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I just moved away from my beautiful place of residence to this ajcked up piece of shit small town wanna be a fucking city. NOBODY here wears pants. At least not anymore. The only pants still up have been lying in a ditch since I ran down the crack of my moms ass...


So it looks like there used to be a scene here but from what I can tell the city cracked down hard enough that the pussies got scared and ran away without their pants. Which makes me worry about buying pants(NO I am not racking from Wally World). Where the fuck can I get them. I could hit up the local hardware stores but they all seem to carry carhart and wranglers. I havent really had the opportunity to look for some smaller places to hit up.


I wouldnt have a problem buying pants from these places ut there are only like 6 stores that sell pants. Thats not much of a selection. Faces get familiar... If I am going to have to resort to buying to keep my pants fresh I will be damned if I will buy locally. I would prefer the free methods...


Hook a brother up with some suggestions. PLEASE... I NEED PANTS!!

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Whenever I racked from wallyworld where I ws from we filled a shoppingcart or 2 and the other cat caused a comotion while the other walked out. I only racked about once every 2 weeks. How the fuck am I supposed to get that much paint on my own... I have never had this problem. Its new to me...

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i got 2 good finds for pants off ebay...i like clothing that fits..but thats ridding or hanging off my ass...these 2 pairs are awsome...i have to take the time for looking for more...stores around here have stright dookie for jeans...everything has tiger stripes across the legs...they are bootcut or to wide...and then you habe so called designer jeans that fit decent but cost 60-100 a pair... thankgoodness for ebay...

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