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King Of Hell

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"give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.. give a man a keystone light and he wont be thirsty from that big ass fish i just gave him"


keith stone

"give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.. give a man a keystone light and he wont be thirsty from that big ass fish i just gave him"


keith stone






i like where you live though

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"give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.. give a man a keystone light and he wont be thirsty from that big ass fish i just gave him"


keith stone



"give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.. give a man a keystone light and he wont be thirsty from that big ass fish i just gave him"


keith stone

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Some gems from Dorothy Parker.


"Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common."

"Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words."

"A hangover is the wrath of grapes"

"I don't know much about being a millionaire, but I'll bet I'd be darling at it."

"You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think."

"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue."

"I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true."

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"several members of my family perished in Hitler's concentration camps; but what were their deaths compared with the memories of a lost peroid in my life, a period that would never return?


This reconciliation with Hitler reveals the profound moral perversity of a worl that rests essentiually on the non-existence of return, for in this world everything is pardoned in advance and therefore everything is cynically permitted - Milan Kundera. Excellent writer.

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executive finger blast is an amazing name.


Its not word for word but it was something like


"My first fight was when a kid threw a dead pigeon in my face. I ran in there throwing my arms wildly. I threw more punches than he threw at me and I guess I won because I hit him more times than he hit me...That's the way it goes" - IRON MIKE TYSON

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anus poop will pee but anus pee will drip out of my ass hole n shoot thin strips of playdo poop out of my nipples into a can were it rests n frements for 13 days until 18st mexicali thuggish ruggish homedogs bark at the moon in the cold warm winter summer air water- john lenon

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One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. - Moliere



The injury we do and the one we suffer are not weighed in the same scales. - Aesop



Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. - Albert Einstein



The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true. - J. Robert Oppenheimer

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Thinking of supper, I asked, “You want us to do anything, Dad?”


“Persevere,” he said.


It was a better answer than we wanted. What else do you do when the landscape suddenly changes? When all mirrors tilt?


- Leif Engle, Peace Like a River

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