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holy roller.

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i was just prescribed xanax and paxil. i drink a lot, everday a lot. i've started to notice that i would get horrible anxiety/panic attacks the day after drinking, which would cause me to drink more so i wouldn't feel it. but, after a long cinco de mayo, floyd mayweather/oscar de la hoya fight, beer, vodka redbulls, and me pretending to be mexican the whole day by drinking a bottle of tequila the anxiety/panic attack the next day freaked me out. so i tried doing what i usually do, drinking...but it didn't help me this time. i took a xanax yesterday, but after reading about the side effects of paxil and xanax i think i'm not going to take them. i just need to cut down on the drinking.

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^good call. if you're prone to addiction and have alcoholic tendencies i wouldn't recommend taking benzos, as you'll run a high risk of developing a 2nd habit to compund the original one. and benzo addiction is a MOTHERFUCKER. xanax will put gaping black holes in your life.

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In certain cases, psychologists have actually used ecstasy to treat anxiety and depression.



I've heard of mushrooms being used as well. I tend to find that a pleasant, relatively low dose mushroom trip helps me straighten things out and feel better, sometimes for months afterward.

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  • 2 years later...

i get like this a lot myself. i went to the psychiatrist and got put on meds for my anxiety. it helped pretty good for the most part, but the problem is that you're not suppose to drink a lot on the medicine because it has an off setting affect. And since i'm pretty much an alcoholic, didn't wind out working so well.


my advice would be to go see someone, get some medicine, and see how you like it. I also try to force myself to get out more and get into those situations that make you uncomfortable, and just try to adapt. you never know, you might have some fun.

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My advice would be don't listen to the above poster and just run out and get put on meds because you have a little bit of anxiety. Not saying people don't need meds, because i've been on my fair share of them before, but it isn't something you should just be jumping into without doing research so you actually understand what you're getting yourself into going on some of these meds. Depression and anxiety meds are no fucking joke and everyone reacts very differently to them. What may be the miracle med for one person might turn another person into a zombie or make them even worse off mentally.

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Most of them drastically lower your tolerance, so you just need to be really careful with drinking until you figure out what your new tolerance is like/until your tolerance goes back to a normal level. It affects everyone differently though, so some people might not notice any change in tolerance and others might suddenly be catching a huge buzz off of 2 drinks.

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taking adavan or lorezepam (spelling) and having one beer FUUUUUCK me up. sometimes not in a good way. thats just me though. i know others, like this one dude who has a fear of flying who drinks a shitload before getting on the plane and tops it all off with an adavan, and hes good to go.


but to holyroller, i would suggest seeing a psychiatrist who can explain to you the reasons you dont gotta trip off shit so hard. and those anxiety medications do get you to chill out.

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I black out for periods of a few minutes or so, but I drink alot, pretty much every night, so that's not too bad. I don't remember the ride home? Oh well, prolly wasn't too cool anyways


The last time I took Xanax (quite a few, after drinking alottt) I completely blacked out. Beat up my girl, smashed her phone, ran up in some girl's apartment and dragged my girl out of it, tried to fight some Crip faggot, and then threw a Corona bottle at my own boy's car before apparently being driven to a friend's house where I put out a bunch of yak, and then passed out on the couch. Woke up in the AM with absolutely no recollection of it...no more xanax for me



Drinking on pills can turn you into Satan himself, as is the case with me

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most of what has been mentioned also applies to myself.


things i find that help:

-when meeting new people/groups introduce and observe, socialize once comfortable

-having your own space and time is good, take a step out of the room/party/what have you to collect thoughts

-manage the piff. take days of from blazin(remember your intake when you first started, should it be 100x more or close to the same amount)

- find your own comfort level and strive to stay at that level

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Cocaine will make you feel good about yourself. But I think if you really want to feel confident you just have to clean up to what you'd say is comfortable. And then go be honest with people. You want to meet people go say hi. Don't kiss anyones ass. Don't take shit. Just know you have nothing to lose. And don't say everything in your head just take your time and say what you want. Just be yourself. No one is going to over analyze you for being awkward so there is no need to over analyze and worry about what people will say or do. I don't know I used to worry a lot too. You just got to know who you are and don't try and impress people you don't want to be like.

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I’m a very socially awkward dude, and especially when it comes to meeting new people. I even get this anxiety when I’m around people that I know pretty well, and it's mentally paralyzing, causing me to leave the group of people I’m with or even avoid meeting up with them in the first place. Sometimes when I’m at parties and shit, I get so nervous that I leave without telling anyone and go do my own thing. I’ve become pretty good at avoiding situations that induce these feelings, but that doesn't make the problem go away.


