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I got up today and decided working 13 hours didn't sound like too much fun to me, so I went back to sleep for 7 more, bringing last night's total to 18 hours


I'mma go to my parents crib, steal some food, then go to work for like 6 hours

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Nice work guys.

here is some songs you should listen to about the 12 steps you get taught in AA so you don't ever leave the team. As long as you can stand progressive rock you should be ok, and they are all part of 1 song, with maybe one more to come.

And who says alcohol affects your memory when a heavy boozer is responsible for writing and remembering how to play this?



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WTF is a 17 year old gettin laid for?

Lucky cunt!

Anywa, I polished off a bottle of wine, haven't eatne in 8 hours, feeling good.


Gonna go have a shower and maybe hit the sack...


...or not be able to sleep and come back on here.

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It has real gold flakes in it...


Tastes like cinnimon makes your teeth hurt the next day...very syrupy...mix it with Dr.Pepper...trust...




Mauler if you cant get it in Futureland I'll send you a bottle of it when we do the packages...


and when I say package...



I mean package...

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yeah the mix needs to be done well...one part goldschlagger one part bacardi but you gotta go two parts pineapple juice to make it tolerable


SOME 1 gets the channel zero award for comedic amplitude today...ive busted up twice now and its only 11am


im going to go get some magners get drunk and take pics

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this past memorial weekend i got the most fucked up ive ever had(i just recently started drinking on a more hardcore level). i was on nothing but coronas and i remember waking up hearing my friends :


"damn this nigga hella sweaty"


as they were writing on my face, i knew they were doing that but didnt evn care to stop them. then i threw up on my face and they scattered. i saw the pics the day after and got a good laugh. i remember most of the stuff i did such as "the worm" move on my friends floor but other momments i cant remember at all such as the pic where i was laying on the kitchen and when i was in the bathroom washing up after throwing up.

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I myself have calmed down in recent days due to my impending exams, but you know as soon as I am done, I will be shitfaced.

I did polish off a bottle of wine last night that gave a nice buzz though.

Fucken 2:35am and not even tired, and I have to get up at 8 on Thursday to rush to my exam. Gonna try to have a short sleep this morning like 4 or 5 hours so I can drop easily tomorrow night.

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Damn man! From Coronas!

I can have like a carton of them and still feel alright as long as I am moving around doing shit while drinking them. If I sit still on the couch or whatever, they get me slightly buzzed, but it takes alot of em.

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worm is dangerous manhooover when your drunk. I was at some country western bar because my friends are retarded. I was breakdancing shit faced. Some other line dancing homobreaks out the worm. So I did it backwards and forwards out of some windmills the last one WHAM! right on my face split lip everything...that was after me and 3 people drank the big bottle (is 375ml the biggest?) of jager withing 4min techno song on the radio... shit was intense I was falling down drunk within 10 min of walking into the place making fun of random spanich kids who were playing pool in this shitty ass country western white people bar...

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