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the un official workout thread


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i need a trainer or someone who really knows what the hell they are doing with deadlifting to teach me. never even tried it, because im too fucking nervous with the way my spine is. you can't tell when im just standing up, but when i lean over like im touching my toes, you can see i definitely have an arch/hunch to my back that makes it pretty much impossible to keep my back perfectly straight/flat which is pretty crucial to deadlifting.


the lack of dead lifting is something that's made me feel guilty for a while now, but it's not worth the risk until i can get someone at the gym to teach me. and for the most part when it comes to posture and form i don't trust most people there...

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Deadlifting is by far the simplest of the major lifts, but you do need to do it properly.

It will take some time, but that is fine cuz you won't be using insane weights at first that could potentially hurt your back.

Watch Dave Tate is

video and follow his instructions.

Then go HERE and pee what Smitty has to say.

Both are great resources.

Start deadlifting, man.

You will figure out the form by going in with some knowledge from those videos and experience.

You need to do it right, but there is no need to be paranoid about it.

You learn by doing most times.

Main thing is to get to the point where you feel/do the lift with your hamstrings and ass.

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Deadlifting is by far the simplest of the major lifts, but you do need to do it properly.

It will take some time, but that is fine cuz you won't be using insane weights at first that could potentially hurt your back.

Watch Dave Tate is

video and follow his instructions.

Then go HERE and pee what Smitty has to say.

Both are great resources.

Start deadlifting, man.

You will figure out the form by going in with some knowledge from those videos and experience.

You need to do it right, but there is no need to be paranoid about it.

You learn by doing most times.

Main thing is to get to the point where you feel/do the lift with your hamstrings and ass.


Don't drop the bar brah!


Are you on /r/fitness? You sound like it. Starting deadlifts this month. Looks boring as fuck.

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"Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation."


BB.com makes me think of that copypasta and the roids dude on Tosh.0 immediately after it is mentioned 100% of the time. Misc board ftw.

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yikes. i think most props body builders give to each other like that tend to lean to the pretty homo erotic side of things. hah even Arnold in his book would describe dudes' physiques as beautiful and mesmorizing.



anyway, been on my 1 day on 1 day off schedule for like 4 or 5 weeks now. definitely digging it because by the end of that day off im itching to get back to the gym, which usually makes for a good workout as where before i'd just feel tired from going constantly. works for me although Gas i know you told me i most likely wasn't over training in the first place.

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hah why? i'll say some of the stuff stands out to me as bullshit like how they are all about being natural body builders yet they have so many supplement reviews for bullshit i would never want. i guess some people define natural as no steroids and others define it as no supplements at all.

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Those guys are fucking morons.

Everything they say is completely wrong for anybody that is relatively new to weightlifting to follow.

Even for advanced people their advice just promotes lazy, poorly performed weight sessions.

They do half reps on EVERYTHING.

Their diet advice is god awful and contradictory.

They only make videos to gather money from their Youtube partnership and to contradict people with real factual knowledge of weightlifting and nutrition science.

Same with Lui Marco.



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The key to losing weight and getting cut up is the following,I have years of experience and tried all routines,but this will get rid of the belly,rip you up and plus make you feel like a kid again,you will feel the effects even when not working out.

Do a 5 day split,legs,chest,arms,backshoulders with abs and forearms everyday.Off days I would do 1 rep max on all compound exercise

What you do is be a slave to the 30 second rest between reps,do 4 sets 30 seconds timed with a stopwatch....you might feel like a dick because you will now be struggling curling 20lb dumbells.Sweat will be in your eyes and you wont believe the difference after 3 weeks.

Do about 7 or 8 exercices per bodypart and keep your workout at no longer than an hour....try to keep your reps around 15,12,12,10

Before you sart calling me out try it

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