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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Originally posted by mackfatsoe@Feb 25 2006, 11:19 PM

Oh and I just downloaded ghostface's new cd, the whole thing. I'm on song 4 right now, it's good so far.


yousendit.com. Man, I don't know what came over me last night, but it wasn't the first time I've completely lost it on Mexico and California. It's just...the goddamn sand, and mexican food, and big sombreros, all over the TV and movies...it just gets to be all too much.


But I was serious about the Indian Chinese food. It reminds me sort of when I went to Chinatown in Calcutta. That food is amazing.

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I am so, so, so sososossososo sick of reading my genetics textbook.

You figure, I'm only taking 2 classes, it should be a piece of cake.

Not when I'm taking genetics with an absolute schmuck.

We took a test almost a month ago and he still hasn't graded it. The test didn't make any damn sense. He put stuff in there that he never went over and that wasn't in the book. How the hell do you study for something like that??

How the hell am i supposed to study for the next test when I don't know how i did on the last one?


and now i'm having dreams about fruit flies. bah...

stupid, stupid class

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hahaha, same shit goes for me every once in a while, i remember once i stuck my head out the window and yelled "shut the fuck up!" then its quiet for a few minets then the arguing starts again only twice as loud. im gotta get my hands on some fire crackers thatll scare the shit outta them...are they mexican?

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