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i liked this one the best, but only the lower half. i dont like the top half.


ive always been really into the idea of seams as 'art' and as the focal point of an image. ive never bothered to do anything with it, because i saw it done once before and i figure i cant do it better, but i like the idea. the top of the image is a bit too busy for me though.

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I think this one stuck out the most to me, the concept is simple but how the changing of colors of the line creates a abtract image of a very traditional shape is what sold me. The image you chose i liked at first i couldnt see but the top is a book cover with the pages ripped out.


Started this last night not sold on i dont usually paint with brushes and actually on an easel, so it was weird. But it was relaxing, and im sure i will destroy this image somewhere down the road by overlaying some other texture over it. But we will see. Comments on progress i will post the process as i paint it.












Im probably going to kill the turqoise expirement gone bad.

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if this were more refined (ie: the areas of color were more as i paint them, with tediously applied layers) and less 'slapped together', id love it just as it is. as youve said many times, you're super impatient. that works in your sketches, because it gives them a hurried, schizophrenic sort of feel that goes nicely with the letter structure. in your paintings, it often kind of comes across as just that; hurried to completion. atleast to me.


i think the thing that has always disguinshed and seperated the artists i like from those that i dont, is their work, no matter how simple, always has an aire of total intent about it. even if its a scribble, the scribble reads as totally natural as if it just happened by accident, but like...magical accident. if that makes sense. everything flows in a natural sort of way that rebels the notion of being 'thought' of, or 'created' and just just of 'exists'. if that makes sense without being art faggy.

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the 2nd painting in poesia's progression would be dope if it were flat flat flat and (-) the reds&purple

but that's just me


I've been drawing lately but it looks sorta kinda similar to the above, colors an all

and now i don't want to post it.



I'm liking John Fraser's work

a lot

thanks for posting him

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poesia --i don't really feel like i'm one to evaluate your work, but i guess if this were a class, everyone has to speak up when the teacher says "next." i think, like seeking said, when it comes to painting, you need to slow down. maybe painting is the medium that you need that zen moment to really progress in. it's art, and you're doing it for yourself, right? fuck time limits, just take it slow. in the image seeking posted, i really like the chaotic movement in the red, as it is there. this doesn't mean it's lost in the last image either. maybe make your outline a little bolder on the shapes, and play with thickness of line in those areas. does that make sense?


that's my two cents.

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Thanks guys for all the comments, i agree with alot of the suggestions and its not over i see this as probably 50% done of step one. I want like seeking said to layer transparent colors and also just work in sessions for the first time.


Being in a traditional studio type environment will let me evolve my process. I agree with beards i might have stopped it at pic 2 and lacquered and textured it to be complete. But i want to take this painting to build some different avenues. An experiment that i hope to at least pull one idea or technique from.


I think the painting might be ok but im already not feeling the initial composition. But the process in this painting is something i want to see for myself where it takes me. I understand what exactly seeking speaks of, and that is why i sometimes question some of my work because it all happens so fast and easy. I can create chaos sometimes, but i will attempt to do the same with alot more order. Ill post next phase as i do it.


Keep the comments coming.

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you guys are fags.



i like the piece in the second to last pic. id probably slightly clean up and strengthen some of the black lines. it has a real picasso 'nude descending stairs' feel to me. then again im stupid.

to be honest, i HATE the background. way too busy and slapped together looking for my tastes. not saying it's bad, just saying it's not at all my thing. piece is dope though.

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Im trying to push the outline forward then hit with more paint to push it back down add more depth, then im sure ill push it back out with more of the black outline.


The background is just kind of noise for now building color, but i have no direction on what i want it to end up like the Looseness doesnt blend with the piece, and if i put shapes of geometric design it would take away from the piece. Im think sold color somehow in the end. But thats whats bothering me. It would be just a piece, im trying build a painting.

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