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--• Second Life

El Mamerro

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Bump again after today watching these 2 guys bid $15000 to fuck some chick.


Was fucking insane that some guy dropped $60US or whatever it is to stop his in game woman from fucking some guy (that she has fucked before)


And to brag about the house I won for the next month on there too, so anyone who wants to hit me upon there in 9 or 10 hours time will have somewhere to chill/take random chicks to haha.


defyoner, i must thank for getting me addicted to this shit, but hell it passes the time between now and whenever I am going to die I guess....... Plus I can't be fucked dropping coin on a new console yet, so it satiates my videogame playing urge..


Edit: Also to let all you who used to play this game that you can now go on voice inside the game, and talk shit to people or whatever without it being as easily reported.


And casek, I couldn't find you a turban, but I found a ninja mask that does pretty much the same deal I guess:lol::lol:

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My philosophy teacher is a big deal on second life.


I don't understand it at all so I can't really tell you what he does, I've never managed more than 5 mins in 2nd life.




He gets money somehow off this either from users or devs, like I said I don't understand the shit at all.


So send some flying penises his way haha.

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