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so i'll be going to a fantasy metal show in l.a.


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i wont have time to visit with the people i know out there, so im sorry.





i will be seeing epica. i think its funny that their name is epic with the cliche "a" at the end of their bands name.



i just went to their website to get more information and apparently they arent fantasy metal, they are a dutch "gothic metal" band. i had no idea gothic metal and fantasy metal sounded that close. i guess i expected gothic metal to have more... old buildings? i dont know. anyway.



this is how the band looks:




and uh, im pretty sure im going to stick out like a sore thumb without my studed everything or hoodie with thumb holes cut into the sleeves. its going to be awesome. maybe i'll even get to fight some gothic ass dude with some of this shit in the background. because seriously, kicking the shit out of someone to a sound track, especially a sound track involving (or sounding close enough to) fantasy metal is one of my dreams.



so i'll be in la 24,25,26.

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/\/\your argument is totally solid dude.


epica... they're alright. check out echoes of eternity, similar, i like them better though, actually i think EOE is from LA area anyways. they'll be on tour with EDGUY soon, very much worth seeing. and into eternity is on that bill too..


fantasy metal is a sort of extreme form of powermetal. its used real loosely now. dragonforce is pretty standard power metal, where RHAPSODY or BLIND GUARDIAN are better aspects of fantasy. Gothic metal is a bullshit term used to describe simple power metal... DOOM METAL is more inline with what "goth kids" are into, but its usually pretty tech.


to those that say there is an excess of subgenres within metal, yes you're correct. if you're into metal and/or are a music "nazi" you understand and appreciate, if you don't you say its gay and only slayer and corpse matter so you're a fag anyways. grats 2 u.

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DOOM METAL is more inline with what "goth kids" are into, but its usually pretty tech.


sorry man, i like doom metal too much to let that slide. doom would be heavy, droney metal such as BORIS, sunn 0))), earth or even neurosis and early jesu. its definitely more geared towards elitist record collectors and pot smokers than silly ass goth kids who go play dress up and go hit the town. fuck those nerds.


ps - speaking of metal, ill be going to see baroness in a few and will follow that up by seeing boris. honestly, my show schedule for the next three months is kicking dicks in.


pps - i hung out with some guys in a fantasy metal band one night...the conversation was so fucking absurd i cant even start to do it justice.

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Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes

Galloping hard on the plains

Chasing the redskins back to their holes

Fighting them at their own game

Murder for freedom the stab in the back

Women and children are cowards attack


even better....



You'll take my life but I'll take yours too

You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through

So when you're waiting for the next attack

You'd better stand there's no turning back.


The Bugle sounds and the charge begins

But on this battlefield no one wins

The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath

As I plunge on into certain death.


The horse he sweats with fear we break to run

The mighty roar of the Russian guns

And as we race towards the human wall

The screams of pain as my comrades fall.


We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground

And the Russians fire another round

We get so near yet so far away

We won't live to fight another day.


We get so close near enough to fight

When a Russian gets me in his sights

He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow

A burst of rounds take my horse below.


And as I lay there gazing at the sky

My body's numb and my throat is dry

And as I lay forgotten and alone

Without a tear I draw my parting groan.

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If I want to listen to some shit about how a bunch of dudes traveled the dark unforgiving seas battling ogres to find some magical amulet I want to hear it from some ill norseman dude from 1000 years ago, not some asshole that likes to wear armor and a cape while swinging an axe around. And they didn't have electric guitars back then so yeah

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If I want to listen to some shit about how a bunch of dudes traveled the dark unforgiving seas battling ogres to find some magical amulet I want to hear it from some ill norseman dude from 1000 years ago, not some asshole that likes to wear armor and a cape while swinging an axe around. And they didn't have electric guitars back then so yeah



you're one of those people who ruin things for others arent you.


you're the guy that points out all the inaccuracies in a movie while its playing, instead of just mentioning a couple of the problems you had with the film afterwards, right?




anyway - shit is going to be a lot of fun. im not even going for me, im going because a friend of mine wants to go. she's paying for the hotel the food and the tickets, so im really not worried about if the show sucks or not. either way im going to be plastered.


i also havent been to la in a couple months.

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sorry man, i like doom metal too much to let that slide. doom would be heavy, droney metal such as BORIS, sunn 0))), earth or even neurosis and early jesu. its definitely more geared towards elitist record collectors and pot smokers than silly ass goth kids who go play dress up and go hit the town. fuck those nerds.




sorry. i didn't mean to imply that doom metal is for goths, i would argue that the theme of doom however is in line with what goth kids are about. usually. of the bands you put up i'd actually only heard sunn 0))) called doom, usually experimental... i've been listening to november's doom lately, i'm digging them alot.



regarding excess genres being gay... no. if you listened to the music you would understand. there are huge differences between power and fantasy, though one stems from the other. death and tech death... i don't really like straight death, technical death (i've heard called new death, too) is usually rather amusing. melodic death is my favorite type of music, also called gothenburg metal... its all about structure and style.

if you don't listen to metal, thats fine, use death, power, black, or thrash and you'll probably atleast have a vague idea of how the instruments are played. once you get to the specific subgenres like fantasy you'll know about vocal style, idea of song structure and technique, etc.


hobbit metal. viking metal. barbarian metal. those are terms thrown around as jokes that get picked up by retards and used seriously.

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the reason why i said fantasy metal is because the one song i heard from this band before i made this thread sounded a lot like rhapsody. and, although i havent looked it up, im pretty sure they are fantasy metal because their records are one long story about swords or whatever.



as you can see, metal is one of the few genres i have yet to really dig deep into.

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hmm. i'd actually argue that calling epica metal at all is wrong. thematically they are in line with fantasy, but musically its very, very simple. somewhere past produced rock and a dash of industrial.


metal as a scene is fucking dumb. metal as something to enjoy is awesome and timeless.

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