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The dream i had last night. Feat Mero and Earsnot.


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Last night was one of those nights so tired that i couldnt fall asleep, so i put on infamy and passed out about 20 minutes and had the REALEST feeling dream of my life. which went something like this:


I'm outside this bar in new york waiting for someone, (i dont know who) they are really late and im getting pissed..its really cold so i decide to finish my cigarette (I've never been a smoker but in the dream i was) and go inside on my own.


I walk in, grab a drink and notice that they're doing some "freestyle battle" competition inside. The "this is thug shit/splashers" asian guy is there but they wont let him battle because he hit that white guy....The only other person who hasnt battled is me so they give me the microphone and tell me to go inside i explain to them im not an emcee and im only here to watch and i have never done this shit in my life, they dont care i have to battle. Fuck im really nervouse because im about to make a fool out of myself...


I find out i have to battle earsnot. The judge makes him take off his irak hoodie because its glow in the dark and could distract/blind me (this made perfect sense in the dream) He pulls out this crazy verse that i cant really remember and everyone cheers for him, he's all nice and then hands me the mic and goes no hard feelings its a battle whatever is said isnt taken personally.. I spit a rhyme kinda like this (it sounded a lot cooler and witty in the dream)

"Yo, that rhyme you spat was not hot/ what came out my ear when i heard that was earsnot"


He gets REALLY pissed and starts YELLING and takes a swing that i duck, mero holds him back and says some shit to him, they shake hands and earsnot walks off. PHEW i think. Mero walks up to me and says "yo we gotta go man, he's not gonna let this go you have to get in a train and get the fuck outta here, come with me"


We walk out the bar, ITS FREEZING! (i could feel cold and warm as i walked in and out of the bar which has never happened in dreams before) we start running for what felt like an hour, he's chugging a bottle of kristal and throws the bottle against this door as hard as he can...the door opens and we get inside as its a warm place to hide....he flicks on the light and i realise its the alife store. I start panicking....holy shit im fucked, this guy will be pissed off BIG TIME! mero finds this highly amusing he's laughing his ass off and filling his pockets with krink and alife cigarettes....earsnot is entering the store through the back enterance and i hear his keys jingle i cant get out the front door its locked so i kick the window and smash it it cuts up my leg and i can feel serious pain there is blood everywhere and i can feel it trickle down my legs...


I tell mero, "dude we gotta go" he's laughing and were running down the street again for a few blocks, he starts catching tags with the pens he took im like "common its not the time lets go" he says something like "YO DOGGIE WE CANT BE IN THIS PART OF TOWN AND NOT CATCH SOME TAGS MY DU!" fine i take the pen and hit up some doors, a bike cop yells freeze and we both start running we cut through some ally ways and we see that tweaker girl in that photo he posted sitting there nodding off, he laughs takes a silver mop and squeezes it on top of the girls head as it all runs down her body looking just like one of those mailboxes in the kr book.


I look around, it seems to be safe im drinking some water and i see an irak tag, i touch it, its wet...my heart drops and i turn around to see earsnot but he's 4 times he's usual size i go to take a punch miss, he takes my head and slams it on curb and BOOM i wake up.


Has to be one of the CRAZIEST dreams ive ever had. probably because of the deep sleep i was in.


That is all.

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A couple of weeks ago I had a dream that me and Zerocool were sitting around, watching movies and drinking. Then we had a couple of shots...


It was like my brain got lazy and shot me a re-run of a month ago.


I woke up and laughed.

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I had a dream that I fought some other prominent writer in my city, (who is a nark and gave me up at one point). He had moved into my house somehow, and I got sick of it and tried to kick him out. I fight ensued where we where both doing damage but no one was clearly winning. Then we both rested for some reason, he came back again and I thought 'fuck this puto' and picked up a small wooden baseball bat I had in the doorway. I belted him until he was on the ground, then in a blind rage, kept smashing his head with it until his skull resembled a squashed pumpkin.

I woke up thinking, damn could I do that?

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I think its interesting how in dreams we accept everything as it is without question.



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earsnot is a fag anyway.

he would rape you not beat you.

maybe rape you after a beating.

i dunno


true story...homosexuals love raping straight guys instead of fighting them....just like blacks like traveling in groups and raping white women.


this is fact....ask the 1880's about that shit.

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I have alot of fight dreams, but in them I punch really slow and it feels like I'm not really doin damage, which is strange cuz of course I've got the one hitter quitter haha


I talked to a few people and they've said this happens to them too, any of you guys?

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