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Weekend Planes!


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okay.... so there's no planes in my plans this weekend... dang!




  • leave work at 11:00
  • go to the dental surgeon and get a wisdom tooth pulled out
  • mondo pain killers!



  • let the pain killers wear off, re-apply
  • clean the house, unpack my bags, air the place out
  • friend's 30th birthday party
  • go see Stacy Pullen play at some wearehouse
  • get nursed by this girl who's into me



  • Probably still be swollen and hurting
  • extremely lazy hammock

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Today: Puerto Rico's in a shitstorm at the moment. I'm not sure anything's going down tonight, plus massive rain is expected this weekend. Depending on the circumstances, I might head over to an annual festival held by Claridad, a pro-independence PR newspaper. Salsa, bomba, plena, and rum.



Tomorrow: Hunt around to see who the fuck can mount an aftermarket stereo on my car. I can't find the necessary adapter and might need to have it custom fitted. Get a haircut., maybe go pay a speeding ticket. Kareoke party at my brother's house at night.


Sunday: Get smashed while helping some friends' of mine paint their badass Old San Juan apartment. Pass out early afterwards.

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Fri: Fuck arround and drink coffee, bank, work, then who knows


Sat: going away party for a friend moving to calgary. What the hell is with everyone moving to fucking calgary these days? weirdos. Friends art show.


Sun: paint.


start all over again.

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i might get a new tattoo this weekend

going out somewhere for a nice dinner tonight maybe.


supposed to do a painting for a bike race this saturday


:toothache: :snowman: :skull:


shit i totally just remembered i have to finish that other painting.

shows in seattle in june

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-work til six

-talk to the boyfriend

-meet up with my boyfriend, to attend an artsy fartsy Aerosol Warfare show.

-few drinks.

-then call it a night.




-help sister get ready for prom

-tell my guy i adore him

-Tribeca lounge.



-International festival downtown

-hopefully hang with my BF for the majority of the day

-get a goods night rest.

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Friday: Now. 11:40PM. Just got home. Went and saw a movie down at the old movie theatre with a few lads. Saw there was a party going on out the back. Snuck into that. They were playing Style Wars on the large screen with good music playing the background. Stayed there for a while. Got free beer and pizza. Then went and watched the movie upstairs. Good movie. good night.

Then walked home cos I have no money and couldn't be fucked staying out.


Saturday: No plans. Probably something though


Sunday: Complete some homo photographic installation I am doing.

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Guest nutsonmychin!


work till 5

go to happy hour for a few

go home and walk smokey

run around for a bit....




wake up & walk the dog

head to stinson beach

eat, drink, swim, play in sun

prob be mad tired and sleep early, or get super waisted and stay up all night



depends on how sat night turned out,

but take smokey on a long walk around the lake,.

laundry n shit.

get ready for my "house guest" (gettin some)

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Friday - tenative plans to kick it with this girl i have a crush on. if not...more painting


Saturday - kick it with writer buddies

possibly kick it with freaky chick


Sunday - help momma move some heavy shit around her house

Sunset park party

visit with dead friends family

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I'll try to stop coughing up blood. This dinner party thing I'm going to will be interesting...


Oh, and I'm going to buy some Montana sometime. Never used the shit before. Anyone wanna recommend me some colours? Or rather, which ones to stay away from? At $8 a pop, I ain't trying to get ripped off even moreso.

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eating chinese food even though we watched '3extremes' at work last week. WOW. i just choked down some wontons. with babies in them.


pay some bills


waste the night away in the crib




daytime - like the phoenix

finish staining this massive staircase at this dope crib.

wash off filth.

maybe make dinner.

venture out to kitten tits as per normalcy


teh sex.



teh sex

waste the morning

do something outside and drink

a lovely dinner









extra unsolicited uber fat bonus jumpoff:

last movie soundtrack you got for free.


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Thursday - Last day of class before graduation and I went to the Ghostface show. Shit was illy.


Friday - Get drunk and smoked out. Also, smoke my last pack of cigarettes forever. Wheeee.


