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Originally posted by Con


Yeah, I'm down. I'll swing by your pad and hook it up while you got it. Maybe we can get a 'special guest star' in there too. lolololol.



i don't know...he hates this internet stuff...


hahaha..i have a pretty good idea of what the contribution would like like..lolololol!!!!

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Attention Mr. Rage...



i don't wanna fuck it all up..

but i'm goin after dropone

then Con is goin after me..


we're all in the same vicinity, so this will be very easy and no trouble with the mail.


thank you for your patience..

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one-fiftieth of a dollar


OK, I have some input for this concept in general, and some aspects people might not have thought of.

I think one book, one list is putting a lot of eggs in one basket. One mail screwup (like batches of mail catching fire due to the new anthrax irradiation - it's already happened), one raid on a 12ozer, one drunken party accident, you name it, and that whole book is gone.

Why not start ten or twelve books? It has these benefits:

-If one is lost, there's others.

-Everybody who wants in gets to do ALL books, so there's less waiting and more action.

-The ten or twelve book starters can be staggered all along the list, and the list can cycle back to the beginning when it reaches the end. (Example, person #40 starts a book, 80 people are confirmed on the list, it'll go #78, #79, #80, #1, #2 etc. and end at person #39.)

-Face it, some people are gonna let their crew members/friends/visiting heads get a page no matter what. Let 'em. If there's ten books, there's plenty of room for guests, just not all guests will be in all editions. To take care of the "twenty pages in a row of this crew", just have people skip around as to what page they use.

-I think it's better if people are allowed to skip around pagewise. It's harder for cops to figure out who's who if a book gets seized. Also, people are terrible about following directions, so there's bound to be somebody who uses one side and bleeds through, wasting a page. Somebody who was planning a collage can take the otherwise wasted side. The books are gonna get filled whether we go in order or not, so leave it flexible for the slow learners. People who are obsessed with order can strategically take a page that cleans up what they perceive as chaos.

-It's also harder for cops to figure out who's who if there's ten books rather than just one tightly controlled, well documented one.

-Since ten books leaves more room for guests, you'll wind up with broader participation from people who are leery of leaving their address via email, like me. I won't get on any list, but I'd guest spot if somebody I know has a book.

-Yes, ten books equals chaos. So what? People can check back in on here and say "we lost #8 in a raid" or "so-and-so never sent me #3" or "I haven't done #9 yet" and "where's #1 at?". There'll be some interesting stories later on. Hell, I might just start one and mail it to somebody.


MY BIGGEST POINT IS THIS: Too many cooks spoil the broth. The passing of months tends to fuck up collaborative projects, to a degree multiplied by the number of participants. I pity the folks trying to organize this. Mark my words, in six months a one-book project is going to have failed somehow, but a ten-book orgy should show some survivors. I'm not cynical, it's a great idea. I've just been involved in too many team efforts that crapped out due to human nature, or external factors.

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all very good points. however, i think its worth the risk to have one book. 10 books just seems to cheapen the whole thing. they become disposable. with one book, your ass better keep it safe. it seems like theres enough excitement about the whole project that people might acutally follow the rules and respect the bigger picture. with regular updates, the enthusiasm wont die out either. the end result is one killer book made by people who appreciate what raven has done for graff, not a pile of 10 scribble filled coasters.




that came out kind of jerkish, but i certainly didnt mean it like that, im just at work and typed something up quickly

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I don't think it's cheapened. You have one book at a time. People know the book is getting seen by many, so they want to come off. I think they'll take the same care with each one. I know I would.

I hope you're right. But I can just see a couple of people sitting around at UP or Scribble next year going "Yeah, it's too bad, it was at so-an-so's house in SF the night of the party, and he couldn't find it the next morning...we think so-and-so of TOY crew stole it."...this after 40 people and 7 months of progress.

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all good points. I agree that it would be rough if we sent out one book and we neared the end and it was lost/stolen/etc. But I also think if someone gets to hit up 10 different books, they will be more non chalant about putting a half-assed job in them. But, in the long run giving Raven 10 books rather than one would be worth it. But, one book with really quality stuff from so many people would be nice too. Beards, maybe have one book and only send it to people you know, and take up 5 pages per person. That would be a great appreciation gift for Raven. Just a suggestion. I say we do a poll. But not the actual poll cuz people who aren't involved could mess it up. Just have people reply in a seperate thread if they want one book, or 10.

