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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Same here, its 3 48 AM and the birds are already chirping.


on another note, how do you people feel about road dome????????


should I ease her head into it, ask nicely, say "bitch" ??? idk.


I just want it so I can put it on the list of shit that I got done in life.


It has been done while the car is parked in a place, but I want to be focused on the road while she’s focused on me bustin’ a load.


Edit* Unintentional rhyme.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I hadn't played my guitar in a week or 2, and played for about 3 hours today so far.

My fingers have stamina still from Guitar Hero, but my calouses have gone to nothing and now it hurts to type.

And I am listening to Van Halen's Dirty movies.

That song is fucken sick!!


"Cum scene Baby now!!!!!!!"

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Same here, its 3 48 AM and the birds are already chirping.


on another note, how do you people feel about road dome????????


should I ease her head into it, ask nicely, say "bitch" ??? idk.


I just want it so I can put it on the list of shit that I got done in life.


It has been done while the car is parked in a place, but I want to be focused on the road while she’s focused on me bustin’ a load.


Edit* Unintentional rhyme.


try sex while driving instead.


and yes, i'm being serious.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


If that scenario (sex while driving) was ever to be presented to me, all I can say is "I'll be ready John!"


But yeah, I can't sleep, have to wakeup early and head into uni to get some shit sorted, so naturally insomnia kicks in. Plus the cricket outside chirping wasn't helping so I came back online after dropping a couple of sleeping tablets. I think they are hitting me though but remember, "I'll be back...Bennett!"

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Man, check out vertex guy and listen to his Duke Nukem song he made. It is pretty good.


Just Google Vertex guy to find him, and dl the dukenukem jam or something.


But heres some money to have some beers while you are looking it up. It will give us all a little more time with your daughter.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


do you ever get an itch.. that isnt on your skin..but it feels as if its in your muscle or somewhere inside your body.. thats whats going on in my foot right now..sometimes i get it in my ribcage.. weird.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I have to sit another exam following a stupid exam I failed a few weeks ago.

I guess a half hour study wasn't enough.

The way I failed it was fucked too.

I am not happy now, as I have nothing to do til uni starts up again, and I can take the supp exam. I hadn't failed any exam until the very end. Why the fuck does shit like this always happen to me???? AARRRRrrrrrggggghh!!!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Not at the moment, I have to go in next week and go over anything I don't know.

I know how I fucked up, they pretty much wanted a systematic answer (in steps) whereas I just skipped the steps and gave an answer (without the explanation of how I got there). I pretty much knew the theory for the most part, I was just off in my structuring of my answers, and didn't put in fucken stats style bell-curves.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Not at the moment, I have to go in next week and go over anything I don't know.

I know how I fucked up, they pretty much wanted a systematic answer (in steps) whereas I just skipped the steps and gave an answer (without the explanation of how I got there). I pretty much knew the theory for the most part, I was just off in my structuring of my answers, and didn't put in fucken stats style bell-curves.


Structure is the most important thing from what I hear... But I dropped outta school after being kicked out twice, so I might not know what I speak of...



On another shit..

Some lady at the Dodger game last night was pure gold drunk fucked up bitch status.. Plus she was a Braves fan.. This bitch almost got her man into a fight, which he was up for... Pissed everyone off around her and at the end of the game got something thrown at her.. Haha... Good times...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


do you ever get an itch.. that isnt on your skin..but it feels as if its in your muscle or somewhere inside your body.. thats whats going on in my foot right now..sometimes i get it in my ribcage.. weird.


ive gotten that on the ribcage too. you scratch and scratch and still dont get the relief.





on another note, i dranked what was supposed to be water at my friends house but then i realised it wasnt. i dont know what it was, it tasted nasty and just finished throwing up.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i am never talking to anyone on the internet about anything. I watched like 10 episodes of To catch a predator that dateline special deal last night...Spit and defy no more noodz for you two I am pretty sure half the people here are Chris Hansen...

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