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dude i have been designing this fucking promo pack and advertisments for shos since 3pm its now 11pm...I havent had a drink what the fuck...1 hoegarden, 3 honey brown, 2 magic hat...all got my name on it. ST PATTYS IS CANCELLED FOR CT TOMORROW!!!!


Rescheduled for the March 24th...damn...

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Damn. I am feeling the effects of a huge drinking session at the uni tavern that continued with a mate when I got home. Lasted hell ages, and was given a viagra tablet from a chick.


Should I take it around my ex's house and have the craziest hard-on of my life??

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I should start posting in here I have been drinking basically every day lately it is insane the amounts I can drink without getting drunk alcohol is getting more and more expensive, I think I need to resort to doing shots in quick successions of one another to achieve the desired smashed state.

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Well I only had a couple of drinks tonight. But I know where you are coming from shaolin, I have the gut and tolerance level to prove it.

The best thing I find to do is to change your beverages around. Like if you are immune to beer, try spirits or wine. If you mix and match enough, you shouldn't get too tolerant to any one thing, or at least thats how it works with me anyway.

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Wheres Zerocool?

I haven't seen him post on here for a minute.

Hopefully he hasn't has a slip and slide accident!!


I'm hearing you on the budget thing, I have to do the same now my income is zilch. But hey, I can't compromise on liquor, so imports it is still gonna be for me

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One of my hobbies lately is to get drunk and talk shit on 120z. I've talked shit to Seeking about public transit which I just discovered in another search. I explained to Mero that Puerto Rico was a slave colony and thus he is a descendant of slave traders. I added to the RZA thread. All of these were pretty much the way I think so I can't say I regret anything...and than I posted in Crossfire!


I'm on my third bottle of wine.

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speaking of imports

Tonight/morning it's been sapporo, asahi, kirin ichiban, & abita. fucking tasty fucking beers

Wish i could find some Tiger

Stopped in trader joes wines today. Cashiers piss me off.

I do well on the imports for a broke person


sentences all out of order but whatever


If you're on the asian tip like I am many times, and if you can find it...




The Red Rice is fantastic! Its expensive at least at my watering hole it is but that is a gourmet place with over 200 different beers from around the world at all times.






If you ever go to CT...this is the place to drink...



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Damn, After a few Heineken today with a friend I haven't seen in a fair while, I switched to Corona. After a whole pizza and 9 or 10 beers, I feel about to explode internally, although in my head I feel great.


Might be time for sleep though.


Your local has a good deal on Stella it sounds like. Exploit that shit. Why on earth would you drink a local beer with the good stuff at that price? I saw cartons at the bottlo near my ex yesterday of it for $48.99, which is as cheap as it gets (for Stella in code that I have seen anyway)

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Damn, that isn't too bad.


But anyway, I am pissed off as I went to the beach today and went in the water with my phone in my pocket. The keys still light up but I am unsure whether the screen will work again.


Maybe I should lay off the boozy swimming??

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If you're on the asian tip like I am many times, and if you can find it...




I'll definitely look out for it. Thanks

I get my beer from a 200 beers spot aswell.

Yeah the asian tip seems to do it for me (2nd)

west indies (1st)

russian/polish (3rd)

but in the end i'll drink just about anything except guinness (sorta blasphemy for a west injun, but it's too bitter imo)

shoutsouts to drunk rants and great sentence construction above me

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