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The Skateboard Thread


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the flow in groton is insane, that's about the only thing i can say about it. everything can be ridden into everything else. quarterpipes that run over the funbox, two snakeruns parallel to eachother, a 12 or 13 ft bowl portion, another scoop of a bowl that's not really a bowl, but has a roll-in inside of it, and can go straight into either of the snakeruns, uhhhhhh, long-ass escalator quarterpipe, weird tacoish quarter on top of another quarter. dude, this park is huge, and the lines i could list would in no way justify it. everyone skates their own lines there. thats the best way to describe this place. if you're good at really just shredding your ass off, and getting speed, this place is amazing.

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word, the drive wont bother me crack. i wont say i can shred my ass off, but im comfortable on my board and have a few tricks up the sleeve. but if by shredding your ass off you mean always trying to go as fast as possible, than yes i shred my ass off haha.


so anybody from DC here? that pool at that Green Lab place looks awesome. on concrete disciples some comment says its in a shit neighborhood, the other says that the person was just scared cause its a black neighborhood haha.. so i dunno, its a good skate from where im gonna be. got no problem if it is a black neighborhood or if its not the best neighborhood, but i mean if i skate all the way over there just to find out its a shit neighborhood and to have some dudes try and jack my shit im gonna visibly upset ha. so im just wondering if i should make the hike.

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I'm from the DC area and I think you're talking about that bowl off of Rhode Island Ave? If so its pretty damn fun, not too big but if there are other people there it can take a while to get a run. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the area.

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word, the drive wont bother me crack. i wont say i can shred my ass off, but im comfortable on my board and have a few tricks up the sleeve. but if by shredding your ass off you mean always trying to go as fast as possible, than yes i shred my ass off haha.


so anybody from DC here? that pool at that Green Lab place looks awesome. on concrete disciples some comment says its in a shit neighborhood, the other says that the person was just scared cause its a black neighborhood haha.. so i dunno, its a good skate from where im gonna be. got no problem if it is a black neighborhood or if its not the best neighborhood, but i mean if i skate all the way over there just to find out its a shit neighborhood and to have some dudes try and jack my shit im gonna visibly upset ha. so im just wondering if i should make the hike.


the bowl you are talking about is near rhode island metro station..


its chill, snoke a brunt, skate, but the fool saying its a shit neighborhood probably is an herb and doesn't belong in that area anyway...

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yea me and you know who were just talking about it. its part of this shitty motel that i cant even tell if it's open still. there was a car there but the place looks dead.


shit it might even be the kind of thing where a expertly placed bribe could work wonders, place is obviously in trouble if they are still open. but you dont wanna blow the element of surprise if they are assholes.

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but the fool saying its a shit neighborhood probably is an herb and doesn't belong in that area anyway...


ha, thats the story i got from everyone when i was in DC too. i grabbed some food and found myself over by freedom plaza so i was heading to check that out and ran into some locals who had just go kicked outta there, so i skated a few spots with them. which was cool enough.

only had about 3 hours of sunlight to get skating in and dudes said by the time i got to a train and over to the bowl it would have been pretty close to dark so it wasnt worth the trip,. atleast thats what they said, but im def. gonna work it out better to get some skate time in on that thing if i make my way back to DC though.


cool flicks on the last page too.

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naw it was out in an executive kinda park out by like route 3, i was with some dudes out and about checking all those industrial/executive kinda areas up and down 95 and one of them had his camera equipment, and dude hates skating around the city with it, and i hate driving spot to spot to skate, id rather just start in a general location and skate around.. so we went for a little drive searching spots so dude could have his shit with him incase people started throwing down.


edit: had a fuckin blast skating yesterday, went to this spot that has these little banks going up the walls, so basically theres wall rides for days, and theres a nice little curving roadway that goes down and curls into the lower level of a parking garage.. my buddy happened to have some work gloves in his truck so we threw them on and started carving the turns and shit and powersliding as far as we could. kept trying to cut around one of the sharper turns on the sidewalk but i kept sliding out and rolling off the curb and down the hill a little bit haha.


i wanna make that turn so bad though, shit was GREAT.

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