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Racism At Work


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So basically, i'm making this thread after recent events at work. Plainly to see if any fellow 12ozer's have had similar experiences or care to share their thoughts/advice and so forth with this situation of mine.


So its' a regular day at work as it starts, everyone's busy as fuck trying to keep up with the rush of things, i work with 4 brazilians, two cubans and three 'african americans' and one irish korean woman who's the accountant. its normal for the rest of us to make jokes all day everyday, its how we make work bareable being the main minorities in hawaii *next to white people* but anyways, a few co-workers start with the usual rounds of jokes, mainly the two cuban homies crackin on the brazilians being 'asai berry eating fuck-o's'' and so on, and it makes its rounds to me, and i actually responded with a quote from the movie 'Mobsters" (remember that kinda wack movie with christian slater) well anyways, the irish-korean account comes storming out, AFTEr hearing everyone else's statements, and literally points at me and says "You're a Racist!" after everyone laughs it off thinking she's joining in, she makes a remark towards me being a "filthy spic" so thinking she's sarcastically joking i tell her back "better than being a confused accountant, not too sure if you're counting potatos or fake nail tickets back there?" and she walks off....9hrs later i get pulled aside by my boss's husband saying..."well i know you were joking, i know all you guys were, and i don't know why she's but hurt about this but she is, just making sure its cool between you two since she's willing to drop it'' so i figure...aight, she's a pussy and can't take hypocracy considering what she called me first and so on.....so today i went into work thinking it was all chill....untill a security and 'protocol' advisor pulls me aside telling me shes' considering filing charges against me...wich would be federal. however! since i didn't report to a higher authority, about hte comment she made first, even though i got co-worker witnesses, it would be considered 'hearsay' and not admissable....so word.

anyone else got a fucked up person at work creating a shitty situation for you?????

and also, am i the only person left in this fucking place who can take a joke?????

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My first day at my new job i got told "the chef you're working with is a black cunt, but he's alright" The chef laughed more than anybody.


Racism isnt even racism to most people anymore. Thats how it should be. It seems actual racist people are the ones most offended by racism. Everybody else realises its just pathetic.

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the worst I got at work is some pill popping whiteboy that wishes he was "down with the browns" so to say. I did once get into trouble though in highschool at a retail job for saying to a co-worker, "if you do that your fucking gay." and he was gay and he bitched to the higher ups and I got a weeks vacation out of the deal.


play the rqace card, your hispanic and she's part irish which means she's part white. Your more minority than her. Just make a big deal out of shit, bigger than her....or just not care and let it blow over.

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On my way out right now, so I'll read the post later, but I wanted to add that racism at work is a great thing. This one place I worked, a dealership, had so much racism going on it was beyond funny. Made the day go by a lot faster.


*It was equal opportunity racism, though. No one was safe. I was probably the worst one, actually.

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I went to a shitty party in the country we got board on their porch and some kid sat inside on the computer and told racist jokes for 4 hours...I kinda started getting offended after the first hour... I dont like racism...



but I sure hate them puuunnnjaaabbies alot more...



*sorry, that pic was just too big. fucking up the page.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Sucks mang that bitch cant take a joke. But then again you got to be real careful when joking around others, its only a matter of time until someone gets butthurt.

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There's a disgusting amount of focus on race in our society, but cuttin up on each other in good fun is a great american pastime. Definitely helps work lighten up. The kind of racism in the workplace that is fucking despicable is affirmative action. (Thats actually what I thought this thread might be about). Affirmative action policies are examples of textbook racism- giving preferential treatment to someone based solely on their racial background. I work for a gigantic institution that "proudly" practices this bullshit, and it makes for a dangerous mix of incompetent people in a field with no room for incompetency. Me and my boy (both white) also lost our old jobs with no explanation, and we found out the next week from our manager that they needed to hire a couple of minorities to present a show of diversity. Needless to say thats ridiculous, and those two dudes both ended up being totally stupid fuckups in exchange for us hard workers. What a world

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wow, well, i have never dealt with something THAT shitty in the workplace. The reason being that i always try to keep a low profile at ANY job site. Do my job, be social enough not to be considered a weirdo, get in and out on time and that's it. You socialize too much at a job and it makes for big big trouble. GRanted, there are exceptions to the rule (i.e. hot asian girls and cool dudes you can relate to) but for the most part, I keep it under the radar until i am off the clock.

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if you have people that saw her make the comments first hand, it is not 'hearsay', it's an eyewitness, and it's every bit as credible and relevent as anything she has to say. she has no case. either they'll have to fire you all, or they'll have to just tell you guys to cool it.

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if you have people that saw her make the comments first hand, it is not 'hearsay', it's an eyewitness, and it's every bit as credible and relevent as anything she has to say. she has no case. either they'll have to fire you all, or they'll have to just tell you guys to cool it.

our company's legal advisor already said....even if it is an eyewitness, the prosecutor can simply say "objection, no documentation or formalities made, strike to remove from record" and his wish will be granted. ain't that a bitch!? and by docu.formalities. he said unless i reported her first, with her first remark....it never happened. its how the system works. either report it asap on the minute, or it never happened. you can have that shit on video...unless reported immediately and documented before afterwards occurances....hearsay. inadmissable and very 'objectable' shitty deals.

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