The problem is that I want to meet knew people and feel comfortable in the group. I’m tired of being the introvert and I want to talk to people but I just get so nervous. This shit even happens at my family gatherings. I want to get better at casually conversing with others without felling like an idiot. My mind just goes blank when I’m talking to someone, it's like I can only think straight when I’m by myself.


I feel like I need to be forced to experience these situations until I learn how to function, or get some kind of prescription for anti-anxiety, I don’t know but it drives me crazy!


Any advice?


Honestly this has been a pretty serious problem for me for a lot of my life. I have felt exactly what youre describing a lot of my past years and its pretty obvious a lot of people have to deal with this shit so don't feel like it's something super unusual.


Here are some small tips.


1) Environment- Who ever told you to find work where you meet a lot of people is on the right track. Try finding a decent call center or something along those lines. Somewhere where people are quite social and also possibly where people are constantly coming and going so if you feel embarresed with someone, chances are they will be gone next week and you can practice with someone new. I also found traveling to be great for this. All in all though this won't cure your anxiety, but it will help treat it.


2) Therapy- The most commonly prescribed form of therapy for anxiety is called cognitive behavioural therapy. This is where you basically stop and look at the thoughts you are thinking in these situations, reflect on if they make sense and then replace them with more accurate statements about yourself. Again, I have not found this to be the answer to my problems but it is a positive step. I think a lot of people beat themselves up without even knowing it.


3) Psychiatrists etc- Also when choosing a therapist understand that you have to take your anxiety in your own hands. Therapists are like any other profesional. You will find some good ones and some not so good ones, and ultimately they can only suggest things, so do what's best for you. It's a bit funny but I honestly believe if you think about it the same way you think about choosing and dealing with a lawyer after you've been arrested, you'll be on the right track.


4) Anxiety management- What you may not yet realise is that you are most likely hyperventilating when you are in social situations. This cuts off oxygen to the brain and can play a big role in why you can't think straight around people. No joke, try yoga and breath awareness meditation. (n/h) Both these things will help you slow your breathing down, relax more and think more clearly. It's no secret that regular exercise helps as well. By regular exercise I mean aim for two or three hours a week specifically set aside for it. Some kind of class or team sport is good or if you like something more solitary. I ride my bike on a weekly basis and do yoga. I've been meaning to take up mma as well. (I'm quite busy though).


Currently, after wasting a lot of time with therapists (it might work better for you though); having some pretty bad problems with alcohol/drug abuse, aggression and of course alot of petty crime, this is where I'm at. I'm still quite anxious but I'm doing my best to really manage it and it makes a real difference to the point where things look a bit more promising.


I haven't jumped on meds yet, mainly since I don't like the sounds of the side effects but in the next couple of years I may have to. See how we go I guess.

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if shits really that out of control.... Its a slippery slope tho if you want

my honest opinion. I have a similar problem. Im not socially ackward

but i get waves of panic. If you go the xanax route make sure to go

it slow. .5 3X per day or something like that. I kno so plenty of people

that eat 5 bars a day and walk it out in a blur

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More casually speaking.


the simple truth is half these niggas telling you not to give a fuck what people think are right. If you can do that, then great. Above all just try to be cool with yourself. Being a bit nervous really isnt the worst thing in the world. So don't let it mess with you too much. No ones better than you because they don't have those problems.


So you know, go get that girl, fuck that other fool trying to compete with you for her attention. Put your hand up in class and tell people what you think even if youre a bit jittery while you're doing it. Chances are you are alot smarter than that other guy who's talking a lot anyway. You may suprise yourself.

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on a related note.... i filled my scrip. 2mg sticks 3X a day. I set the alarm on my

phone for 10am 3pm and 6:45 pm. Another attempt to take my meds responsibly

and not eat them all before the weekend. Wish me luck. benzofaceoner 5stickdroppa

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is anxiety the same as fear. like one of those 21st century euphemism like cops not saying killing but terminating.they seem like almost the same thing. are they the same feeling? i could look them up but this is way more interactive than an online dictionary so i thought i'd just ask here.

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anxiety... if i had to describe it... at least as it relates to me is the feeling of tension and discomfort when there is no reason to be feeling these symptoms.... Like the guy watching TV... completely insulated and isolated but for no good reason you find yourself ruminating and worrying. Feelings from nowhere when there shouldnt be any that make you feel like you need a cigarette... even if you dont smoke

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