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12oz Mob Rules!


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it would be a mistake, the only reason they failed was because they didn't click up and attack, the nigga on the /b/ had no support, it would be like pissing on a /b/ hive, but we could always fuck with some other board, is there a board mad jugglos stay at? That would be funny, But whatever it is Im down bang bang niggas...


oontz Illuminatiz till da def of me

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aiight, I'm not scared of fat 30yr olds and pimple faced teens but, the 15 page thing makes it seem kinda pointless... I confess I really don't know shit about that site...


but if y'all wanna get the raid on, let's organize. I'll dig up another forum that doesn't require registration for us to get our plan on and we can ressurect the 12mob. Might be fun.


I will say, it does sound like they are on 'auto-gay' though, let it all ride and just delete it after 15 pages? WTF is that?


When that fag cracked Sarah Palin's acct. I actually thought they had something... I mean, nothing I bothered to go look at, but SOMETHING.

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So now the mods are advocating raids? Man, things ARE slow around here.


Smart, the people here who will think this is a good idea are going to lead whoever they raid right back to 12 oz. Trust me on this. And the people that do know how to do it aren't going to be able to school everyone who wants to get in on the action...plus we don't even have an IRC channel to coordinate our actions.


And messing with /b/ is pointless at best and a really bad idea overall. It seems that there's no hard feelings from them towards us and it would be best to keep it that way.

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Oh, I see where you quoted it from... and you say "now".


Did you look at the start date on this thread? Or the last date from the posts before I made it uninvisible again? Shai, I accept your advice but not your condemnation, it's fine if you don't wanna be a vandal, gtfo.

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*if we're still talking about 4chan, but I have realized the pointlessnesss therein but not the inherent liability you imply. I'm sure, with some behind the scenes mobilization and subversive activity we Ooontzers could bring down the mothership without a trace, though perhaps not without repercussions.... maybe it's just the arrogance of missions accomplished, but perhaps it's the assuredness of experience.

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*if we're still talking about 4chan, but I have realized the pointlessnesss therein but not the inherent liability you imply. I'm sure, with some behind the scenes mobilization and subversive activity we Ooontzers could bring down the mothership without a trace, though perhaps not without repercussions.... maybe it's just the arrogance of missions accomplished, but perhaps it's the assuredness of experience.



It would be a better idea to stick to picking on juggalos, Anne Coulter, and various other hotspots of faggotry.

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All right, I'll rehash the basics-


-Don't post direct links from here. Use this or break the link (hxxp instead of http). If your target gets a bunch of traffic and 12 oz is the referrer, it could potentially be a problem.


-Don't talk about raids here. This isn't 2006, people are wise to raids now. There's a place to discuss raids, or you can set something else up.


-You should try to protect your anonymity as much as possible. If you don't know how to do that, then learn. If you don't understand it, Google it....in other words, I don't want to explain this shit here again. I've had to do so repeatedly in the past and I've noticed that 9 times out of 10, the people who are the most gung-ho about raids on 12 oz don't know how to do it. Then when it's explained to them they say "LOLWUT" and/or they don't even bother with trying to cover their ass. Also, please don't PM me about raid advice. Once again, I don't want to discuss it or explain it in detail in public or private.

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