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the thing i cant stand is the point i tried to make about one name one page being the end all comment about seven people in one city hiytting it. i know i have taken alot of initiative in this so i think that my opinion is valid. if your friends want to hit it they hit your page. there are only so many pages in a sketchbook dont fuck it up with your friends hitting nine pages because you got it in sf and then were flying out that day to west guam where you know someone.


OBEY the fucking list one name one page i am fucking serious about this. it pissed me off that fifteen people want to have the book at once. if you want your own fucking page sign up for it.


ONE NAME ONE PAGE. noone agrees with me because you all want your boys in it. inevitibly this will happen but please keep it to a minimum.

if you want the book sign up for it. it will be so much better to have it back in your "HOOD" several times rather than one huge cluster fuck.

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ultimately, and probably foolishly, we're all putting a lot of responibility on strangers to make it work. in the end if it has worked it will be really friggin cool. hopefully everyone is serious enough to do whats necessary to get to that end. however it goes down, i'll get this book going. willy, alkaline.. what up... its your baby.

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ah, and there he is.


it takes a lot to fill a sketchbook man, i think youre going a little overboard on the one page one name thing. 50 kids will fill 1/3 of the book like that, theres plenty of room. and if we need to start another one, fine. no one said it had to be limieted to one book, maybe just one at a time.


i strongly dissagree with it coming through your 'hood' several times, thats just holding up the line.

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i am really into the fact of a lot of people getting down that isnt the problem. it has to do alot with the fact that graffiti writers are notoriously late and the five day limit will be extended until all of someones crew hits the damn book. i think it is better to have it drawn written pissed in whatever by one person and then get it out asap. if anyone wants it real bad they can make an effort rather than having it get potentially lost in the fray.

but my opinions dont matter. because boys are more important than the project itself. hence why i keep my boys down to a minimum. i think as a person if you want to sacrifice part of your page for your friends that is amazing. shows you care etc. just dont fuck up other peoples pages.

all of this also stems from the other nature of graff writers that they are assholes and will sooner or later fuck up more than one page. there is inherent trust involved in this project and so the more stringent the rules and the better they are adhered to the nicer it will turn out.

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i think this whole thing has gotten way too complicated. im gonnna do a drawing in a sketchbook, have the local 12ozers hit it, and send it outto dee38 (or whatever # he is), its up to you guys what happens after that.

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Dee38 (chronLca@aol.com)

Alkaline (whyihatetexas@hotmail.com)

boxcarwilly (xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com)

TT Boy (heroin183@hotmail.com)

Santa Claus (stricks84@hotmail.com)

Comp (comp@provoked.net)

Secret (secret2create@sbcglobal.net)


Cipher_one (varivers804@aol.com)

NelACKson (nels0nb@aol.com)

theironfuckinggiant. (k804_908@hotmail.com)

blahblahblah (boxcarboogie@hotmail.com)

Zack Morris (pissyourpants666@hotmail.com)

Sofarok (sofarok@yahoo.com)

ink lunatic (main2style@aol.com)

nipples galore (lorduns@aol.com)

ElemEnoPee1 (jsk8r13@aol.com)

Tesseract (hypercube101@yahoo.com)

yoshy (pimpin8ez_son@yahoo.com)

Devilush (devilush_hiss@hotmail.com)

Obsessed (ObsessedOne@reject.net)

EatMorGlue (gluetown@hotmail.com)

boogie hands (boogiehanded@aol.com)

fr8lover (freightfetish@hotmail.com)


AFI (hffkpma@aol.com)

Gravy Baby (AlonsoTony@aol.COM)


KASTsystem (mike@kastsystem.com)

WebsterUno (big_D95112@yahoo.com)

Shameless Self Promotion (squirrelsrgood@aol.com)

dropone (writeonstuff@hotmail.com)

eros (samsoup@yahoo.com)

Suburbian Bum (EMAIL?)


big bruno (bigbadbrunojones@yahoo.com)

Mispantalones (aworder@hotmail.com)

smeoo (Australia, smeoove@vampirehunter.com)

Dr. Dazzle

NOWEone (mxpxblink13@hotmail.com)


