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The Skateboard Thread


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I'd like to recommend that no one waste 45 minutes of their life watching the Rich Mahogany video. I watched it and came to the conclusion that it's mainly mediocre skating and way too many ironic outfits.


THANK YOU. Wallie, after wallie, after FUCKING wallie. Check out "Part and Parcel" on skatevideosite.com, Hal. Proper.

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I watched the preview and it looked good. It also made me want to go back to boston hella. God those spots are like 10 times gnarlier than the spots out here, and the spots out here are pretty gnarly.


In any case ill watch the first ten minutes and work from there. I mostly just want to see Boston Footy.

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Seriously dude, don't bother. Most of the skating in that vid was the same 5-6 spots in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Unless of course you enjoy flannel shirts, shitbeards and rolled up caprijeans. I love me some flannel shirts, no doubt, and i was bummed to see they've made the Williamsburg dress code. All this could be nullified if the skating was at all interesting, or anything that hadn't been done at the same spots ten years ago.


Also, having moved out to Denver, I can personally attest that street skating here is much easier than out east. I had no idea how evil the weather was to concrete. Even though it snows here, there doesn't seem to be the same disgusting broken ground that plagues every spot in the northeast.

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Do you remember Turtles? I took a road trip up to that spot when i was like 13 in my older friend's Dodge Omni. I had to sit with my board between my legs in the back seat for the whole trip. We had just watched "Not the new H-Street video" and decided to go to Boston and skate. No idea where the place was, but we found it and had fun for like 3-4 hours until it got dark. Looking back as an adult, if my mom knew I drove up to Boston with a bunch of minors (the oldest of us was maybe 17), she would have passed out.

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Yeah, it was like these huge humps you could use as massive launch ramps, if you were good. I don't know how fun it would be by today's standards, but in the days of fishtail boards it was cool. The best I'd ever seen was Charlie Wilkins ollieing over one of the big pipe things. Easily 4-5 feet tall.

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You have to be pretty dedicated to want to skate actual street out east. You're guaranteed a couple slams just rolling up to what you intend to skate. I grew up on that shit, so that's what skating was to me. When i watch old footage of myself skating in 1997-2000, I can't believe the shit i did that was just part of a line. I was also convinced back then that stairs and ledges must be smaller in California because the shit they were doing out west was impossible on the ledges and stairs we had. You were an amazing skater if you could do anything on the gold rail in Hartford. In retrospect, the fact that I 50-50ed it from that gnarly takeoff was probably the highlight of my life. I wasn't aware that the huge kink at the bottom made it harder. All I knew was that it would take way too many tries to lipslide it, so it didn't count. You'd land it eventually, but that's what modern skate videos are all about. In my experience, what you couldn't land in 1 day wasn't real. You'd have maybe 15 minutes to land your trick there 10 years ago. That's about ten tries, so if you didn't kill yourself by then, it didn't happen.

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My little brother learned wallies on a thing similar to that but there was no ledge after it. I am actually pretty proud of my brothers. They are 12 and 14. The 12 year old just learned switch varial flips (which I question but he has witnesses) and the 14 year old is learning feebles among other things as of lately. If they stick to it and don't quit at 15-16 like a lot of kids do I think they could fucking shred when they are my age.

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Yeah the bank to ledge gap up looks really easy on film but it took a while just because you need a lot of speed to hit it and clear the little gap. I know that josh anderson wallied up and nose manualed the top. And some other guy wallie front 180'd up that. I have NO idea how you would do that one. it seems like it would just not work out.

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