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Why do guys pick graffiti over girlfriends?


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because graffiti can be the only consistent thing in someones life, that you do for you, that you care about on a different level that isnt comparable to how you'd care for a person.

you can watch your shit evolve. plus when you really have time to take your time, aint much more relaxing than a quiet layup. maybe you were one of those chicks that needed alot of attention and he needed space to do what he had to do.

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Seriously guys, I want some honest advice and not some smart assed comments. :hatred: I just broke off a relationship with a guy who reads and posts on 12oz. Our relationship was pretty awesome except he would choose graffiti over me on many occasions. I know this is common and I just wondered if I could get a for-real reason why. Thanks to you who respectfully answer my inquiry! Peace :confused2:


Wow, What you wrote is so smart and meaningful ! Thanks a lot !:p :scrambled:


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wow... 3rd rail never lets me down with the amusements. along with the channel zero losers, with their paid memberships, and 30.000 posts, i would say, ask your mom about your dad? why didn't he call after busting a nut. get a real life. i am sick of seeing this gay thread, while looking for photos. you guys clearly have no friends or a dick. the internet is serious business. tell your bitch to make me a blow job and shut the fuck up. this isn't match.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
here are a couple of reasons that come to mind:


- for a true graff addict, painting is so much better than any other thing, girls and sex included. its like junkies who without hesitation prefer a shot of heroin rather than sex with a hottie. absolutely no difference at all. in some cases actually worse.

- the chance to be with your girlfriend is almost any time, or anyway based on a more flexible time matter. painting is never like that, especially steel. you have certain times, schedules, moments to hit and you gotta move around that. the choice between a girl and a unique chance of painting is actually no choice at all.

- there is nothing more hateful and annoying for a graff writer than a girl who makes his passion weigh on a relationship. some girls just dont understand that painting is not a woman a guy cheats on you with. its an intense passion and a huge personal satisfaction, furthermore on a much higher level. you gotta face it, accept it and not let it bother you, full stop.


youre welcome :)


That's dead on. Couldn't have said it better myself.


At times it's gone both ways for me with girlfriends hating or liking graffiti.


In my first serious relationship when I was 19 that lasted about 3 years, my girlfriend loved graffiti. In fact, I at that time I met my girlfriend through another writer who had introduced us. Her best friend was dating this other writer, so she was pretty familiar with the ins and outs of it. She loved it, and never once had a problem with me being gone all night to paint steel. She wanted every picture of the freights that I put her up on. When I did walls she would pass by after to take pictures of them to keep for herself. In fact, when we broke up (for reasons other than graffiti obviously) she asked to keep a couple of my blackbooks and other graffiti related photos (I'm assuming here you know what a blackbook is since you had been dating a writer).


