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Should I bring something to protect me?

Blac Korp

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It's NOT just your hood. Other people live there. There are also no walls to keep 'outsiders' out. Plus joining their posse? Sometimes groups of people have more interest in themselves then you, just because they run together does not mean they have your back under any circumstance.


I'm not totally sure what you mean about a group of them trying to be fake, but if you mean fake as in acting up and putting on a show, how can you be so sure. You never know what the other person has, or what they are willing to do. There is always someone crazier then you.


If your up against a gang of motherfuckers, treat them like a bunch of police. Don't try and show off, and play the tough guy act. They know the odds of however many on one. Don't talk shit and bolt if you have the chance. Running does not make you a sweet ass, lol. Being a sweet ass would be if you just bend over, drop your trunks and spread your cheeks.


If you end up having to fight all of them, forget anyone who says that 'fight fair' garbage. Fighting is not fair to begin with. If it was fair, it would be a balanced discussion to settle differences. Gouge out peoples eyes, run fingers deep into throats, bite their ears off, whatever. If you really wanna get nasty just try and wrap your arms around someones next and shake it till you break it.


I totally agree with the don't carry anything valuable.


You have to always remember, if your out in the middle of the night, try and imagine who else is. If you see anyone approaching you, get out of there.


Also a word of advice, say if someone runs up on you and grabs your shit and takes off. Your chasing them. They turn a corner, like around a building. Expect there to be someone waiting around that corner to get you. I've seen that one pulled plenty of times when I was in high school.


I don't know if any of this helps anyone. Just my thoughts on it.



but he's talkn bout he sees ppl chillin out on da streets, those arent outsiders cuz dey wouldnt b out der like dat, as far as i kno, any outsider around ma area wont b standin like dat, if dey lookin to beef or not. but wen i say its his hood, i dont mean it literally. its HIS hood and dem other niggas should respect dat, feel me. dey ain about to jump him wen he livin in der same hood.


and also "If your up against a gang of motherfuckers, treat them like a bunch of police." <-- that wont work cuz that will let dem kno dat you are scared, and thats theyr main goal aint it? youll just make urself more vulnerable.


and yea never run after someone who just snatched sometin from u, unless u got da hammer.

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When i bomb i bring an extendable baton or a 'cosh' the kind british police use, i used to bring cs gas or pepper spray but try taking out 4 dudes with one can of this shit, doesnt work, i supose a taser would be a good idea though ? knuckle dusters work but if your a pussy and cant swing a punch to save your life dont write, you WILL face a dude who wants to beat your ass when your unarmed learn to fight and youll be fine

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yo anytime i go out i bring my boy wit me smiff and wesson ..u noe ... i write all over my city and that takes me threw some hoods dat i shouldnt be really mixn wit so yes there are always haters on us u noe what i mean jelous ppl out there just doesnt really get the whole graff lifestyle like we do and time after time i do get tested but like they say never leave home with out it ////////////LOL

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this thread is pathetic... learn how to throw a fucking punch if need be. if u get held up with a gun or knife, then your kinda just shit outta luck.


son u probably from sum sweet ass burbs like shit, u should listen up n get some tips cuz or else u might not make it son

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  • 3 weeks later...
I tag in a minority filled neigborhood that you can say it's kind of ghetto. You can see heaps of people in white tees and wife beaters at mid-night, all grouped together. I've read the Beginning Bible and Spray safe! threads but could find anything if bring a weapon is a good idea. I'm always cautious, I get so nervous that I literally sweat a pound every time I go out bombing with my friends. My friend has a bayonet, but he never brings it! He's afraid that it would make it worse if the popos caught him. My dad has a blackhawk .44 magum but I don't want to mess with it, besides it's heavy.

Anyways, should I bring like a butterfly knife with me or something? Do you bring something to protect you?


you're a fucking piece of white racist scum.

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  • 2 months later...

Depends Were U Live Really. I live In New York City and My Boii Tre Got Stabbed Yestaday Bcuz Sum CockSuckas Gotta Go 20 to 1 bcuz dey handz aint official.


Also Just Cuz Dem Niggaz is Minorities Don't Mean Dey Ready To Do Nuffin. Fuck Sumtimes I Aint Got enuf Money to Eat a Lot More Dan One Meal And A Bag a Chips But dat Don't Mean Ima Fuckin Stab Ya Ass.


I'm Goin Off on a Fuckin Forum. Lolz

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Well I live up in the burbs so our version of dangerous is WAAAAYYYYY different. I have security going around my neighborhood when curfew passes, but me and my friends just fuc with them and run around the neighborhood lookin for em hahaha. They dont even do anything if they catch you. But I'd prolly do summa that metal gear solid stuff the guy on the first page was talking about. I'd prolly get some mace too, dont wanna get caught slippin by some shady people.


Hahaha why the hell do you want your homie to bring a bayonette?>


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  • 2 weeks later...

how about you dont paint in drug heavy areas where bangers bang


heres the kicker










fuck you shouldnt even have to

i paint int St.Louis "the most dangerous city" or whatever horse shit they put out and the dudes out at night doin whatever dont give a fuck what im doing.



honest;y they dont care



and i highly doubt whatever doucher started this homo thread is from NYC or LA where it would matter.....

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