuck him, get his wallet, find out where his mom lives go to their house beat the shit out of the mom, tie her up , then you and your boys gangrape the dad in front of her while you force her to fist fuck you.

then you hide in the bar bathroom the next day(with the decapitated head of the guy you skullfucked) and wait for the other guy, start having sex with the severed head until that guy walks into the bathroom, once he sees you he'll be hella startled, at this point you throw the head at him (which you skullfucked, cause your a sick fuck.) once he realizes who it is thats when you strike.

hit him in the face with one of your chanklas, then grab his ankles and yank him so he falls back and smacks his head on the way down(hopefully on a sink or table) while hes knocked out, take his wang out, but dont dont start slobbing this guy up yet, youve got business to take care of, cut it off and put it in you pocket, you'll need it later.

while he still out, take his clothes off, and beat the shit out of him with a gameboy in a sock(use the old ass hand crank gameboys from the 90's) after youve beaten him to a pulp is when you smere shit on him, hopefully he'll get an infection. cut off all his fingers and toes, pull all his teeth out, and cut off the tip of his tongue(just for fun!) tie him up in your basement, and when he comes to, inform him on what happened, then fuck the wound where his wang was.

tell him if we wants to be set free that he needs to get you 6LARGE and the first season of friends on DVD. also tell him what became of his friend, and why not to fuck with you.

but of course this is what you would do if you was a real nigga.


love twinky.



ps i hate you and i hope you get buttfucked by some neo-nazis you homo.

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