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ugh, didnt work. Couldnt do Step 3 because i had no "RESET" folder or what ever. I skipped that step and went on, and now its asking again to call.


I know a second methond of doing it, but its annoying, takes longer. Thought there was a faster solution.


This PC that im using is mainly surfing the net and download quick files. So I downgraded it to XP but having troubles doing so. Ill just see if i can find a copy or something that works.

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ugh, didnt work. Couldnt do Step 3 because i had no "RESET" folder or what ever. I skipped that step and went on, and now its asking again to call.


I know a second methond of doing it, but its annoying, takes longer. Thought there was a faster solution.


This PC that im using is mainly surfing the net and download quick files. So I downgraded it to XP but having troubles doing so. Ill just see if i can find a copy or something that works.




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i have a virus.


i have avast anti virus, a scan will get rid of it?


what do i do? halp.


It should.

Run Avast as recommended and do what it sez "move to chest" or whatever. Make sure your speakers aren't turned up too loud though, it makes all kinds of mad noise when it finds something.

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I had this problem a while ago and forgot how I fixed it.

Anybody know why i wouldn't be able to access any Google webpages or Youtube?

I'm running ClamXav to find malware, but it didn't find anything last time.

Everything was fine last night, but today no Gmail, Google, Youtube, etc...

I'm on a Macbook Pro using Chrome if that matters.

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I had this problem a while ago and forgot how I fixed it.

Anybody know why i wouldn't be able to access any Google webpages or Youtube?

I'm running ClamXav to find malware, but it didn't find anything last time.

Everything was fine last night, but today no Gmail, Google, Youtube, etc...

I'm on a Macbook Pro using Chrome if that matters.


all kinds of solutions,maybe a router thing?


try these links,maybe they'll help:





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so i smashed my thinkpad and bought a macbook (2nd hand) it was working fine, i was liking it a lot




now when i turn it on it either just repeats the startup sound over and over, or gets to a stage where it will just have a message telling me to hold down the power button and restart..




still got warranty though so i'll take it back, any way i can get my CD out of it ?

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some time back and by way of recommendation

i downloaded Peer Guardian. Its the old hookup

as they have yet to drop new stuff for mac.


So anyhow i went thru erowid for some info

a few days back. Today i noticed a "primary

threats" txt. .DEA was in the list and i'm trying

to figure out how and why. Not a huge deal

So... is my imagination getting the best of me?


Is that a list of people/orgs/companies that

dialed into my searches & queries and tried to further identify

me. I mean that list was deep

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Hmm. Interested to find out what this could be. the power supply is dying and not getting much else done but running fans? :confused:

*really has no idea wtf*


The diagnosis was that both the motherboard and the cpu were fried. Luckily the motherboard is under warranty and being shipped now...eases the pain a bit.

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downloading this .avi hookup. Its like 12GB large and 1/4 done. I tried to open the first episodes

in Quicktime player as this is my default and it shit on me.

Is this because the download is not entirely complete?

I wanted to put this on DVDs after i finish and started looking around to see

how to go about doing this. Found out about Roxio Toast & Nero burning and

I'm beginning to feel like this is more trouble than its worth.

So i suppose what i'm getting at here. Can anybody that has done

this give me some advice. Im using an Imac. I get frustrated looking

on other forums because everybody seems to be saying something

different. Its hard to tell who knows what they are talking about

and who is full of shit.


2ndly. If this is indeed more hassle that its worth is there anything simple

i can download that will allow this .AVI to be viewed thru Quicktime Player

I dont mind watching it off the screen i have here.

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