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Dear Diary Gayness

ego maniac

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  • Replies 81
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Fuck LiveJournal...

I'll do my ranting here.




I actually wasn't trying to be a bitch.

I've got my own livejournal (not hard to find), and quite honestly you might find it refreshing to write shit out on there.


Sure, you're not going to get all the smartass comments from the people on 12oz. But if you're ranting to get something off your chest, getting a reaction out of other people wouldn't really matter...


Whatever though.


At some point you'll become a jaded misanthrope and learn not to bother with anyone who isn't really, really worth it.

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Guest nutsonmychin!




dont trip ma, you're one of the best people i know, stop messin with these dumb ass boys, (yeah you shit head). they arent worth your time. shit will be cool, i will make mac n cheese tonight.

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awww Lili, I wasnt takin it llike you were bein a smart ass... ;)


An YES symbols... we do needa have a party!...

Lets make it a PAJAMA parlay! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....


an Pork...

Imma keep layin low fer awhile..

I know what I gotta do.

Slags will come an go..

I jus needa use better judgement.

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