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MESTHREE last won the day on April 10 2007

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  1. Thanks! Haha yeah I guess you could say it is kind of like an Italian baked enchilada. I think a more common term for It in America might be manicotti.
  2. Same tax bracket as what? There is a foreign tax paid credit and you are only taxed on income above a certain amount. Yep I get the child tax credit... The real pain in the ass is actually the FATCA reporting and how the irs deals with Canadian investments. It's a mess
  3. Little round up of recentish stuff Xmas Cookie tins are my jam: this is has rum balls, hot cocoa sandwich cookies, my signature chunky chewy oatmeal raisin chocolate chunk cookies and peppermint snowballs. French onion soup with gruyere toasts Raspberry lemon buttercream layer cake for my kids last bday Brown butter and sage cannelloni Rotisserie chicken in th back yard (yes we have a diy fabricated rotisserie setup)
  4. Yes and yes. USA is one of very few countries that tax based in citizenship rather than residency. You can renounce your citizenship though....
  5. Cool. I love the Easter Eggers. I had buff orpingtons as well and raised French copper Marans for those dark brown eggs. I also had turkeys and oh my God those things were the dumbest creatures ever to exist. They would follow me around like dogs and try and hang out with me whenever I was outside which was adorable but also heartbreaking when it came time to dispatch them.
  6. You didn't ask me but I am Canadian and can say that the health care here is excellent but not without issues. It's true that there can be a wait to see some types of specialists but in my experience if the issue is something urgent or critical it is always dealt with in a timely manner. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer right when the pandemic hit and she was seen immediately and had excellent treatment and it has been in remission since. We do play higher taxes here but I have never had to look at a medical bill in my life up here. Compared to when I lived in the US of a where I had to analyze every single Bill call the insurance companies and harass them over the various mistakes and overcharges they made it saves me so much time and stress. Similar to America mental health Care services here are pretty miserable and that is where I have seen the most issues with trying to find appropriate services without a massive wait list. Long-term care for the elderly is also a real problem especially in Ontario our Premier who is like a governor of the province is absolutely horrible and has been decimating education and Healthcare.
  7. @misteravenyou keep chickens right? What breeds? I got into breeding some rare types in my previous life. I loved those dumb birds.
  8. We did cross paths once! When I first got there I was managing an art supply store. We were one of very few places who sold fancy spray paint so lots of writers came in. I mostly had no idea who was who though. I didn't paint a single time in the decade I lived there.
  9. I am Canadian. I was born here. I moved to the USA for a decade or so, got citizenship and moved back here about 5 years ago so I don't really have any insight into the process of actually immigrating to Canada.
  10. Thanks! Yeah man. There is a very long wait list to renounce citizenship rn. That's all I'll say about that.
  11. Every day is like this more or less - in Canada you get 12-18 months of paid parental leave (it's not your full pay and not everyone is eligible, but thankfully my job has a benefit that tops it up to 93% if my salary for 12 months) so we hang and walk a LOT. Not pictured; the absolute fucking aneurysm that is getting a baby and an almost 8yo out of the house by 730am. Ball with one of my girls Gym time with my sidekick Bullshit rainy day walk #2 More bullshit - fun fact you have to file your USA taxes even if you don't live in the USA anymore. 😑 The USA is one of very few countries that does this. It sucks Yes there are pickles and cheddar on the pizza. Don't @ me. And now I sit here waiting for this lil fucker to actually sleep. Fin.
  12. Oh man, I remember this thread.... Got the all clear to run with this nugget in the stroller today at her 6m checkup. Stoked to get back to it and also dreading the inevitable burning lungs for the first few runs...
  13. Oh for sure. You couldn't pay me to go back to my 20s. Old is where it's at.
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