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Blackbook Technician.


using this pic as an example could someone recomend changes or better techniques??please?!?!



peace, da oldtimer here, i'm feelin this thread...


zector1...start with basics(str8 block letters.practice.then bitch it up a lil somethin with sexy curves.practice.then thin the letters down for mildstyle.practice.then work urself up to da WILDSTYLE.practice.this shit ain't easy if u don't put the time in.practice. right now ur letter structure is all over the place.if u wanna do ghetto hieroglyphics!.u gotta unearth the vaults and the internet is ur vault, study and immulate and then try and do better than the next even if its ur nigga.


heres my bible/koran/torah basics...


old school designers if u can find them, best colorless blender, not this new fangle doublesided wackshits.


chartpak AD markers, next best colorless blender, now on the subject of this, i wouldn't used a cblend to transition between 2,3 or 4 colors, just lay the alcohols on top of each other and the pigments will blend as the alcohol dissolves but doing it this way u have to move quickly to get that smoove transition between black and say orange. now what i do use the cblend for is color fade into page..run a hairdryer over the page to fast dry the colors and use the same 2,3 or 4 colors again to create a second layer of color ina darker shade...another thing AD markers are extremely wet so less is more...


color pencils...use 'em, great 4 tonal fx's...


those lil paint pen jammies and whatnot for that 3d Fx layer of color on top of color, b warned of mixing the waxy color pencils with the paint pens/milky shits, plan ahead!


outlines: anything really that doesn't bleed, hairdryer it! also, drying the waterbased outliners lessons the chance that u'll smear that freshly outlined burner when u erase the pencil lines. another lil trick i use is to draw the burner thumbnail on a small piece of paper, scan it in, resize it to the perfect page size in photoshop, drop a piece of tracing paper into my printer, print, graphite the back of the tracing paper, lay my sketch in what ever way, tape to hold the tracing paper, burnish the outline, remove tracing paper, perfect sized sketch and no erasing, now this may seem anal but when ur going up against THEMO.tm7 or YES.tm7 or any blackbook king u better be able to bring it...


airbrush: automated spraycan, with some clever maskin and/or handcontrol this tool really makes ur work pop...if ur noo 2 dis, be patient but it's a bitch...make sure to strain ur colors for smoother spraying, use a stocking!


well thats all i could think of while sitting on toilet enjoying some trees, i hope for the newbies this is helpful, for the rookies this is enlighting, for the intermediate this'll help ya to the next level, for the experts, knowledge is king!!!



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Hey Zector... there's a few threads you haven't posted to with your sketches yet.


Get on the ball, man.


Maybe you might get a different answer from "GO SIMPLE" in one of the threads you HAVEN'T posted in yet.


Who knows?


You won't know for sure until you've hit every thread in Paper Chase.


But why stop there? You KNOW they might have some info in Brick Slayers too.


Go for it.

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ok hopefully this is a little simpler...








make everythings width consistent, mening, same measurement in width.



Now, do not take a ruler and measure each and every single line. An expererienced writer can make all the lines consistent to a subconsious level, its like second nature for them. What you need to do, is practice with block letters, and compare each segment of the letter/extention your trying to make.


Anyways, thats as much as I will give, please go to the Toy thread(Respectfully) and ask for advice there.




















































I meant for this thread as a means of what kind of medium the writer used, or how he did so, and what other methods he/she used to create the sketch, and how it was made a certain way.


examples will come soon, but please, i think we've had enough with the sort of tools.


Prismas, Prisma pencils, Bic Pens, #2 pencils, sharpie permanent markers, Gel pens, india ink, ink splotches, dirt, blood, watercolor, etc.


I've think someone had better elaborate on how they create with a crazy effect.


I'll post mines in a week or two with examples.


Thank you, and peace.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Zector..im kinda bored of seeing those sketches in every thread i look in..you even made your own thread..go fucking SIMPLE


Okay...this is a kind of technique about the importance of simples...whats down there most of the good writers in the toys forum agreed with me..so here it goes..




and i know...cuz from BS ... i got pushed and pushed and pushed to do simples with no color..nothing..just letters...and once id got letters down...i startd using colour etc...and then i played with addons...and that the stage im at now..and thats what i think the newbies here should do ... becauase its the way too go...i never fort it was..but it seriously is..


this is my shit from when i wudnt listen to anybody about simples..




when i got told to do simpler stuff..i went to thisl..which isnt simpler




i had karaks in the middle and everything..


i didnt know i was doing wrong..untill ppl drilled it into my head i needed simples..so i startd fresh with simples..


and came to doing this






just take a look at how much better they look.. ^^ .. nice and crisp...with kinda funky leters...no karaks in the middle..no crazy addons..no crazy colorus...no nothing...just 2 culas..one karak...and letters..


and after i had those basics down..i startd to add bigger add ons..curv the bars...and came with this shit...












