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The Skateboard Thread


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smooth ass marble would be dope to skate on

i've always wanted to ride through a grocery store when i did my shopping

back in the 6th grade (almost 20 years ago hahah ) in my small town there was a grocery store.. Now, I guess at one time it may have been a big department store, because you go downstairs where the staff room and freezer storage was and turn a corner to see 2 big ol wooden doors, like homo dungeon style.. well you open them up, hit the lights and it was an old part of this store the size of Whole Foods.. smooth ass ground and not to mention someone built a quarter pipe in there... there was old displays and flyers from the early 80s.. then there was a back to that where you went up a few stairs.. No lights and one little window.. creepy.. I wish I had flicks from back then.. Im gonna ask an older dude that used to skate there..

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definitely fell out of the scene here, & clueless to as if they still have them, but we had a "bumrush" every year, where 100+ skaters downtown would mob spots they couldnt skate normally for a few minutes until the pigs/rentacops showed up


wild in the streets 2006 was one of the greatest memories i'll ever have related to skateboarding.

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^ dude good for you.

On a similar note I keep on running into people who I don't know when I am skating and they are like Oh man! I used to skate! and they play around on my board and end up deciding to take it up again. I don't see why people would quit, but it is awesome that I am helping people get back into it. At my college there is like one group of kids that skates the same spot just doing flat ground stuff every day and everyone thinks that those guys are the only skaters here. It's cool to run into people outside of that group cause the whole group is mad uppity and that's not cool. Where as most other skaters I meet know whats up.

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Man I haven't skated seriously in like 5 years and it bums me out. I tried to get back into it a 3 years ago, stopped,year ago, broke my board, and haven't reupped since.


But through this thread I've watching tons of the videos posted and getting familiar with the latest pro's and bigger companies. Some of my fav's have been watching that epic Lakai video, fiending out watching most of those epically later'd, and that czech or whatever vid someone recently posted, and that guy mariano epically later'd. i had no idea about dude, or even how most of those chocolate dudes kind of disappeared.


If I didn't have back problems right now I would really go buy a deck, through on the old(original first year i think) royals, and have at it.



That was my 1000th post. 7 years later. awesome.

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i dont follow the scene but i have my fav's again now.

that dude chris haslam, or maybe just the cheese and crackers vid rules so much.

some other dude who i watched a vid posted on here. a small ditch that reminded me of the la river but only 20 wide. he uses it to indy/whatever grab over some bushes into a parking lot. genius use of the terrain.

reynolds rulz per usual.


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Went to the Blind Video premier last night.


Its kind of short ... that or I was more wasted than I thought.

Jake and Jake !!! This snipit of Jake Duncombe looking at Salba doing push-ups was a riot.

James Craig has a solid part, that Jani guy is out of control with some big switch hucks.

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running into this bum that was sleeping in the street and i didnt see him. had to give him 5 bucks so that he would give me my board back haha.


Man , fuck that shit , which is why I carry one or 2 at all times ( even when I'm out & about with my son ;) slipped in my back pocket .




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Pulaski's one of my all time favorite spots I've ever skated.


I couldn't even skate it last time I saw it . There was so much construction going on , that they had a big part of it closed . Saw it 1st when I was 13 on a school field trip and wanted to skate it , after seeing all the locals ripping it up .

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