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Nah, it was the newer ones I was referring to, plus I ain't a big fan of the Xbox d-pads either.


But I find it strange how Rockstar hasn't gotten vehicle licences yet, when the True Crime games did. Then again, I find it funny how they name the cars and change minute details in them, although since they are starting the series again they shoudl have gone for licenced cars.

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Growing up with Nintendo controls, I am accustomed to no diagonals and there is no reason why you can't hold 2 buttons at once to form the diagonals. I mean, in GTA it isn't a big deal, but I found it weird playing Street Fighter 2 on the 360 and for some reason I couldn't dragon punch properly (even after spending well over 1000 hours playing it on Super NES as a kid).


But on SA on the Xbox, I had to learn a whole new control scheme after playing it on the PS2 and it seemed nowhere near as fluid as the PS2. Trust me I initially hated the PS controls (I prefered my favorite control of all time- the N64 ones) but grew used to them. Even after playing Scarface recently then going back to GTA I have found it weird in some respects.


We should have talked about this in the video games thread, but anyway to get back on topic, does NY have a red-light district like in GTA3? You still better be able to pickup hookers in this one too! I love these games for the humorous touches like that they put in (and the spermbank in Scarface).


Since it is NY too, they better have some of NY's finest bands in the soundtrack (Dream Theater especially!!)

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Why did ICB come in here and definitively prove that GTA IV was in NY. After nobody questioned it once, since we have several pictures?


And I think the Statue of Liberty was really more of a dead give away than some Coney Island Rollercoaster...

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Who gives a fuck about licensed cars?
I do and I dont. What I really give a fuck about is how good this game will be.


But the 360 controllers L, R buttons are still not as comfortable as the PS ones IMO.


But I am glad someone agrees with me about how fucked up the GTA games controls were on the original Xbox.


I hope they get some improved AI for when you recruit gang members too, as in SA they were pretty useless and just seemed to run into my line of fire all the time.


Whats this Koyanassski thing? A movie or something?

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Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance is a 1982 documentary film directed by Godfrey Reggio with music composed by minimalist composer Philip Glass and cinematography by Ron Fricke. The film consists primarily of slow motion and time-lapse photography of cities and natural landscapes across the United States. The documentary contains neither dialog nor narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and the music that accompanies them. In the Hopi language, the word Koyaanisqatsi means 'life of moral corruption and turmoil, life out of balance', and the film implies that modern humanity is living in such a way.



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Also in brand new news....


"Rumors have been going on the past few months of Grand Theft Auto IV making its way to the Nintendo Wii. Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo America, has been pushing Take-Two for a Wii port of the game. It seems his hard work paid off, early this morning a trailer was added to the press website of Rockstar Games announcing GTA IV for the Wii. Because the Wii is not powerful enough to render the same graphics as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, it seems as though they've gone with the old engine or perhaps an edited version of it."


I probably won't be getting this, just because it's not really GTA4. It seems like GTA3: Liberty City 2...


But for people that can't afford a new system or love the wii..


Here is the trailer.



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Thanks for the info.

I have never seen it so I could never had made the connection.

Now I know what the reference is, and the meaning of the word, I think it is quite apt they have 'bitten' that movie, as GTA should be about those themes. I mean, picking up hookers, blowing peoples heads off with sniper rifles, owning strip clubs, dancing at the gaybar, do you really think humanity isn't living in such a manner already, not just in the GTA universe?

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Also in brand new news....


"Rumors have been going on the past few months of Grand Theft Auto IV making its way to the Nintendo Wii. Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo America, has been pushing Take-Two for a Wii port of the game. It seems his hard work paid off, early this morning a trailer was added to the press website of Rockstar Games announcing GTA IV for the Wii. Because the Wii is not powerful enough to render the same graphics as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, it seems as though they've gone with the old engine or perhaps an edited version of it."


I probably won't be getting this, just because it's not really GTA4. It seems like GTA3: Liberty City 2...


But for people that can't afford a new system or love the wii..


Here is the trailer.





that's generally my feeling. i have a wii, but i figure if a game comes out on both xbox 360 and wii, get it for xbox 360 (or ps3, whatever you have) -- better graphics, more power which means more features and bigger and better levels. i think the motion controller is nice, but overrated. i only have a wii for games like zelda and trauma center and other shit that is specific to their motion controls.


that said, something tells me that trailer is fake. tommy verscetti was speaking with the same eastern european accent as the guy in the official trailer. plus it was just posted on april 1st by a message board poster... just my guess



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