But at the end of the day..from my experience...simples are the way to go..and you also get waaaaaaaaaaay more credit for them...


dont get me wrong and dont think that im acting the BIG I AM...I KNOW EVERYTHING..WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE etc.


but like i say..from my expericences .. i know what is true..




And in 20 years time...writers still do simples..all the time...you should be able to rock a good clean simple .. or you wont be able to rock anything

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Yeah... I don't get this either... what are you doing? Blowing the paper around?


In unrelated prisma-blowing shits, I tried putting letters on onion paper and gluing them in my book. It sounds really cool because the paper is really transparent and will show through anything it's placed over so you should get some interesting effects with photos and things like that under it... failed miserably. The ink just doesn't adhere to the paper and the glue couldn't hold it down right. It got all wrinkly and shit.


Anyone have any suggestions for what to use similar to that for the same effect?


I'm wondering about those transparent plastic sheets they sell in Office Supply stores with paint markers but what the fuck would you attach them with?


Anyway, suggestions are appreciated.

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Yeah... I don't get this either... what are you doing? Blowing the paper around?


In unrelated prisma-blowing shits, I tried putting letters on onion paper and gluing them in my book. It sounds really cool because the paper is really transparent and will show through anything it's placed over so you should get some interesting effects with photos and things like that under it... failed miserably. The ink just doesn't adhere to the paper and the glue couldn't hold it down right. It got all wrinkly and shit.


Anyone have any suggestions for what to use similar to that for the same effect?


I'm wondering about those transparent plastic sheets they sell in Office Supply stores with paint markers but what the fuck would you attach them with?


Anyway, suggestions are appreciated.


the only way to do this with any amount of success is to tape the traceing paper to the of the back of the page, fold and score top and bottom and open end, tape the bottom to the back of the page also, open side also, it's not permanently fixed to the front , but u can make it semi perm. in back with a lil duct tape and what not, now mind u using glue or tape in time will cause a chemical breakdown of the paper, plus everyone fingerphuckin the page does help either.....



roler da sensei

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This is not a diss to anyone.

And in essence, I think this thread has potential.


but for real, I think a lot of beginners are spending waaaaaay

to much time flicking their wack sketches and running to the internet for

advice on how to do fancy tricks and not nearly enough time drawing and practicing.


turn off your computer and work on your skills.

there is no point in posting shit unless you've been practicing for at least a year or two.


the best way to get better is experience.

No amount of tricks or or fancy markers will make you better.

get a box of crayola thins or a fuckin bic pen or a number 2 pencil

and fill up books.

once you have 5 books filled.

then post your shit on the internet.


There is no substitute for hard work

say word

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here is a a quick simple tip thats also a basic...


when coloring with markers, make sure you try to work as quickly and neatly as possible. color in even strokes going in the same direction. place strokes next to each other, one just going over the other. doing this with the same colored marker, your strokes will be visible while the ink is still wet, but as it dries, the ink starts to spread and the strokes blend into each other making the color smooth.


and once you begin coloring, pay attention and dont stop. if you stop and try to start again, you will see a line where you started from because the ink already dried. i try to divide my picture into sections and color one section at a time instead of a picture as a whole. (for example: one letter is a section, one arm, leg, etc...) that way, if you do section by section, you can stop if you need to once you finish a section.


one last thing, re-outline once your done coloring, that makes the picture stand out a little more and looks neater. if you make a mistake while coloring (coloring over the line) just re-outline it and make the line a little thicker so that it covers where the color went over. if a mistake is made that cant be covered, try to incorporate it into the picture itself.


dont know if this was any help or if i explained clearly enough, but this works for me.




in this pic, i divided it up into sections. i did the shading first, then light colors, then darker colors. i went over the light colors again at certain places to add detail.




here you can see i colored in the background. this is what i was talking about when i mentioned starting and stopping. you can see the line by his right hand going straight up. also on the bottom i made the same mistake again, so i tried to make it look like fire . i could have added more detail to make the fire look more realistic, but i was too lazy. but thats what i meant about making mistakes part of the picture. i also did a little yellow outline around him. i did this because i was using design markers for the background, and the colors spread a lot, so the yellow outline stopped the orange from spreading over onto the character, and it looks kinda like an effect.

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sorry shift, some of that is misleading advice. when coloring in, you should color in tight circles and work wet. if you use even strokes in the same direction then you will get streak lines; you would have to go back over them.


watch this:



coloring tutorial by Prismacolor

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