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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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and thats part of what i like about it, i tend to enjoy low budget films alot more then the big budget ones. I know people in the industry and i know just how fucking ingenious one hes to be to pull off a low budget films, where any moron with enough money can make a high budget film.



I hear you. My only problem with low budget films is the acting is usually horrible and if the director doesn't know what he's doing it makes it that much worse. Shit just comes off looking like a bad student project.


I liked this one:




I think Brad Anderson is a pretty good director. He did "The Machinist" which I thought was solid. Another one he did that I like was:




I haven't seen either of those movies in a while, but I remember liking them when I saw them. Vincent D'onofrio always plays a good wack job.


Another good movie that was low budget was:




It's a good character driven piece.


A classic low budget film is:




I haven't seen that in years either, but I loved that movie.


I'd say those are all low budget compared to real budgets.

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Halfway thru cracktown. Shannyn Sossamon a sexy bitch.

Exactly what i thought it would be so far. Nothing but rape, desperation, crack

depression, violence, trannys, tranny prostitutes, and Shannyn Sossamon fine ass.

I suppose i will preemptively recommend this film

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and yeah, most small budget films DO have shitty acting, but as long as everything else is solid (directing, costume, set construction, etc) i can enjoy it.


If the directing is solid, the acting will be solid. A good director can tell what is shitty acting and push the talent to do better, or at least guide them as to what to do in the scene. Overall though, if the acting is bad, it's as much the director's fault for letting shit like that slide. I think it's easier to get away with shit like that when you're doing comedy or horror. But if you're doing drama, bad acting will destroy your film.

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I've got a French subway poster for that movie.


This is it:




It's huge compared to most posters. It's what they put up in the Subways, so go figure. I love that movie. I saw it when it came out and was blown the fuck away.


Sorry, but I can't help with the viewing online. I don't really do much of that.

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orphan.. had a crazy fucking ending!


i just want to profess my anger towards this movie, i won't spoil the ending for anyone, but I predicted the ending of this movie about 30 min into the movie. I was very UMAD.jpeg not at ludicrous ending, but the fact that i guessed that shit and it came to be.


im sure these have already been mentioned

battle royale (dont bother with the sequels)




this shit right hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. awesome fights. some may find the story lacking, but it aint about the story damn it.




AKIRA ( if you haven't seen this you're missing out on some of the best animation ever)

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That's not Akira.....that's Nausicaa The Valley Of The Wind. It was re-released in America as "The Warriors of the Wind."




That is an amazing fucking film. I haven't seen it in so many fucking years, but in 1984 they showed it on HBO all the time, and I actually went through the TV Guide circling all the times it was on, and I watched it over and over and over again. That fucking film changed me. I'm not trying to be all over dramatic or nothing, it's just that I was 9 or 10 and up until then I'd seen nothing like that with animation. Such a great fucking film. But what do you expect from Miyazaki.


This is Akira:




When I was in high school, a friend of mine had a bootleg of it and he made me a copy. I watched it religiously. It was another film that changed me in the same way Warriors of the Wind did. The bike chase scene is so fucking epic. The soundtrack alone is fucking awesome.


Akira - bike and dog chase scenes

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This shit was interesting and strange. Francis Ford Coppola made it if you're into his movies.






This has probably been posted before, but it's fucking great and it needs to be re-upped now and then to remind people to watch it.






This one just had me feeling claustrophobic for 2 hours and grossed out at points, but I've been feeling horror movies lately so it did the trick I guess.



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