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the un official workout thread


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So... i been using a machine similar to this


Usually throw about 100 lbs on each side and do 2 reps of 15 then take 100lbs

off and push it as many times as i can. Usually around 30.

Someone left 100lbs on the bench so i figured. What the hell. Big mistake.

Forgot to factor in gravity i guess. So basically i ended up looking like a punk

and almost died. I really dont want to be that guy that can only bench 75lbs

and i realize the only way to not be that guy is to put in the work. In doing so i

need to incrementally work my way up to acceptable weight and be that guy

struggling over 75lbs.


if you want to bench more... get on the bench and under a bar and off that machine


not a thing wrong at all with using light weight. there is always someone stronger.

you are much better off learning the technique and form and leaving your ego at the door.

soon enough, you'll be ahead of all the gym rats that are intimidating you now.


when i started doing squats a few years ago, there was this guy that would work up to a max rep set w/ 275. and was only going half way down. i thought he was he-man. a few years later im doing ass to the ground w/ 315 and he is still doing the same half squats with the same weight.

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pretty much it's don't give a fuck about anyone else

do what you feel comfortable doing and doing it correctly

just tune into your ipod and zone out like no one else is around



side note;

i started going to planet fitness and got their membership for $20 a month

the 'lunk alarm' is stupid as fuck. i set it off my first day there, it barely goes off though

other than that it comes with tanning. having only been to 2 other gyms, it's alright for what it is

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planet fitness is ok if you dont make ANY noise and want to use machines. the price is good. but the gym is totally pansy. be prepared for lots of curling in the squat rack, strange looks when you hook up your bands to do bench presses, etc. i've been to two planet fitnesses. one basically allowed you to do what you wanted as long as you dont make noise, the other one has a sign that says 'no dead lifting.' enough said.


they dont allow outside equipment, even jump ropes. i've snuck in chaulk, dip belts, a foam roller and bands though. this was at the location that didnt really give a shit about any of this though.. your mileage may vary.


dont forget about the free pizza nights. hahaha. damn planet fitness is hilarious.




i am thinking about joining, you really can't beat that price. most gyms near me work out to be about 5-7 hundred per year when all is said and done. i did a little online research and asked a few girls i know that work out there. yeah, it's totally pansy, but at the end of the day there is a fair amount of equipment, it's close and again the price is right. $10 per month is worth sucking up all the lameness. i can't believe that most of their gyms only have dumbbells that go up to either 45 lbs. or 65 lbs.


they call themselves a "judgment free zone" but from the looks of some of their policies, they have already passed judgment on a large group of fitness enthusiasts.


yeah, they have a pizza and bagel night once a month from what i've heard. that's ridiculous. it's almost like having someone feed you spoonfuls of ice cream every time you come up from each rep of a sit up.


also, there are some chubby girls there, so that's some easy pickins...hahaha. "hey chubby girl, never mind free pizza night, i got some cake back at my crib."

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i almost forgot why i was coming in here.


do any of you juice? like veggie and fruit juice, not like sust and deca juice...haha.


i am looking to buy a juicer and read a few reviews of some online. i did it a while back by the machine i had sucked, so i got turned off real quick.

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  • 1 month later...
Any good advice for forearm building? Seems they are pretty hard to build up.


go to your weight bench, put on an insane amount of weight and twist the bar...builds up your forearms quite nicely. It does however grind down the metal so some gyms might ask you to stop. I'm assuming planet fitness would be one of those clubs.

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go to your weight bench, put on an insane amount of weight and twist the bar...builds up your forearms quite nicely. It does however grind down the metal so some gyms might ask you to stop. I'm assuming planet fitness would be one of those clubs.


You can also get a normal bench bar and hold it behind your back with your arms hanging at normal length, hands facing forward, and twist backwards. It'll get you a good work and not ruin the bench bar.

