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I wanna see your...........PETS!

Zack Morris

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illstate, you really need to not worry so much. I love my pets just as much as anyone, and can completely understand how people start to feel like they're your kids, but when it comes down to it they're obviously not.


Basically what I'm saying is your dog isn't a child, he can be left alone for 8 hrs a day and he'll be OK

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


whatever illsate, your dog is your kid. i don't care what other people say, judge me all you want, call me fucking crazy, my dogs are my children and their happiness and well being means everything to me. keep your baby.


I'm not saying you shouldn't worry about their happiness or well being, that's ridiculous. I'm an extremely loving pet owner, but to bring it to a point where you're worried about leaving them home while you go to work is extreme, and that's the point I was making

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nice job illstate on not giving up duke. i'm sure your bond with him is like your own child now

i don't think i could ever give up my dog willingly like that



right now i'm watching a show called cell dogs on animal planet

it's pretty awesome. they give inmates the responsibility of taking care of a dog

some of the inmates train and care for the dog for a year or so then give them up for adoption

that SUCKS. you build up such a bond but in the long run you know you eventually have to give it up

most of them get a new dog that day they give up the current one for adoption

it's great that those dogs who would eventually been put down or neglected now have a new life

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


thanks guys it just hard knowing hes locked up for many hours but im sure hes knocked out in my bed most of the time and i turn the radio on so he doesnt here other noises and wants to go out of the room. and i would really regret giving him up but thatnks alot that just the advise i needed. cuz i know there arent that much people that will take as good of care for him as i do.


If you come home and there isn't shit or urine on your floor and your room isn't wrecked you are good. You would know if your dog wasn't happy especially with a pitty.

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


I'm not saying you shouldn't worry about their happiness or well being, that's ridiculous. I'm an extremely loving pet owner, but to bring it to a point where you're worried about leaving them home while you go to work is extreme, and that's the point I was making


my response was a general one. i didn't even read what you wrote, oops!

i leave my dogs at home while im at work for 8 to sometimes 10 hours.

while i was crate training shumai, she would be in that thing for 8 hours. have you thought about crates or blocking off the kitchen or hallway?

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he has a crate but its in the same room as he is left in while im at work and i put him in the crate to sleep but leave him loose in the room while im at work so if he wanted he could walk around. and 2day i got home early and he some how reached a bag of treats that i had stashed in the room and destroyed the bag and left no treats its been there for 2 weeks i guess he finally saw it..lol thats my fault tho

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


OH MY GOODNESS..today is the best day EVER. I just learned the dogs I had to relenquish to our local bassett hound rescue had finally been adopted, and were able to go together. The process took about 4 months. I am ever so grateful and wanted to share. I hope their new owners got the memo about Ed Earl and his damn red laser light, and that he like raw pumpkin around halloween =)

I might actually be able to breath/sleep better now. I thought i was done crying about this, now i cant stop again.


Life is good.


I miss you guys


Ed Earl




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