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The Skateboard Thread


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yo im selling this board to a friend and i have no idea how much i wanna sell it for/ how much its worth. i bought this a couple years ago and i havnt skated it much and i just wanna get rid of it. but i guess i can give you guys the specs and you guys can decide on a price range


alienwarehouse board: 7 3/4"

venture trucks


pig bearings

blah blah


and i thats the actual board, i just felt like making it fancy

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Speaking of Jahmals do any of you guys in the know have an idea where Jahmal Williams


next board is coming from? The DNA website is no more and I get nothing on google searches.


I bought his deck in 03-04 I think. It has some pressure cracks and I want another.


I don't like trying to find something new when I like what I have.


Any help is appreciated.

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Dear Skateboard thread,



I broke two toes on my left foot in two different places...



For the hour I skated until I busted my shit it was a lot of fun.


Surgery this week.


X Ray flicks to come sometime when I get around to it. (I'm mostly confined to the couch playing Madden '07)


I totally blame it on the guy I was working with two nights ago...


..."Bruce, I'm gonna beat your ass if you throw all those movies in the wrong spot."

"You couldnt catch me in the first place, fat boy."

"Actually, I skate aggressive inline, I'm faster than you."

"What other kind of inline is there? Passive inline? (Macho Guy Mocking voice) Ohhh, I skate passive inline, I like girls with flowers in their hair and cupcakes and puppy dogs."


So yeah, I skated up and down my driveway for a bit and then I just went out and started going around the block, I was on the otherside of the block when I hit some sort of pothole crap and just wiped out, twisted my ankle hella bad but I hobbled over to the sidewalk and tried to hitch a ride. Finally some cute college girl (I live a block away from NIU) was going to her car and I asked her for a ride....



She totally gets free rentals for the rest of the year if she shows up at my work.





So, misery loves company....whats the worst you guys have ever had? Details details.


Still wants to skate,


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Haha awesome hook up with the college chick. I just got another board after not skating for two or three years. My first trip down the hill to the liqour store I was going to fast bailed and rolled down the hill and then slide 10 feet on my side...thats the most recent...

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Bruce_1nR That sucks man. I got wrecked many times but nothing


super bad. Broke my big toe on the fountain once. That sucks cause it


just hurt for weeks and wouldn't always fit in the shoe.


All my worst wipe-outs have been on the bicycle. I've been very


fortunate when it comes to broken bones.


While you're on the couch take naps whenever you can. It will speed


up your recovery time.


Good luck man.

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Yeah, it seems like I dont get sick or hurt very often...but when I do....its really bad.



Most of my major injuries have been from or directly because of graffiti. Jumps, runs, falls, and fights can go back very quickly.


I'm about to go see the orthopedic doc right now....here goes nothing.

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wasn't it your first day skating..??maybe thats a sign to not skate...



It was my first day skating, and no, its not a sign. It was an accident, and please believe when I get fully healed I will be back on that board.



Anyway, I went to the doctor's and he says I have a Lizfranc Fracture.




Its the second worst type of fracture one can have in the foot.


I need a CAT scan, surgery, plates, screws, etc.


Long recovery time, might not be able to get into the Army.



This is possible the worst thing to happen to me....not being able to get into the Army means my whole life is fucked. My grades are shit, college is not something I wanted to ever do. If I can't get into the Army then I'm looking at a long life of manual labor.



Plus Chronic foot pain.


I'm so viked up right now. Going to play some Madden.


Will update in a couple hours once I have the CAT scan taken care of.

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wow are you for real. you just decided at 18 you wanted to skate, and on the first day out you need surgery and plates and shit? fucking a. thats the worst thing ive ever heard.


Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.


Just like graffiti, except I got arrested later.


I just got injured sooner.



At least now I have something to compare my future injuires to.



Because last night was easily the worst pain in my life.



Still not wanting to go to college,


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Yo, is there anyone from San Jose on here? I'm trying to track down this skater cat I used to know back in the day who was from there and moved back there.

He don't write, or at least he didn't when I knew him. But still I'd rather not post his name on here just out of GP.

If any of yall cats are from San Jose just holla via PM so I can ask if you know dude.


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im going to be slightly racist here.

whats up with black dudes, with the lazy stee, and heel flips.

that dude gots too much reverting going on, hence the lazyness.




p.s. lazer flips are not cool, even if you got them on lock.




WTF is this guy talking about???



What you're calling "lazy steez", most people refer to as smooth.


And reverts are dope.

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