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gasface propped for the youtube user names.


other than weighing yourself, you can always buy a bodyfat percent tester online...its not super accurate but its cheap...about $30....



Omron Body Fat Loss Monitor model HBF-306C(Black)


^search that on amazon


youre gym should have one or calipers...and gym should have a scale too if you dont want to buy one.

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gasface propped for the youtube user names.


other than weighing yourself, you can always buy a bodyfat percent tester online...its not super accurate but its cheap...about $30....


No sweat, bruh.

I'm here to help.


I have a set of cheap calipers.

The accuracy isn't so much as important as your consistency with them.

Same goes for your scale.

If you are using the same scale/calipers, with all other variables remaining constant (time of day for weigh in, after pissing, etc...) and weight and bf % are dropping, then they are as accurate as you will need them to be.


Try to get a digital scale tho lol.

Eyeballing lines on analog scales is weak.

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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah, i get your point. but i only to do it for warm up sets since im only lifting at between 60-80% of working weight anyways. for the next three sets, i use proper form with feet on the floor and go heavy. if i decide to do last set with light weights until failure, i lift my feet again (i actually just put both feet up on the bench itself). i have noticed that lifting feet into air makes me work harder to stabilize myself on the bench, and it makes me focus more on pushing up equally with both arms rather than have the bar tilt down towards the weaker arm which i see all the time at my gym with people trying to go heavier than they can actually handle.


here's another explanation i found:


By placing the legs on the bench, you push the pelvis back into it's neutral position (posterior pelvic tilt). It's the safest approach, and is generally used to PROTECT a client's back. It engages the abdominals as well as the transverse abdominis and teaches proper posture.




I usually do a bit of both. Do my own research and then look at a bunch of supps and see which one has what im looking for in it..an example of this would be that there are several types of creatine (different forms), but if say i wanted a supplement that contained more than just one form of creatine, i would get an intraworkout like gaspari's sizeon...it has creatine monohydrate, magnesium creatine chelate, and disodium creatine phosphate in it. What pre-med classes you taking?


I just finished taking Anatomy and Physiology and did an independent study course prosecting cadavers. Taking Microbiology in the fall.


I'm really looking to move from be 6'4", 280lbs to around 250. Ideally with more muscle than fat.


Thanks for all the advice. I am going to read that link that gas face ( I think ) posted.

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time to donate the clothes to the homeless....at least thats what i did when i lost all the weight.


getting rid of them and buying smaller sizes will help keep you fit....cause you know you cant go back to what you weighed previously...or else your clothes wont fit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started my new workout routine at the gym today....focused on arms.

Did some cardio too and felt great.


I havent been going to the gym this past month and a half....only sporadically here and there...need to be more consistent with my visits.

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Sometimes I go out of boredom on rest days and walk on the treadmill and listen to podcasts


Its either that or drink with roommates

The choice is easy.

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^^^ I often do this too! Just to have something to do or get out of the house, or if I've been sitting down all day. It's nice to hang out and get your legs moving a bit for a half hour or so. Most times I keep it at a mild pace and read a book that I'm currently reading or studying. I've been actually running on the road for fun lately as well.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

ive fallen off...need to stop making excuses and get back in there.


yeah, with dumbell press you can work arms independently too at the same time, so theres no cheating...ive seen lots of people in the gym benching and from a distance you can see the bar tilted downwards towards their weaker arm.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

You guys ever fuck w the StairMaster?


That shit is fucking evil


10 min mile on there feels like 3 on a treadmill


I've been doing 20mins at the end of my workouts. No holding on to the rails either, that's for bitches

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