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porkchop: a video feed (get it?)


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very simplistic in form, but great in humor.



i had it done earlier but walked off to attend to things while it was being confirmed or whatever for youtube.


they will ban me soon, probably.


my fear is that they'll bring up that video about being granted the power to give everyone aids.


something like, "well, what does this mean?"


i won't answer.


then they'll be like, "we'll see you in court casek."

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i'll never forget the time i drank porkchop's bathwater that evening i crashed at her apartment...


she had gotten out of the bath to dry off that night, and i snuck in her bathroom, looked in the tub, and stared into the filthy abyss; a lukewarm soapy cesspool composed of her septic filth; dirt, oils, grease, dead skin cells, fat, pubic hair, urine, and bits of fecal matter. dipping my head into the water, i guzzled roughly four mouthfuls worth. the liquefied mixture soon proved devastating to my intestinal tract, and i collapsed in a corner into a fetal position and murmured like an infantile retard.

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this one day i snuck into porkchops house. i looked in the trashcan and what do i find? oh yes, crispy dried tampons. i chewed them and sucked them and dipped them in olive oil. i sauted them and made a gourmet dinner out of them. i fingered her dog's buttcrack with them and sold them to a quadrapeligic named Vladimir. It was raw.

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User has been banned



From: shady katie




Date: 3 Aug 2007 1:55

Subject: banned

Body: from 12oz,




fat and ugly.






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