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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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They Live is fucking awesome to death. I was probably 11 or 12 when I watched it, and it was seriously the most badass thing ever. Roddy Piper walking into the bank with a shotgun and delivering that classic line? Too awesome. "You, you're ok. This one, real fuckin' ugly." Even better.


I'm watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and so far it's fucking hilarious.

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They Live is fucking awesome to death. I was probably 11 or 12 when I watched it, and it was seriously the most badass thing ever. Roddy Piper walking into the bank with a shotgun and delivering that classic line? Too awesome. "You, you're ok. This one, real fuckin' ugly." Even better.


I'm watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and so far it's fucking hilarious.




Dude, 10 minute fight scene between Piper and Keith David. Best fight ever on film. As soon as a fight scene goes on for 10 minutes in a film it's automatically put up 200 points in the game of life.

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Not a bad film not an overly good one either.


Reason to rent it: You get to see Uma Thurman's tits, Glenn Close and John Malkovich's performances kill shit and you get to see Keanu Reeves attempt classical dialogue in which he utterly fails - as in Dracula, though in that he was so bad you actually couldn't wait until he was on again so you strt cracking up.

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