Pilau Hands (Shinyhatemachine@aol.com)

Tyler Durden (insurrection18@hotmail.com)

drunk ass fr8oholic (fr8oholic@hotmail.com)

serum (Japan serum108@doramail.com)

cornelius (innominate@streetpunks.com)

INDEPENDENZA(montreal, demagoshkosh@hotmail.com)

blood & guts (eyeHATEme3@hotmail.com)

QbaOner (mole_sw@hotmail.com)

ASER1NE (jamalfredriks@hotmail.com)

THE DEVIL! (TRAINWRECK@worldnet.att.net)

wakassOATH (oathisgod@hotmail.com)

Are2 (rustoleumlove@hotmail.com)

crso (cea_five@hotmail.com)

anti-social (toronto, moniker416@yahoo.com)

tue skinny (iceboxeroner@hotmail.com)

stentoria (pandora@stentoria.com)


GingerBreadMan (intelligentmonkee@yahoo.com)

5:00 Shadow (FivePmShadow@hotmail.com)

GOBiloe (5:00 shadow email xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com for gb's addy)

there is the new list it is also on the website.



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OK this is what pisses me off people, and I really hope someone reads this.


The devil just said hes gonna go over the wack people with a big rubber stamp, thats just wrong dude. I think we should take him out of the list. Dont go over ANYONE! not even if they totally suck or if they killed your mom, or if you have beef or whatever. Its gonna be assholes like you that fuck this shit up!!!!!

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

OK this is what pisses me off people, and I really hope someone reads this.


The devil just said hes gonna go over the wack people with a big rubber stamp, thats just wrong dude. I think we should take him out of the list. Dont go over ANYONE! not even if they totally suck or if they killed your mom, or if you have beef or whatever. Its gonna be assholes like you that fuck this shit up!!!!!


All right listen up you fuckers cause RAGE is back...


The DEVIL! isn't gonna fuck up the book because he lives near me and I'll keep an eye on it. Knowing him, he's just fucking with your head (just like what I like to do :) )


Beard, have you gotten that expensive ass book or what? I can spot you some cash if you're low. E-mail me so we can set up a place to meet, etc. VermontGraffiti@hotmail.com


As for the rest of you the HAVEN'T GIVEN ME YOUR E-mails....DO IT, PLEASE. I for one would like to see this book make it all the way around with out a fuck up.

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Guest wakassOATH

the only problem i see with the book (i think its a great idea to do this project) is that some little toy will sign up for it and be a dick and steal it and say it got lost in the mail or something .. witch of coarse would piss alot of people off that or pages will be ripped out and people will cross others ..and that would really suck

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I'm not all that, but i'd like to be a part of this.

1. Dee38 (chronLca@aol.com)

2. Alkaline (whyihatetexas@hotmail.com)

3. boxcarwilly (xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com)

4. TT Boy (heroin183@hotmail.com)

5. Santa Claus (stricks84@hotmail.com)

6. Comp (comp@provoked.net)

7. Secret (secret2create@sbcglobal.net)

8. va_MisFit_01

9. Cipher_one (varivers804@aol.com)

10. NelACKson (nels0nb@aol.com)

11. theironfuckinggiant. (k804_908@hotmail.com)

12. blahblahblah (boxcarboogie@hotmail.com)

13. Zack Morris (pissyourpants666@hotmail.com)

14. Sofarok (sofarok@yahoo.com)

15. ink lunatic (main2style@aol.com)

16. nipples galore (lorduns@aol.com)

17. ElemEnoPee1 (jsk8r13@aol.com)

18. Tesseract (hypercube101@yahoo.com)

19. yoshy (pimpin8ez_son@yahoo.com)

20. Devilush (devilush_hiss@hotmail.com)

21. Obsessed (ObsessedOne@reject.net)

22. EatMorGlue (gluetown@hotmail.com)

23. boogie hands (why the hell were you taken out?)