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i hear that fat bars and 'fat' grips you can add to dumbells are great for grip/forearms.

my forearms suck, definitely not popeye by any stretch, but i can hold my own i guess.

i've messed around with plate pinches, wrist roller (can be improvised with a string/small rope and the end of a barbell on a rack, just tie string to plate, then spool it on the end of barbell and start rolling up and down) super heavy 'shrug' holds, etc. i should probably start doing wrist curls along with this other stuff to try to beef up my forearms


tell you the truth, i need to do more of this i think. although most guys will just tell you dead lift. and that is all that matter for grip. if your grip isnt failing on a heavy dead lift, you are good to go

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i hear that fat bars and 'fat' grips you can add to dumbells are great for grip/forearms.

my forearms suck, definitely not popeye by any stretch, but i can hold my own i guess.

i've messed around with plate pinches, wrist roller (can be improvised with a string/small rope and the end of a barbell on a rack, just tie string to plate, then spool it on the end of barbell and start rolling up and down) super heavy 'shrug' holds, etc. i should probably start doing wrist curls along with this other stuff to try to beef up my forearms


tell you the truth, i need to do more of this i think. although most guys will just tell you dead lift. and that is all that matter for grip. if your grip isnt failing on a heavy dead lift, you are good to go



I've been hitting the deadlifts pretty hard recently. Got over having metal bars in my left leg

which was something that kept me from doing the leg work as hard as I should've been.


I'll try the twisting deal. Also been using one of those squeeze deals to improve grip, some towel pull ups, etc.


I hate being an ectomorph.

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i like the idea behind p90x....my workout partner (/nh) downloaded the entire program from torrents and we might start this after summer.


It's intense. I'm about to start aspects of it and continue with some of my normal weightlifting. I like the whole concept of muscle confusion.


Check the P90X transformation vids on youtube. They're impressive to say the least.

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It's intense. I'm about to start aspects of it and continue with some of my normal weightlifting. I like the whole concept of muscle confusion.


Check the P90X transformation vids on youtube. They're impressive to say the least.


yeah...the muscle confusion concept is what i was talking about.

as soon as muscles start to adapt to one exercise, they switch it up.


i want to start, and have dumbells at home, but no chin up bar.

but i do have a gym membership, but cant work out with the videos in there.:o

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yeah...the muscle confusion concept is what i was talking about.

as soon as muscles start to adapt to one exercise, they switch it up.


i want to start, and have dumbells at home, but no chin up bar.

but i do have a gym membership, but cant work out with the videos in there.:o



You don't need much. Also, $20 will get you a door frame bar. No screwing it in.

By the end of summer I should have made a huge leap in size.

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are you following the nutrition program they have too??


No, I'm on my own nutrition program. Being an ecto means I have to eat a shit ton of protein and carbs every day (my shits are massive). It actually gets pretty hard to do and I end up taking a break and eating normally every few days.


Besides, I'm not going for sculpted trophy guy.

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yeah quinoa also has a lot of protein in it....i think more than any other grain....i eat it with chicken or salmon sometimes.

my workout partner swears by oatmeal every morning, but i cant do it...not even the quaker oats flavored stuff. :(



A scoop of peanut butter and a little powdered cocoa make it palatable. Otherwise it reminds me of eating vomit.


I basically just shovel it in my mouth and swallow /NH. It's a trick I learned from eating shrooms in my youth.

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Yesterday I was at the gym doing my routine and saw this kid trying to curl 40lbs dumbbells. He was struggling to pull them up and throwing his body around to do it. He seemed pretty pleased with himself despite getting the screwface from me and a couple other members. If I see this kid again, I think I'm going to tell him whats up. :nope:





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i almost forgot why i was coming in here.


do any of you juice? like veggie and fruit juice, not like sust and deca juice...haha.


i am looking to buy a juicer and read a few reviews of some online. i did it a while back by the machine i had sucked, so i got turned off real quick.


jack lelane.


powerjuicer, son.

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yeah quinoa also has a lot of protein in it....i think more than any other grain....i eat it with chicken or salmon sometimes.

my workout partner swears by oatmeal every morning, but i cant do it...not even the quaker oats flavored stuff. :(



i never used to like oatmeal, but actually really like the taste now.

have you tried steel cut oats? different flavor and texture. only downside is it takes 30 min to cook.


dont sleep on stone ground grits. dont mess with the quaker grits... get stone ground. if you dont live in an area of the country that sells them (most areas dont).... get them online.

these http://www.foodforthesouthernsoul.com/PRODUCTS.htm are damn good. get the mixed yellow and white and make sure to cook with milk and not just water.

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