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You ever go writing with people for the first time and somethin about them just pisses you the hell off? Whether it be their toyish behavior, balls out trippin every alarm to everyone around you about what business you be up to, or vice versa and they lack the initiative on any front to get things done. I just feel like im fucking babysitting whever i write with other people. Am I alone on this? What say you, 12oz?

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  • 1 month later...

love to go out alone... it's totally different then acting as a group. Love to just put some music on and take the bike...


Specially when there's alcohol involved, other people piss me off more then they help me. It seems like i'm the one thinking bout escapes, extra pairs of gloves, spotting cops first etc.. hate to rely on people

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I usually paint too fast for people, I know what I'm going to do before I even see the spot. I also follow basic rules as to not make spots hot and things of that nature, usually doesn't fly when people are just out to crush. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just not my bag. Painting with people is really difficult sometimes, unless I've been drinking. Then I'm just trying to get up.

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You ever go writing with people for the first time and somethin about them just pisses you the hell off? Whether it be their toyish behavior, balls out trippin every alarm to everyone around you about what business you be up to, or vice versa and they lack the initiative on any front to get things done. I just feel like im fucking babysitting whever i write with other people. Am I alone on this? What say you, 12oz?





I hate TOYS and I hate bitch ass writters,

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i lov ebombing wwith toys cuz they get mad scared "yo some one just walked by yo lets just leave" hahahahahahahahahahahaha


great, so you like painting with people that are always jumping the gun.


So when police/security/hometown hero finally swoops down on you it's too late to run because you thought your accomplice was just getting spooked again for the 15th time.


Real smart.

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great, so you like painting with people that are always jumping the gun.


So when police/security/hometown hero finally swoops down on you it's too late to run because you thought your accomplice was just getting spooked again for the 15th time.


Real smart.





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  • 4 weeks later...

i went bombing with this dude for the first time once, and he did nothing to lower his voice. i was hushed and wispering and his voice was just fucking booming. dont really paint with him much anymore, but i got a crew mate that i paint with on a regular basis.

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I try to paint with someone of equal ability that keeps me pumped you know. Nothing is worse then going out at 2 a.m. then comming back at 3:30 because your partner didn't want to get alot of paint on his hoodie or didn't feel like climbing a barbed wire fence to bomb some transit..... not speaking from experience...

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i agree definately with painting with close friends..


and when it comes to painting with toys..i prefer to go with them, not to paint with them, but to keep a look out, and or heckle them for sucking and being slow.


besides, painting in small groups has its perks..if one or two cops, super citizens, security, whatever shows up, splitting up definately makes it a lot harder for you to get caught

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i lack the motivation to go out painting by myself, but when i do its usually with one or two people and they know how to act...


the first and only time i have been pinched in my 5 years writing was when i was writing with people who didn;t give a fuck, he was painting a hollow piece on a main road on some fuckers fence!!! when you go painting with drunk people and people who lack the judgement and don't give a fuck you get pinched...


i've also gone out writing with the type of people who write in front of people and in broad daylight, their just fucking stupid! people who will bomb a train while theres 6 people watching without a mask...


the morale is, don't go writing with loud people who dont give a fuck, go writing with people you can trust your life with...

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