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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


hah! that shits by the register, and meant to tempt you while youre checking out. youre not actually supposed to buy it. and if you do, its supposed to be under the guise of a gift for someone else. but book binding does seem interesting. they offer a class at my school.

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


no this is actually like a real deal type of thingy, but I do love the impulse buy crap by the reigsters.... I need to buy some other things like a bone folder, glue, etc... It basically just comes with some nice paper and a few other things.



I'm gonna quit my job and become a professional book binder.

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Me and my roomate decided to get 40's last night as a joke and do power hour like rich college kids...2 40's in an hour is no fun I dont recommend it. I found out that I am back to light weight status with the whole drinking thing. Booted off my porch now i am shaking like a chiuawaah (i dont know how to spell it dont care either)from my hang over...I think i am ognna throw up here at work... FUCK

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


I polished off a 5th of jack last night, shot some pool and had disgusting jack in the box. I only crave jack in the box when I'm drunk. After all that mad brew and fast food I feel like shit. I even feel more like shit when I checked my re-dial registry. I made about 20 drunk calls to my girlfriend and have no fucking clue what I said. I even called her actual house line and woke up her family.


Anyone out there ever do the drunk dialing thing? I for some reason only do it when I drink really heavily, almost to the point of passing out. I end up calling ex-girlfriends or current girlfriends. I find it odd that I don't try to call just a good friend.


I think I need to designate a phone number on my phone to drunk dial so I could avoid making a mess of things......

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


may I suggest 911?


I know what you mean I drunk dialed this 30 year old woman that I used to smash talked to her for 2 hours...now I am going for drinks and watching the office with her tonight...I drunk dial x's like its my job. Sometimes I just leave my phone at home but acouple times I got lost and then left in the city because noone could find me...Double edge sword...

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