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god dammn. i just watsed two hours due to my impatience. thats what i hate about acrylics. i have to sit, and wait. and wait. and wait. for one layer to dry. before i can do anything. and eventually my foolish impatience got the better of me and i essentially destroyed the entire peice.im not to upset. im just going to move on and post something decent by tommorow.

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i agree with mams, about disagree with heav.

i am at work working on my landscape.

8 layers of the same color.

this is going to photograph terribly.



to be clear i did state i might have over croppedededed...

to me the space at top and space at bottom is almost equidistant thus is neutralizes some bang IMO.



*** starting the excuse train before the piece is even done is wackola son.

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KOH i have things to say about your latest piece as well as others, its been a slightly more taxing day at work... but i will. I feel bad in that i have been ultra uninspired to make any work lately, or at least work that is appropriate for a thread such as this; so being critical and not also participating with work atr a decent level makes me feel douche-like. so Im guilty of opinions and no work.

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KOH i have things to say about your latest piece....



Ha. I can't wait.




"KOH you are a douchebag. Even though I usually like your art this will forever be the suckiest pile of dog vomint you have ever produced, even though I am a fan of your previous dog vomint. Besides, you are lame and fuck you too!


Your friend,

Hevs. "

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Dood...You guys know waaaay more art tech than me. That is all.


I'm even learning a few things along the way.




I have been feeding off this conversation/series of critiques like no other.


Thanks all !!!


Just so I dont talk with no work .. here is what I did for Puse and never posted.


Construction paper cutouts. Weak ... but break it down with some harsh truth if you see fit.


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you can dry acrylic in seconds like that.



its probably not my favorite piece of artwork ever done, but your approach, materials, etc outweigh the things i dont really care for on it. it implies a level of 'thinking outside the box' that matters more than the outcome itself. its good.

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you can dry acrylic in seconds like that.




Ah wow. its one of those things i should have thought of myself. But didnt.


I have made some progress on this thing. Its not up to par. Whats funny is i was going through my stuff right before i moved and i found a painting i did in kindergarden. so about 13 years ago. and i was just thinking wow. this is actually kindof tight. funny huh...

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Not exactly abstract but I wanted to share my interpretation of a Nintendo controller I did awhile back...




This is on a 18x36 stretched canvas. Acrylics and spraypaint. The buttons are globs of red acrylic poured straight from the bottle as is the word Nintendo and a few other details.

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I took the lame train into this project. I apologize. I did try to stick to the one line thing in regards to the structure... but other than that, it sucks in the biggest of ways. When Photobucket doesn't suck more than my drawing, I'll upload to the thread.


There is some great stuff posted so far... makes me feel even more like an uncreative pile of shit.

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i think it would be dope to do an abstract like piece of two people embracing, kissing or fucking

i may do one just cuz, but this idea came to me late night yesterday



shit, if thats the next challenge, count me in...


thats the basis for 3/4 of what Ive painted in the last 5 years


(well, either embracing or the lack there of /no emo)

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its all good. line drawings are hard anyway. i like it. i might write a more detail crit later.


for the next project i seriously seriously seriously vote no people. I was thinking of peice that represents Heaven vs. Hell. that or like robin hood.


dont mind me. its far to soon since i woke up to be writing this in the first place.

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so. definitely apprehensive because of all the insane talent in this thread.


but here's my landscape.


basically a one liner even though its in pencil.

sorry for the obscene amount of noise in these pics.





and, originally i did the pause colored with wine and coffee. it's also wack and not outlined but i'll post it if anyone wants.


and then i just did a new pause.






do what you must.


but its fun to have some sort of limits.

what's next?

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Keep the second one. im gonna just say ditch the the girl, she does not add to the peice... Clean up the lines and wherever the shading in pencil is id say make it solid black. and dont overlap the lines on the letters. like you did in pencil on the last two. then throw on a background and itll be a dope finished peice. i think...

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Joker that is some amazing execution right there. My power just went off so im mooching my freinds internet and am on my laptop. Damn windy boston weather. Anyway.


I like the simplified/styalized look of this. Shows you have been putting in work. Even if some random person posted that, i would be able to tell it was you who did it. The clouds are my favorite part. if anything id say that its underly simplified. and you probably made it far to difficult for yourself. But what do i know. I like it in general.

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my landscape is done, but i need a chance to take it out in the sun to photograph it. taking a pic in my apartment will never do it justice. not that its some masterpiece, but for it to make any sense, it needs decent lighting. hopefully sunday i'll be able to get it up, tomorrow im booked. sorry. i put a lot of effort into it though, so sink or swim, it's got ten hours or so behind it.

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jbrsh, I agree that the character detracts from the Pause piece, but I like the rest of it.


I also like the Golden Ratio stuff... I've done a few pieces based on it, and when it comes out right, it's almost sub-conciously visually appealing.



I started a landscape, but failed to complete it before starting this string of sixteen hour work days... so I'm going to be a little late on this one.

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