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my new GYN is finger fucking one of our sales girls


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what an idiot


dude is in his late 30's. married to a HOTTIE and has kids.


this sales girl is like 23 and the most immature not to be truted type of chick you could imagine. she gets black out wasted and can not control her actions or her mouth.


i almost hooked up with her when she started working here when things were really bad with my girl (things are still really bad i think i'm pretty much officially single now) but i didn't go through with it because


a- i had a girl

b- it's not smart to fuck your co-workers


but dude is piping her!




he's married with kids and he's her boss!


this bitch can not keep her mouth shut. she already told me. she's gonna totally fuck up his life or if it gets close to that she's just gonna get fired.


this is pretty rad.


i already resigned from my job and my last day is feb 28th so i totally don't give a fuck what happens here. it's gonna be so much fun to see how this drama unfolds.




thank god for a little soap opera in the work place to make life more interesting.


-G :china: :china: S E

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Re: my new GM is fucking one of our sales girls


hmmm... lemme see if i can dig any up. she's pretty sexy. little chunky. big titties and nice ass for a chinese girl for sure. her face is ok but she parties so much she got the worst dark circles under her eyes you can imagine. the GM is a big chinese due with a beer belly and rolex. lols. lemme see if i can find pics.

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Re: my new GM is fucking one of our sales girls


at my job this fat mexican bitch fuck the owners son and now she is pregnent. so the owner rarely shows his face around cuz he is to embarressed, he just sent his son to rehab cuz kid has a nasty heroin addiction, and he jus found out about this shit 2 days ago. the look on his face was priceless

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Re: my new GM is fucking one of our sales girls


i found pics. hold up a sec.


yeah still stuck in hk.


hk is the shit.


my friends are ballers.


i go to clubs and sit at tables and drink dom and models ask me why i'm not single.


it's rad.


people here think i'm cool!





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Re: my new GM is fucking one of our sales girls


A 37 year old guy at my work has twin toddlers and a wife. He started having an affair with a pretty cute lower 20's girl at my work who had already slept with a few folks. she even acused one of said dudes of raping her but than invited him to her birthday party a few months later to give you an idea of where her head is at. Also she has herpes and he did not - oops.


She left the company so we all figured end of story (everyone knows). The other day there was a used condom right in from of his desk after he came back from a long lunch.


His wife found out at one point so they sleep in different rooms but he just keeps going. I think it's great...

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