24. fr8lover (freightfetish@hotmail.com)

25. Raiser

26. AFI (hffkpma@aol.com)

27. Gravy Baby (AlonsoTony@aol.COM)

28. Kr430n5_666

29. KASTsystem (mike@kastsystem.com)

30. WebsterUno (big_D95112@yahoo.com)

31. Shameless Self Promotion (squirrelsrgood@aol.com)

32. dropone (writeonstuff@hotmail.com)

33. Are2 (rustoleumlove@hotmail.com)

34. Con

35. eros (samsoup@yahoo.com)

36. Suburbian Bum


38. big bruno (bigbadbrunojones@yahoo.com)

39. Mispantalones (aworder@hotmail.com)

40. smeoo (Australia, smeoove@vampirehunter.com)

41. Dr. Dazzle

42. NOWEone (mxpxblink13@hotmail.com)

43. MR BOJANGLES (LOSTEROC@hotmail.com)

44. Pilau Hands (Shinyhatemachine@aol.com)

45. Tyler Durden (insurrection18@hotmail.com)

46. drunk ass fr8oholic (fr8oholic@hotmail.com)

47. serum (Japan serum108@doramail.com)

48. cornelius (innominate@streetpunks.com)

49. INDEPENDENZA(montreal, demagoshkosh@hotmail.com)

50. blood & guts (eyeHATEme3@hotmail.com)

51. QbaOner ((CT): mole_sw@hotmail.com)

52. ASER1NE (jamalfredriks@hotmail.com)

53. THE DEVIL! (TRAINWRECK@worldnet.att.net)

54. wakassOATH (oathisgod@hotmail.com)

55. crso (cea_five@hotmail.com)

56. anti-social (toronto, moniker416@yahoo.com)

57. tue skinny (iceboxeroner@hotmail.com)

58. stentoria (pandora@stentoria.com)

59. SKUMBALUCKAH (scumbaluckah@hotmail.com)

60. Ginger Bread Man (intelligentmonkee@yahoo.com)

61. 5:00 Shadow (FivePmShadow@hotmail.com)

62. GoBiloe

63. Teister (bboydetails@hotmail.com)

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Originally posted by -Rage-

As for the rest of you the HAVEN'T GIVEN ME YOUR E-mails....DO IT, PLEASE. I for one would like to see this book make it all the way aroudn with out a fuck up.


The list of e-mial slackers is as this:

8. va_MisFit_01

23. boogie hands

25. Raiser


eatmorglue alread has my email....heres a filler though so theres no confusion: deeznuts@boogie.com...

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Guest Handjob

Put me down, if at all possible...



1. Dee38 (chronLca@aol.com)

2. Alkaline (whyihatetexas@hotmail.com)

3. boxcarwilly (xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com)

4. TT Boy (heroin183@hotmail.com)

5. Santa Claus (stricks84@hotmail.com)

6. Comp (comp@provoked.net)

7. Secret (secret2create@sbcglobal.net)

8. va_MisFit_01

9. Cipher_one (varivers804@aol.com)

10. NelACKson (nels0nb@aol.com)

11. theironfuckinggiant. (k804_908@hotmail.com)

12. blahblahblah (boxcarboogie@hotmail.com)

13. Zack Morris (pissyourpants666@hotmail.com)

14. Sofarok (sofarok@yahoo.com)

15. ink lunatic (main2style@aol.com)

16. nipples galore (lorduns@aol.com)

17. ElemEnoPee1 (jsk8r13@aol.com)

18. Tesseract (hypercube101@yahoo.com)

19. yoshy (pimpin8ez_son@yahoo.com)

20. Devilush (devilush_hiss@hotmail.com)

21. Obsessed (ObsessedOne@reject.net)

22. EatMorGlue (gluetown@hotmail.com)

23. boogie hands (why the hell were you taken out?)

24. fr8lover (freightfetish@hotmail.com)

25. Raiser

26. AFI (hffkpma@aol.com)

27. Gravy Baby (AlonsoTony@aol.COM)

28. Kr430n5_666

29. KASTsystem (mike@kastsystem.com)

30. WebsterUno (big_D95112@yahoo.com)

31. Shameless Self Promotion (squirrelsrgood@aol.com)

32. dropone (writeonstuff@hotmail.com)

33. Are2 (rustoleumlove@hotmail.com)

34. Con

35. eros (samsoup@yahoo.com)

36. Suburbian Bum


38. big bruno (bigbadbrunojones@yahoo.com)

39. Mispantalones (aworder@hotmail.com)

40. smeoo (Australia, smeoove@vampirehunter.com)