Sat - Repeat Friday, minus any nicotine.


Sun - Sleep and then smoke tweeds when I awake.


After that - sleep, rhyme, workout all day everyday until I find a new job.

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I'll try to stop coughing up blood. This dinner party thing I'm going to will be interesting...


Oh, and I'm going to buy some Montana sometime. Never used the shit before. Anyone wanna recommend me some colours? Or rather, which ones to stay away from? At $8 a pop, I ain't trying to get ripped off even moreso.


christ almighty....if i do buy montana, i never pay more than $4.50 a can.


Wy are you paying so much?!?!?!?


And never use it for fills...just outlines and effects




Google Montata Spray paint...there's a few places on the web that sell it cheap. Most places insist on a minimum order or else they tack on some lame-o handling charge from 3-4 bucks


but seriously, i love montana paint....so chunky. It's like, if you could cut off a womans vagina and turn it into a Mop......it'd be filled with montana paint. That's what it's like for me when i paint with the stuff.......it's the spray paint equivalent of good pussy

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I think they cost that much because I'm in Canada, and we use Canadian dollars. But I'd imagine that $4.50 is a heck of a lot for a can of paint in the US.


Anyway, that shit better be insanely better than Rusto if it goes for that much. Anyway, this conversation feels really 90's. I am willing to bet money that my friend and I are the only ones in the entire city who've never used the stuff.

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^^ For doing outlines and small details, it's insanely better than rusto. It's not the paint itself that's so much better, its the valve system. Virtually sputter free. Let out some pressure, and you can do a tag on a grain of rice. (Incidentally, there is probably a thread about this in the yard or something.)


*Symbols, I just used some Erika yesterday, and that shit is awesome. Electric blue, light blue, and pistachio are also excellent.




Today: Piecing a chill spot. I'm up visiting Ma Dukes this week, and tonight, my best friend and girlfriend are coming up as well. Drinking, then highways if this other spot I want to hit is too wet.


Tomorrow: Sleep real late, a little bit of shopping, and then dinner at a really nice restaurant.

Maybe hit that spot if its finally dry.


Sunday: Help friend move, drive back to New York, America's Funniest Videos, Simpsons, sex, bed.

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Fa-ta-list -is in LOOOOOOVE


Friday: was gonna go see Orichas tonight but got something in my eye and I think I scratched my Cornea. So I guess I'll just go to a homie's house and shmoke and drank. maybe.

Saturday: wake up and watch the 1st 4 picks of the NFL Draft...Then go play golf and Shmoke and Drank again while I'm at it....Then either end up in club space with my homegirl who's got maad friends, or be a scum in the hood and shmoke and drank & contemplate painting something.

Sunday: REAALY wanna paint...hope it happens.

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i really like



devil red

vampire violet

himalayan blue


but i love




Hey, does Ganges Yellow resemble tumeric, the spice?


Because in my religion, before a wedding, there is some sort of ceremony involving ground up tumeric that is applied to the skin, and tumeric is called 'yellow' in Bengali. Just curious. That would be even a nice colour than school bus yellow.

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friday: work all day and listen to my 80's marathon. drink until i can't feel my face.


Sat: work all day, 80's marathon repeat. sleep.


Sunday: work all day, 80s bananarama again.


a life of fun and adventure!!

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i think tumric has more of a orange tint to it. ganges yellow is like super dehydrated piss, with almost a hair of green in it. But its super close. you could tell me im stupid for being picky


vampire violet is the shit too.




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^^ For doing outlines and small details, it's insanely better than rusto. It's not the paint itself that's so much better, its the valve system. Virtually sputter free. Let out some pressure, and you can do a tag on a grain of rice. (Incidentally, there is probably a thread about this in the yard or something.)


I dunno man, I'd have to say the quality of the paint itself is a little better than rusto but there's no denying the montana valve system is TITS




weekend plans just took a turn for the better......a breezie of mine called and wants to hang out tommorrow afternoon.......g'yesssssssss!



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