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Aww shit.

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Try hockey for almost 30 years, then get back at me.


Seriously, what you have there is an avulsion injury, you can't do anything about it really. It's gonna hurt real bad for a week or so, then just every time you knock it against anything for a couple months. I have cut my hand in the deli slicer before, what they do for you is put some neosporin on there, then a gooey release cloth over it, cover it with a bandage, gauze it, tape it and send you on your way. You probably want to take a bit off from hockey to limit the chance of infection. They don't even hook you up with a good amount of pain killers.

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It looks like it's added cause it was swollen. It was a diagonal cut across more than one axis (it wasn't straight chomp down the finger), in the second picture you can see the ellipse formed by the flat area, it starts halfway down the fingernail.


It was a paper guillotine if you're wondering.

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Paper guilotines are dangerous, esp the old ones they had back in highschool that were rusty and loose. Those were the types that would come down on your hand without question..


I should have kept the other piece of the finger, it was pretty neat, you could see fat cells and shit. I threw it away though, it was mixed in with my apples for apple sauerkraut..


I ate the kraut, and it was great.

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