41. Dr. Dazzle

42. NOWEone (mxpxblink13@hotmail.com)

43. MR BOJANGLES (LOSTEROC@hotmail.com)

44. Pilau Hands (Shinyhatemachine@aol.com)

45. Tyler Durden (insurrection18@hotmail.com)

46. drunk ass fr8oholic (fr8oholic@hotmail.com)

47. serum (Japan serum108@doramail.com)

48. cornelius (innominate@streetpunks.com)

49. INDEPENDENZA(montreal, demagoshkosh@hotmail.com)

50. blood & guts (eyeHATEme3@hotmail.com)

51. QbaOner ((CT): mole_sw@hotmail.com)

52. ASER1NE (jamalfredriks@hotmail.com)

53. THE DEVIL! (TRAINWRECK@worldnet.att.net)

54. wakassOATH (oathisgod@hotmail.com)

55. crso (cea_five@hotmail.com)

56. anti-social (toronto, moniker416@yahoo.com)

57. tue skinny (iceboxeroner@hotmail.com)

58. stentoria (pandora@stentoria.com)

59. SKUMBALUCKAH (scumbaluckah@hotmail.com)

60. Ginger Bread Man (intelligentmonkee@yahoo.com)

61. 5:00 Shadow (FivePmShadow@hotmail.com)

62. GoBiloe

63. Teister (bboydetails@hotmail.com)

64. Handjob drunkenbeerslut@hotmail.com

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1. Dee38 (chronLca@aol.com)

2. Alkaline (whyihatetexas@hotmail.com)

3. boxcarwilly (xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com)

4. TT Boy (heroin183@hotmail.com)

5. Santa Claus (stricks84@hotmail.com)

6. Comp (comp@provoked.net)

7. Secret (secret2create@sbcglobal.net)

8. va_MisFit_01

9. Cipher_one (varivers804@aol.com)

10. NelACKson (nels0nb@aol.com)

11. theironfuckinggiant. (k804_908@hotmail.com)

12. blahblahblah (boxcarboogie@hotmail.com)

13. Zack Morris (pissyourpants666@hotmail.com)

14. Sofarok (sofarok@yahoo.com)

15. ink lunatic (main2style@aol.com)

16. nipples galore (lorduns@aol.com)

17. ElemEnoPee1 (jsk8r13@aol.com)

18. Tesseract (hypercube101@yahoo.com)

19. yoshy (pimpin8ez_son@yahoo.com)

20. Devilush (devilush_hiss@hotmail.com)

21. Obsessed (ObsessedOne@reject.net)

22. EatMorGlue (gluetown@hotmail.com)

23. boogie hands (why the hell were you taken out?)

24. fr8lover (freightfetish@hotmail.com)

25. Raiser

26. AFI (hffkpma@aol.com)

27. Gravy Baby (AlonsoTony@aol.COM)

28. Kr430n5_666

29. KASTsystem (mike@kastsystem.com)

30. WebsterUno (big_D95112@yahoo.com)

31. Shameless Self Promotion (squirrelsrgood@aol.com)

32. dropone (writeonstuff@hotmail.com)

33. Are2 (rustoleumlove@hotmail.com)

34. Con

35. eros (samsoup@yahoo.com)

36. Suburbian Bum


38. big bruno (bigbadbrunojones@yahoo.com)

39. Mispantalones (aworder@hotmail.com)

40. smeoo (Australia, smeoove@vampirehunter.com)

41. Dr. Dazzle

42. NOWEone (mxpxblink13@hotmail.com)

43. MR BOJANGLES (LOSTEROC@hotmail.com)

44. Pilau Hands (Shinyhatemachine@aol.com)

45. Tyler Durden (insurrection18@hotmail.com)

46. drunk ass fr8oholic (fr8oholic@hotmail.com)

47. serum (Japan serum108@doramail.com)

48. cornelius (innominate@streetpunks.com)

49. INDEPENDENZA(montreal, demagoshkosh@hotmail.com)

50. blood & guts (eyeHATEme3@hotmail.com)

51. QbaOner ((CT): mole_sw@hotmail.com)

52. ASER1NE (jamalfredriks@hotmail.com)

53. THE DEVIL! (TRAINWRECK@worldnet.att.net)

54. wakassOATH (oathisgod@hotmail.com)