In my next relationship, the girl straight out hated it. I would get bitched at all the time, get in fights with her, and just made my life a living hell at times I did or even talked about graffiti. Funny thing is that I also met this girl through another set of writer friends. 5 of my friends that write knew her from highschool, and she knew they did graffiti and didnt have a problem with it. I don't know why we had never met earlier, but when we did we hit it off and it was great. At first she didn't show any signs of disliking graffiti. Since I was used to my previous ex liking it, I thought she was pretty cool with it too. WRONG! After about 6 months or so I started getting the idea she didn't like it. Any time I would go out to paint I would start hearing the wrath of her, and would just end up saying FUCK THIS and just left to go paint. She even got to a point that we hated it any time I got high (off weed only, nothing more). If I was high, she didn't want to be around me. This was a MAJOR issue since I was high 24/7. I don't know what happend, but after fighting about the whole smoking thing for a couple of months, she actually decided to try it out again. She had smoked once or twice before, but didn't like it. So anyways, she started smoking with me here and their. I think she realized that everything is just straight up a lot more fun when you're high (especially sex lol). So yeah, she turned into a pot head like me. I loved it! She even didn't really complain much about graffiti, even thought I knew deep down she still didn't like it. No complaints for a while. I would say when we were about 2 years into the relationship, she started bitching again about graffiti any time I would stay out all night painting. It got so bad that I started lying to her about it. I wouldn't want her bitching, so I would tell her I'm going out to a party or a club so I could paint and not have her nagging me when I got back. You know girls (because you are one lol). Sometimes she even tried the whole "you're not getting any tonight" move when she knew I was out painting and lied about it. I would get home with paint on my hands and shit, so it's pretty obvious. I wouldn't go so far as to clean up, change clothes, etc, etc just to hide it. That would be too much for me. So yeah, she caught me a bunch of times lying about that, but at least I wasn't lying that and out fucking some other girl. I actually never cheated on her at all, and the thought never even crossed my mind. Anyhow, I realized how much she hated it. And to be honest, I loved her more than any other girl I've ever met or loved. Some of you may call me a bitch, but I would do anything for her. So I actually tried to cut back on painting as much as possible. TRIED is the key word here. I would still paint here and there, but not 3 or 4 days out of the week like I was previously. She noticed I was trying to do this for her, and it made her happy. I even would say I gave up graffiti for a while. It wasn't actually just for her that this happend, but for a couple other reasons (one of them being that a bunch of my homies got arrested, and most of our freight spots were heated). I ended up getting chased one night, and could tell the cops were probably waiting their night after night for someone to paint. We killed every spot we had, and they finally realized it and tried doing something about it. Luckily I ended up getting away after hiding for hours. But I cut up my hand pretty bad after having to jump barbed wire, had to jump in a swamp that I know alligators are always in, and had to hide in a dark ass underpass that barely fit me (let alone all 3 of us that were hiding in it). All that for graffiti. Anyways, to make a long story even longer lol, we eventually broke up and I know that all my bad habits (including graffiti and getting high) were direct reasons of the breakup. I regretted loosing her for a while, but hey I found another girl about a year later when my heart was semi-healed. And another girl after that. And another girl after that.


So point is, if you really love him and want to be with him, then you shouldn't have broken up with him just for graffiti. If you truely loved him, graffiti alone wouldn't be a reason to breakup. It sounds pretty stupid actually. If you walked in on him fucking another chick, then yeah I could understand that. But graffiti? Come on. He probably wouldn't ever give it up completely. May go through some times that it stops here and there, even maybe for a year or two. But eventually, he will most likely be right back at it again. Once you start, you can't really just stop. It's addicting, and I think most of us will be addicted to it for life. Maybe put it on hold for a little to take care of business in the real world, but never truely give it up for good. Like someone else said, think of the most important thing in your life that you love doing. Now, if a guy asked you to give it up for him would you? I know personally, I won't EVER let another girl influence my decisions on what I do or not do for fun, unless I know without a doubt that I'm going to marry that girl. Girls come and go all the time. Even after a break up you may feel like it's the end of the world, but another chick will come along sooner or later. And you know what, you may actually love that girl even more than you ever had imagined. Until I meet the girl that I know I will be spending the rest of my life with, I won't be letting her influence my decision on what I'm doing. Especially when related to graffiti. If I stop painting, it's because I wanted to for my own personal reason. Not because some girl was bitching at me for it.


Hopefully that helped. I wrote a lot more than I expected, but I'm here waiting for a flight and have nothing else better to do.


--- Dr. Phil, M.D.


(PS you owe me $600 for this therapy session. You will receive the bill in the mail. LOL)

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  • 4 weeks later...

i chose graffiti over any girl. becuase graffiti was there before i met you and will be there after your not there. and if your my girl you met me doing graffiti. so why make me stop something you always knew i did. whats the problem now? females just want a sense of control over their man. and the one thing a hot asss bitch cant stop a guy to do is fuckin graff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to those real graffiti artist they know what i mean. its self fullfillment doing graffiti. a hobby a passion a love. like a singer or actor.

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