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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Originally posted by nomadawhat@Sep 23 2005, 05:30 PM

how'd he know you had porn?

do you play it loud or was he peepeing?



nah, here's how it went:


i was talking to him and he says :"so, can you get movies on the internet?"

innocent enough, right? i explained to him that i watch all kinds of movies. new and old, etc. then he pops out the question: "so, can you get adult movies?" yeah, sure. i guess. "can you get me some adult movies?" oh yeah? uh....no.


anyhow, i've tried to download some amputee porn and some midget porn, but it turns out it's not either. just regular old porn with aputee or someshit in the title. yeah, i had to watch it. i don't want him getting anything he could get off to.


as far as his mental...he had thousands of ticks on him once upon a time. got lymes disease, bad liver, infection went to his brain. now he has invisible friends.


let's call it a perma-trip.

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Originally posted by theGOON@Sep 23 2005, 06:59 PM

shai--DUNE is one of my favorite books, and my initial appeal to the band. so yeah... my SN in a different (non-12oz)universe was MAKER, if reference to the worms as well. the band is (esoterically speaking) extremely different from most hardcore. they're kind of bastards of hardcore


yeah. i do need to get out more... its just, i live in the tenderloin and don't really know that many people out here who's company i enjoy, and have had shit luck meeting people. my social life consists of calling the crew back home... thats my story.


trying to work on a report for school. a joke. but it will still take a couple of hours of my life. fuckers...


hammerfall is good...

I think that there was an earthquake five minutes ago, or someone tipped over their fridge in the apartment next door.


If you have a window with a street view in the TL, you have non-stop entertainment, believe me. Beats TV cold. The street I live on in Oakland used to be crackin' (literally), but it's chill now...I lived in SF for a year and hated it...I liked the convenience, but the East Bay is the only place I've ever felt at home, and SF is too much for me to live with...and I'm a native, too.


Frank Herbert was certainly the man...did you check out the Sci-Fi channel's update of the movie? It made a lot more sense to me than the first movie did...I think "Dune" is a beautifully made film, but it was hardly true to the original story, I thought.


You're at the Culinary Academy, right? I used to work in the Civic Center, and my friend worked in the mail room at the academy...he got canned over some dumb ish, I don't know what. A LOT of girls at the academy, as I recall...I've talked to a few of them, they seemed cool enough...It seems like if you've got any kind of game, you could G off like a champ without trying too hard...but that can play hell with getting your school on, too. Pimpin' ain't easy...

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I come into contact with alot of homeless people. Im beginning to thing that 3/4 of them have some serious psychological problems above and beyond just substance abuse.

I hear some serious shit some delusional nonsence talking to themselves. talking to objects, jibberish, schitzo musing. I feel bad for these folks. real bad. Unfortunatly i dont really have any $ for them either. I barely keep on myself.

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Nobody calls me "white boy"....to my face, anyway. Some loc'ed-out ex-con called me "wood" at a liquor store in West Oakland a few years ago...the funny thing was that he was white, too. That must have been some good shit...smoke it, you turn black, call skinny white boys "wood'...He dropped a chain on me, in front of a cop, and promptly got arrested and sent back to spend more time with his fellow "woods." I just went home and drank my wine, and felt lucky to avoid a random asskicking over reverse racism.


I'm in the process of finally putting all my music (about 400 cds, a few hundred cassettes, and 100 albums) onto La Machine here....and watching the memory disappear like Jimmy Hoffa. I found a really cool app called Polderbits that is an A/D converter that also cleans up the signal before it compresses it to MP3. It's a no brainer, and I get to listen to all my old tapes and records since it records in real time. I'll need a bigger hard drive, soon...one that can handle plenty of girth, naturally.

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i need to format, print and distribute a press kit to a handfull of venues that ?dont use the internet? so booking el'touro can lock and end the timeline stress. fuckin club owners need to start an email account fo'reals. save my ass a lot of time.


in addition, my homie kicked me a (fanfair please) WINDOWS 95 LAPTOP! i need to reformat the shit and get a wireless card so i can stop wakeing up my wify and baby when i need to click away at 2am. the only super shitty parts (besides being win95) is that homies sister spilled a bit of pepsi on the key board so the "m" and select other vital keys dont work. i have to hook up an extra keyboard to the fucker. also the windows explorer freezes after about 15 min's of functionality, so im not sure if its a corrupt os or somthing to do with sticky pepsi on the motherboard... im counting on the os, for now.

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Originally posted by CACashRefund@Sep 24 2005, 06:06 PM

not good at all...


Making your own guac is simple and easy, and comes out a whole lot better than what you would buy already made.


Allright.. so i've never eaten avacadoes too much. but i have a HUGE avacado tree in my back yards.. hundreds and hundreds of avacadoes, almost ready.


so whats the best way to make guacamole? or other things to do with the avacadoes.... i'm going to survive off these things for the next couple of months...

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minced garlic

diced onion and/or red pepper


squirt of lemon juice


chili powder

coriander sprinkle

salt and pepper


mash an avocado and mix



...they go well on a powerhouse with sprouts, lettuce, tomato and honey mustard

in salads,



other things to do with them:


throw at people

stick under car tires and in tailpipes

mash up and moosh people in the face

use as baseball

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slice up some avocado and toss it in sandwiches, wraps, salads, etc. So fucking good.


As far as guac goes, there's a lot of preference. Some people put in tomatoes, some put in cumin and chili powder, some put in onions, etc. your best bet is going to be to grab a few recipes online and just try them. Once you find one that is pretty good, just start messing around with the amount of ingredients until you have something you really like. i usually use one avocado, a dash of salt, about a 16th of a teaspoon of cumin, a 16th of a teaspoon of chili powder, some lemon juice and then either a cherry tomato or two or a little bit of salsa to give it some extra zest.


On the tip of avocadoes/guac turning brown, if you make don't finish your guac or whatever, you gotta really seal it airtight. my suggestion is seran wrap and literally have the wrap against the guac. Leaving the pit in the avocado or sitting in the guac also helps prevent it from turning brown for some reason. And, just because it turned a little bit brown doesn't mean it won't still taste good, just use some common sense on that. If it turned brown after one day, i'm sure its still fine. If that shits been sitting in your fridge for a week and is black, i'd stay away from it.

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It's been almost 4 weeks of not having the internet due to Verizon, thanks for putting me off assholes! First they tell me it'll be a week after i move, then they disconnect the phone. Which ends up kicking me off the DSL waiting list. So after a week, I have to be put back on the waiting list. WTF? WHy is there a waiting list to get dsl? it cant be that complicated can it? On the 3rd week, I decide to make a tenth phone call and they tell me someone will come out next week and Im given a "trouble ticket". I guess this is suppost to gice me hope. No one ever shows and i call, they dont know shit so i finally cancel and go with the local cable company.

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