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not sure what to do about this


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but it's tormenting me...I think about it constantly and can't stop worrying and agonizing and flogging myself for letting it get to this point...It's all my fault, but that doesn't matter anymore, since what is, is.


I'd better start by briefly telling people that about two years ago, command hallucinations made me pour lighter fluid over my left leg and set it on fire. I had 3rd degree burns and skin grafts etc. Before that, I burned my forehead with several cigarettes at one time to implant the mark of Cain there, in order to scare people away from me, so they would be safe from being contaminated by me. I felt like I was poisonous and evil to the world and needed to keep people from coming too close. My body is scarred in many places from being burned because of command hallucinations, but the last time was the worst (though the facial burns are the most disfiguring, if any are, though I don't much care.) The important thing is that the voices have so upped the ante now that if I ever have to do their bidding again it will be a matter of setting my whole body on fire...No more excuses or partial acts of contrition!


That said, my pdoc and psychiatrist-sister have both told me that such an act would kill me, even though I am not suicidal...so I do not want to be put in a situation where it could get to that point. BUT on Zyprexa, while I can read and enjoy learning etc I am also rapidly gaining weight (I'm up to a normal weight now, no longer underweight...gained 15 pounds in a month) with no end in sight. THe problem is that I am only taking a tiny dose and this is NOT enough to stop the auditory hallucinations, so they continue apace, esp the music, but with words that have meaning at least some of the time. This then is the problem: if on a tiny dose of Zyprexa my weight is increasing despite all my efforts, and the dose is not enough to control the voices, then the voices may (and if the past predicts the future at all, they will) start to use my weight and feelings about it against me, insulting me, calling me names, worse...and this may well turn into commands to do something about it that is more harmful than simply stop eating so much...Their usual tactic is to say something like "You big fat a** why don't you set yourself on fire! Burn baby burn!" Those last 3 words are the trigger for all my episodes...If they say that, for some reason I usually do what they want, and I don't know why...


Anyhow, the quandary is that I want desperately to stay on the Zyprexa yet I don't want to gain weight and in fact know that it will be dangerous in the extreme for me to gain much more weight at all, mostly because of the virulence of the continuing voices and what the progression of events tends to be...


Any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I'm completely at a loss as to what to do.





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i cant believe i cant get secondlife to work on either computer i have.


Dude yes, my laptop video card wont work with it, and my fucking shitty PC has some kind of problem with everything, more specifically downloading large files in which it stops like 65% through.

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waitwaitwait..I just read that bullshit you typed out up there.


Did you say that the voices have music along with them?



Are they playing anything good?


AND my main question..


Do they accept song requests?

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