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Damn I got it in last night. I drank a 5th of Stoli after work, then met up with 2 of my boys and smoked a canon ass L. After this it was only about 6 o'clock and my boy called me about a party. So I show up and it is fucking crazy. There was allll these people I haven't chilled with in years and all these people I went to school with. The crib had a big screen TV and a pool table and this nasty ass patio setup outback. Also equipped was 2 kegs. So I got even more drunk all night long, some faggot ass dude tried to fight me and I was just laughing in his face cus he would of gotten stomped the fuck out. After chugging mass amounts of beer I then ended the night by walking to the store around the corner at around 4 am and racking a blue Powerade and a bag of beef jerky. Went back to the party and just blacked out on the couch and woke up around 8:30 this morning and had to walk home in the rain.


All in all it was a good ass time, and it was only Thursday, hopefully tonight will be dope. I get to go pick up my check from work today too, hallah.

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Maybe in whatever faggot town you live in but where I'm at the word jawn is as common as those people who call soda "pop" and shit.


Anyway, last night was fucking ridiculousssssssssssssss. I chewed two of them sailor jerrys, drank 5 bottles of wine and a bottle of brandy while making Sangria, smoked an 8th of nugs, chewed two of the yellow Perc 10s and did a little blow. I'm still crazy body high steez after sleeping a good 6 hours. Cheers.

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No No....No cheers. Physically your philly ass shouldn't even be able to make posts right now. After consuming 10 percs, some blow, weed, and all that alcohol, you shouldn't even be able to type correctly even on 6 hours of sleep. Ps the word jawn is ridiculousbut I get more ridiculous words in the bay.

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2 percs mang they were 10 milli, not 10 of them but i didnt eat them with all that shit i picked them up on the way home today cus i planned on getting all faded off them and laying around enjoying my day off and recovering. dude i dont know physically i can like move around and stuff but i can't think about shit really my mind just goes blank and i got no motivation. my friends did the same shit as me but i drank like twice as much, somehow those motherfuckers drove from delaware to philly at 4 a.m like that.

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Yeah that was still a ridiculous amount of shit I did, I don't really know how. The bombs made it feel real good to drink stuff so I would just chug big glasses of Sangria over and over and chain smoke. My boy just went to the Flying Fish Brewery after he dropped me off, I can't even think about drinking man fuck that I'm gonna have the runs all day. I hope I'm cool by tomorrow for work I don't wanna feel like ass.

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I wne tot a party tonight my ex's boyfriend, the kid I beat ypui about a montha go, was at...I'm makin li;l comments to him the whole time and he's sayin NOTHING, but one of his boys ended up feelin brave so I ebgat the fuck outta him in the middle of a absement FULL of his boys


Team Al;co repsaresent!

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