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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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I'm confused about the bird flu thing.


I took a MIMG (microbio immunology and molecular genetics) course last quarter, and my teacher, who was an experienced professor, was actually legitimately worried about this happening. He said it could be devastating.


Now that it's happened, I watched the daily show tonight, same as decu, and John Stewart was making jokes about the situation as if it was a creation of the Bush political machine to incite fear.


I don't know.

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See now that's what i found dumb of them, like it couldn't happen.

I just thought bush sounded really uninformed and should've had an official speak on it while he stepped aside.


Oh yea and i found the article, rental's quote referred to.


he's a mayor??

damn be careful when voting NYC.

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life's been crazy the last few weeks. full time school and full time work at butt ends of the day, no sleep for j. but its good for the money. i get to go home over new years. i'm excited. my oldest brother is gonna be home too. w/ my mom as she is this could be one of the last times our whole family is together. plus its new years so shits gonna be going off. paint is way fucking cheaper in colorado. anybody know of a cheap paint spot in SF? i need to get my fix.

i just read BLOOD MERIDIAN by cormac mccarthy. i've never read anything so horrifically violent, i really disturbed me and i'm a fairly fucked up person to start with. i really like the border trilogy, its quite a different tale than that... though i do love mccarthy's narration/style. an easy to read faulkner.

been making stickers lately. never put much focus on them in the past, i'm kind of enjoying it.

school is still bullshit, *gasp*


thats all for now...

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reading hermann hesse books increases your sex appeal and chances of getting laid by 45%...


you dont even have to be reading them infront of the girl...they just sorta know you have read...

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I will fuck you up.


Shoot that shit.


P.S. I see MOOGLE? looking at this thread right now, prompting me to think of anime and video game stuff, which brings me to 2 points of interest:


1. Naruto sucks big guatemaulan spider balls, it's all fillers for like 16 straight episodes.


2. I enjoyed the Final Fantasy: Advent Children movie. I thought it was pretty fuckin cool.

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Originally posted by Seldoon+Nov 5 2005, 07:02 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Seldoon - Nov 5 2005, 07:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>

1. Naruto sucks big guatemaulan spider balls





<!--QuoteBegin-Seldoon@Nov 5 2005, 07:02 PM

2. I enjoyed the Final Fantasy: Advent Children movie. I thought it was pretty fuckin cool.


Yeah that was an excellent movie. I just picked up Casshern: The Robot Hunter... the live action movie. Looks crazy as fuck. I haven't even watched it yet...

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.....the hell are you doing watching the anime seldoon?

stick to the manga....




no advent for me yet ...my laptop only has 1.45 gb left out of 3.somthing gb total.. ..





casshern is a damn good movie...


i picked up a tale of two sisters the other day....it confused the hell out of me..but nonetheless a good japanese horror flick..




my salad wrap fell apart in my chai just now..

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Originally posted by CACashRefund@Nov 4 2005, 07:42 PM

i talked to a vietnam vet who claimed he was involved in the cia's phoenix program, i wanted to believe him but with him coming off as a homeless drunk who might have had a mental disorder, something wasnt quite "connecting."


what is the phoenix program?


reminds me of this guy who told tales of a whole group of gooks being taken out by a tiger. he also claimed that he rubbed the enemy's shit all over himself so that they wouldn't be able to smell him.

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Originally posted by MOOGLE?@Nov 5 2005, 07:29 PM

...casshern is a damn good movie...


i picked up a tale of two sisters the other day....it confused the hell out of me..but nonetheless a good japanese horror flick...



fo'sho fo'sho....casshern was so the shit


...all japenese horror movies are confusing, i still don't fully understand certain parts/events in that movie "Audition"

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Originally posted by guerillaeye+Nov 6 2005, 06:12 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (guerillaeye - Nov 6 2005, 06:12 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-MOOGLE?@Nov 5 2005, 08:29 PM

my salad wrap fell apart in my chai just now..


thats what you get for consuming that poison... you never hear a kid bitching about droping their steak in a beer... it may even be welcome.




thats because theres no reason to complain if you do. beer covered steak is still completely edible. salad-chai? either one is pretty iffy for me to eat. both together? gross.

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