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The Skateboard Thread


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ya some of those spots look sick as fuck, i believe someone told me that dude is from NH, so i'd assume some of them were around there.


edit: sitting around the other day with a buddy we came up with a few modified presidential names..


Abraham DeepEnd

John Quincy Slashams

Franklin Dipitmore Rossevelt

John F. Shreddedy

William Howard Thrash

George W. Push

James K. Polejam

Calvin Cooledge

Ulysses S. Fastplant



even though its not presidential, our personal favorite was..


Shred Kaczynski "the Unahill Bomber"


yesdrunk/yesstoned haha.

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No such thing as a front overcrook. They're called nosegrinds.


ha, i somewhat agree, its a sloppiness factor. I hate fs overcrook personally because they only happen to me on failed fs noseblunts...


...however, i would 100% take a fs overcrook label than a fucking fs "suski"... ITS A 5 GODDAMN 0!!!!



*that roll-in to launcher is crazy haha

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