55. crso (cea_five@hotmail.com)

56. anti-social (toronto, moniker416@yahoo.com)

57. tue skinny (iceboxeroner@hotmail.com)

58. stentoria (pandora@stentoria.com)

59. SKUMBALUCKAH (scumbaluckah@hotmail.com)

60. Ginger Bread Man (intelligentmonkee@yahoo.com)

61. 5:00 Shadow (FivePmShadow@hotmail.com)

62. GoBiloe

63. Teister (bboydetails@hotmail.com)

64. Handjob drunkenbeerslut@hotmail.com

65. Harpo Marx (cen12bke@aol.com)

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I'm down. Although I'm perfectly sure this will never get to me. Beer,


El Mamerro



1. Dee38 (chronLca@aol.com)

2. Alkaline (whyihatetexas@hotmail.com)

3. boxcarwilly (xsodapopcurtisx@aol.com)

4. TT Boy (heroin183@hotmail.com)

5. Santa Claus (stricks84@hotmail.com)

6. Comp (comp@provoked.net)

7. Secret (secret2create@sbcglobal.net)

8. va_MisFit_01

9. Cipher_one (varivers804@aol.com)

10. NelACKson (nels0nb@aol.com)

11. theironfuckinggiant. (k804_908@hotmail.com)

12. blahblahblah (boxcarboogie@hotmail.com)

13. Zack Morris (pissyourpants666@hotmail.com)

14. Sofarok (sofarok@yahoo.com)

15. ink lunatic (main2style@aol.com)

16. nipples galore (lorduns@aol.com)

17. ElemEnoPee1 (jsk8r13@aol.com)

18. Tesseract (hypercube101@yahoo.com)

19. yoshy (pimpin8ez_son@yahoo.com)

20. Devilush (devilush_hiss@hotmail.com)

21. Obsessed (ObsessedOne@reject.net)

22. EatMorGlue (gluetown@hotmail.com)

23. boogie hands (why the hell were you taken out?)

24. fr8lover (freightfetish@hotmail.com)

25. Raiser

26. AFI (hffkpma@aol.com)

27. Gravy Baby (AlonsoTony@aol.COM)

28. Kr430n5_666

29. KASTsystem (mike@kastsystem.com)

30. WebsterUno (big_D95112@yahoo.com)

31. Shameless Self Promotion (squirrelsrgood@aol.com)

32. dropone (writeonstuff@hotmail.com)

33. Are2 (rustoleumlove@hotmail.com)

34. Con

35. eros (samsoup@yahoo.com)

36. Suburbian Bum


38. big bruno (bigbadbrunojones@yahoo.com)

39. Mispantalones (aworder@hotmail.com)

40. smeoo (Australia, smeoove@vampirehunter.com)

41. Dr. Dazzle

42. NOWEone (mxpxblink13@hotmail.com)

43. MR BOJANGLES (LOSTEROC@hotmail.com)

44. Pilau Hands (Shinyhatemachine@aol.com)

45. Tyler Durden (insurrection18@hotmail.com)

46. drunk ass fr8oholic (fr8oholic@hotmail.com)

47. serum (Japan serum108@doramail.com)

48. cornelius (innominate@streetpunks.com)

49. INDEPENDENZA(montreal, demagoshkosh@hotmail.com)

50. blood & guts (eyeHATEme3@hotmail.com)

51. QbaOner ((CT): mole_sw@hotmail.com)

52. ASER1NE (jamalfredriks@hotmail.com)

53. THE DEVIL! (TRAINWRECK@worldnet.att.net)

54. wakassOATH (oathisgod@hotmail.com)

55. crso (cea_five@hotmail.com)

56. anti-social (toronto, moniker416@yahoo.com)

57. tue skinny (iceboxeroner@hotmail.com)

58. stentoria (pandora@stentoria.com)

59. SKUMBALUCKAH (scumbaluckah@hotmail.com)

60. Ginger Bread Man (intelligentmonkee@yahoo.com)

61. 5:00 Shadow (FivePmShadow@hotmail.com)

62. GoBiloe

63. Teister (bboydetails@hotmail.com)

64. Handjob drunkenbeerslut@hotmail.com

65. Harpo Marx (cen12bke@aol.com)

66. El Mamerro (halvarez@risd.edu)

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