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police appreciation thread


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What trip are you on? The way you talk is totally fucking racist, whether you like it or not. It doesn't affect me, I just think you're an idiot for talking like that and I will say that: You are an idiot for talking like that! It's not funny and it's not edgy and you're not "offending" anyone, you're just a tool. You think there is no difference between calling someone "black" and calling them a "nigger"? That means you're a fucking racist, dude.


B. If I quoted all your boring-ass posts then I'd be here for hours and hours doing it. No, it's really a matter of timing and mood. You happen to post a lot more stupid ass shit than everyone else, so it just so happens you get picked out more. There is no "agenda" here. You make yourself public, this is what happens. You don't want someone to call you out for being a name-dropper, a self-absorbed motherfucker, or a racist? Too bad, you make it all public and it just takes off from there. There's no irony in pointing out your worthless points, my friend, and I am missing none of the subtext.


3. "Earn a special spot in the mods hearts"? What the fuck do I care about that? Nothing! Not everything is an internet popularity-contest, dickhead.


And honestly I didn't read this, I've decided you just have a huge crush on me and I'm going to leave it at that, and everytime you follow me around to argue with what I say I'm going to continue to believe that it's the strong feelings you have for me that are confusing you and making you hate me...


Let it out chump, let it out.

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^^ Take your own advice there, swifty.





Lens: AFS did not say anything racist, maybe you're reading something I'm not. Saying "That's because niggers commit more crimes dude...." on the other hand, as well as saying all sorts of similar shit on other threads....Are you sure you're not playing favorites? Once or twice, you say that shit, maybe it's a joke, but it comes out of this kids mouth all the time.

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And honestly I didn't read this, I've decided you just have a huge crush on me and I'm going to leave it at that, and everytime you follow me around to argue with what I say I'm going to continue to believe that it's the strong feelings you have for me that are confusing you and making you hate me...


Let it out chump, let it out.





Don't lie, you read it, you must have been sitting around waiting for me to post because you sure responded fast. Go diddle your free PS3's you fuckin' baby.


I'm done here, though. I'll dig into you some other time, in some other thread. 'Till then!

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A $215 dollar ticket for smoking? Where the fuck where you smoking???



Medicine Hat, Alberta man... fucking cigarettes.. Thats what all tobacco tickets are here if your not 18. I have to admit tho, we have some kick ass cops in this city. Ive had ones walk right by while i was smokin out of a pipe at partys, or this one time they caught me with an ounce and just took it away.

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lastnight i had a cop stop me for riding without a light and listening to headphones while riding. apparently tht's illegal, i had no idea.

he politely informed me of the rules of the road, then instructed me to have a nice night.

that's 3 good cop experiences in a week.

cops love me.

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police in honolulu really suck.....i almost got a ticket for smoking a cigarette cause i didnt have an id to proove i was over 18 (im 20).....how bored could you be?


That's all? Cops in the rest of America shoot niggas like it's a sport. Fuck you and yo cigarettes.

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Thanks officer for not giving me a ticket for a broken windsheild, giving me a sobriety test (I was sober but it would of really sucked at 330am in the middle of the ghetto) or giving me a ticket for packing 8 people in my camry. last friday night when I came to pick up my friends after their car got towed. I pull into the parking lot and instead of getting in the car with the 4 girls 4 guys run to the side of a subway start takin a piss. Cops pull up on both sides of my car and I hear:


"Guys you seriously couldnt have held it till you got home?"


then my friend returns with "Sorry officer we are all really wasted right now"

the cop says "Who the hell is driving you then?" and I get a flashlight in the face


I was like I just came outta bed cause these kids cars got towed. I actually just left the bar they were at a half hour before them. Then he see's my windshield shattered on the passenger side.


cop"what happened here?"

me "I honestly dont know it happened at a concert"

cop "ok get out of here before you get robbed"


thanks ociffers if I get one more ticket than I lose my license for 5 months again...

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I work at a downtown restaurant that gets alot of cops almost every day. The owner insistes on giving cops 50% off all their meals. Almost every one of those cops tip the other 50%. So they aren't taking the discount and I get a huge tip. People come up to them while they eat all the time. They are always friendly and answer the peoples questions. It would drive me nuts to be bothered by people while I eat. Plus, they always talk about the funny shit that drunk people say.


This summer some asshole tired to steal a purse from an old lady. The two regular cops that eat at my restaurant heard the yelling outside and took off. They chased that guy for three blocks, beat his ass, returned the purse and finished their meal. They called the paddy wagon over to hold the suspect while they ate. I was fuckin' awesome. The old lady loved was crying she was so happy to get her purse back. I know that there are bad cops in the world but I have alot of the respect for the officers who work downtown.

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i'm kind of pissed actually. i filed a police report, and gave them more info to find out info for me. i need this assholes insuarance information, so i can get reimburshed for the busted windows ..i mean i wasnt there, but he got arrested..so how hard can it be?



when you dont need them, they're all up in your guts. but where the hell are you now?

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Looks like the NBA needs more cops hanging out at floor level to police those thugs that dribble the round ball then divert back to their roots of straight street ballin'.


Unless, the Commish is tryn' to make the game more like hockey....then sweet, I'm all for it.

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