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CLOVERFIELD... what is it ?


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i highly doubt they'll do the sequel as the same event from another point of view. i know that's one of the theories being tossed around, and as cool as it would be to see something like that, it would absolutely bomb in the theaters. something like that would be best as a short film (or a few short films) used as extras on the dvd release.


the better bet, in my mind, for a sequel would be a completely different city, whole new series of events. but still, i'm not sure how well that would work. i think part of what was so great about this movie was that, going into it, all you really knew was that it was some kind of monster/alien/lizard/bringer of death, rather than knowing exactly what it looked like.


i fully expect there to be a sequel/prequel however. it'd be hard to not want to follow up on the movie that had the highest January debut ever.


I agree that i don't think it would be as appealing if they did the same event from a different view as a new movie, but i'm pretty sure it was Abrams himself who said it, not just a theory being thrown around.


when all of you talk about good monster movies, yes JAWS was one and Aliens was another, oh also don't sleep on THE HOST!


This piece of shit, was no where close to the technical plots and great looking monster of the movies mentioned.

So please stop giving so much thought to this so called hidden story and big time propaganda of shit!

Thank you.



...Stop giving thought to the story? Right, let me be a robot and watch a movie and not care about the story. Ya, that's brilliant. icon14.gif


And since when was it "hidden"? If you consider hints and clues/viral campaign as "secret", then i guess so.

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Finally got around to watching this today. That was a fucking intense experience, I haven't felt so stressed out by a movie in years.


It's got its flaws, and may not live up to the ridiculous hype it amassed (I don't think there's any way it could've), but it's still an incredible cinematic accomplishment.


About Alien and Jaws, yeah you don't see the monsters much, but there's at least a dozen other things about those movies that are much more important to its success, and they all have to do with good direction. Hiding monsters back in the day was more a result of technical and budget limitations than a conscious decision by the filmmakers. You can show the monster as much as you like, as long as you know how to handle the whole film around it.

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the only thing i was thinking, or jealous of, was the kind of paper were these people making?

chick had a illlll apartment [even tho it was daddys] in midtown overlooking central park,

and the party they were having was held in a decent size loft downtown.

we knew what one dude did but what the fuck was everyone else doing for a living...?

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jurassic parl showed its 'monsters' perfectly and was still amazing



yeah, but most people know what a dinosaur looks like, so there is no need to keep an audience in suspense.


not only that, JP was a totally different type of movie. it was more of a family movie with a few "scary" moments. *scary for kids under 10 that is.

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yea ChaR, what is it made of that those bombs didnt phaze it?


there is more than one monster right?


the reason why i could see this being a small facet of a bigger movie, the guy on the bridge gets taken out by an octopus arm, but the thing rolling thru the city has arms for walking, and those smaller tyrannosaurus rex arms.


just wondering if anyone else caught that, how they feel about it, sorry if this info was posted i just dont care to read all the posts about how a movie is disappointing. its 2008 im ready to move on.

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the tail of the monster is what whipped the bridge down.


also the monster was supposed to be several stories high, i forget exactly how many but i'm sure it could have jumped up high enough to knock the huey down.


as far as the bombs, i mean, it's a monster movie. why does jason or michael myers ever stay dead? why is godzilla unbeatable?


suspension of disbelief.




this girl i know was saying the monster was an alien and i said that it was a sea monster. so she goes "how can a sea monster breath on land?" so i answered "how can a monster exist that can destroy manhattan?" it's a movie!

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About the bombs thing, i read someplace that since it was created in the deep parts of the ocean/ocean floor, it is used to extreme heat and therefore is barely phased by our usual means.


I think surprise buttsecks is the only way this monster can truly be taken down.


Bottom of the ocean floor or not nothing can withstand surprise buttsecks.

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Guest shai_hulud

I finally saw "Cloverfield". I thought it was okay, entertaining if nothing else. Not very cerebral. Definitely was good in the suspense department. I was a little disappointed it wasn't Cthulhu, but that's just me.


I still can't find out much about the monster or its origins. I think I would appreciate the movie more if I had some more insight into the backstory.

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Guest shai_hulud

I believe I have seen most of the official viral sites. I didn't look at the Myspace or any of the videos yet, though.


It's like they just wrote half a story, but left a lot- well, pretty much all- of the details out. If I had to guess, my money would be on the monster being extraterrestrial in origin. Hopefully, they'll fill in the blanks between now and the sequel since they could tie it in with the viral ads and websites.

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