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murder? - Terry Schiavo ordeal


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With a furious legal and political battle raging outside her hospice room, doctors removed Terri Schiavo's feeding tube Friday after a judge rebuffed an unprecedented attempt by Congress to keep the brain-damaged woman alive.



Schiavo, 41, could linger one to two weeks without the tube, provided no one intercedes and gets it reinserted — as happened twice before. Late Friday, the House committee that issued the subpoenas filed an emergency request at the U.S. Supreme Court, asking justices to reinsert Schiavo's feeding tube while the committee files appeals in the lower courts to have its subpoenas recognized.



Republicans on Capitol Hill used their subpoena power to demand that Schiavo be brought before a congressional hearing, saying removing the tube amounted to "barbarism." The attorney for Schiavo's husband shot back at a news conference, calling the subpoenas "nothing short of thuggery."



"It was odious, it was shocking, it was disgusting, and I think all Americans should be very alarmed about that," George Felos said.



The judge presiding over the case ruled in the husband's favor early Friday afternoon and rejected the request from House attorneys to delay the removal, which he had previously ordered to take place at 1 p.m. EST. Felos said Michael Schiavo was at his wife's side shortly after the tube was disconnected

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its time for her to die




ive seen that wacky picture of her enough times on my favorite news sites


some people are just getting too emotional over this!


her husband says she didnt want to continue living if she was a vegetable - lets go ahead and let her pass on instead of just keeping her body alive while her mind is dead

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i know this is a debate but, who in the world would say to keep her alive. i mean, shes like someone in jail for life, a drain on someone paper. sike, ill be serious, its better off she went, i seen her on tv, and it looked like she was biting her shoulder. theres nothing left in her brain, its a sin to see someone like that. pulling the plug was a great idea

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Originally posted by adderall@Mar 19 2005, 04:30 AM

its time for her to die




ive seen that wacky picture of her enough times on my favorite news sites


some people are just getting too emotional over this!


her husband says she didnt want to continue living if she was a vegetable - lets go ahead and let her pass on instead of just keeping her body alive while her mind is dead

ex. act. ly.


Why would someone want this woman to live like this for the rest of her life?>

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Originally posted by onesecondple@Mar 20 2005, 12:08 AM

I meant to ask someone about what happened, but never got around to it, could someone fill me in on this story?



terri schiavo became a vegetable in the early 90's, her husband says she had mentioned to him that she would not want to be kept alive under such circumstances, her parents say she is not in fact brain dead. doctors say she is brain dead. at some point her husband had her life support stopped, court battles ensued, jeb bush the governor signed a law that provided for the re insertion of her feeding tube, i believe the law was overturned by a judge, now congress etc are involving themselves.

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Aight I kinda agree she has to go cause, theres no point in livin when you cant do shit (brain dead or whatever)..But then again.Think bout how much shes goin to suffer..Its goin to be a slow painfull death..I dont wanna comment to much on it but i just think its fuked up..


On another note..Last nite my B-I-Law was tellin bout some guy offerin the girls husband, a million dollars for him to change his mind and leave the tube..I dont think homeboy took the offer doe....I just got home a while ago and did the search..Last part of the article its really touching.. :( ..Here you go




Attorney: $1 million offer to Terri Schiavo's husband 'offensive'

Friday 03.11.05 [12:28 pm]




Terri Schiavo's husband is rejecting a one (m) million dollar offer by a San Diego-area businessman who wants to keep the brain-damaged Florida woman alive.


Robert Herring announced yesterday he would pay Michael Schiavo the money if he transfers the legal right to decide his wife's medical treatment to her parents. For nearly seven years, he's been fighting to get permission to stop his wife's artificial feedings so she can die. Her parents oppose removing the feeding tube.



The businessman said yesterday the offer will remain on the table until Monday, but Schiavo's attorney is calling the proposition "offensive."





He says other such offers -- including one for 10 (m) million dollars -- have already been made and rejected by Schiavo, who contends he once promised his wife he would not keep her alive by artificial means before she suffered severe brain damage 15 years ago. (Source: KESQ News)




So now the question must be asked - What is Mr. Schiavo afraid of? Does he fear that therapy may allow Ms Schiavo to tell what really happened to her 15 years ago? Was Terri's condition really caused the way he said it was???




The one thing I cannot understand about this case is why Mr. Schiavo won't let Terri's parents assume guardianship of their daughter. It would be a simple matter to divorce her and let Terri's family take over her care. They don't even want any of the settlement money Mr. Schiavo recieved in his malpractice suit. And after all, Mr. Schiavo has already started another family with his current live-in lover. Why can't he just move on?




The sad truth of this story is that Terri Schiavo is not being kept alive by any heroic means. No machines are involved. She only has a feeding tube attached three times a day - otherwise she is on her own. And a vast majority of doctors believe Terri would be able to eat on her own if she was allowed therapy. By Mr. Schiavo's logic we should kill every man, woman, child, and infant who are not able to feed themselves.




So next Friday, Terri Schiavo not be allowed to eat. She will starve to death. The starvation process will be a slow and painful death. Mr. Schiavo, his rat-faced attorney, and judge Greer should all be forced to sit in Terri's room 24 hours a day from the time the feeding tube is taken away to however long it takes Terri to starve to death. Let them witness the the result of their actions. What would be real justice would be to deprive all three of them food and water while they're on this death watch.

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she doesnt eat the same way an average person would or process it the same either, as in chew. so the took out the tube that is in her throat that pumps all of the vital nutrients and foods into her body.


once they removed it they say it will take at least one week for her to die.

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Fucking A, what is with these people? The woman, for all intents and purposes, is dead. She's not going to come back, she's not going to wake up, nothing's going to happen to her. Before she got this way, she told her husband that she didn't want to be kept alive. I think he knows better than anyone what she wanted, so let him decide what happens.

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Originally posted by KiLL Or DiE@Mar 20 2005, 02:07 AM

Aight I kinda agree she has to go cause, theres no point in livin when you cant do shit (brain dead or whatever)..But then again.Think bout how much shes goin to suffer..Its goin to be a slow painfull death..


So now the question must be asked - What is Mr. Schiavo afraid of? Does he fear that therapy may allow Ms Schiavo to tell what really happened to her 15 years ago? Was Terri's condition really caused the way he said it was???


The one thing I cannot understand about this case is why Mr. Schiavo won't let Terri's parents assume guardianship of their daughter. It would be a simple matter to divorce her and let Terri's family take over her care. They don't even want any of the settlement money Mr. Schiavo recieved in his malpractice suit. And after all, Mr. Schiavo has already started another family with his current live-in lover. Why can't he just move on?


The sad truth of this story is that Terri Schiavo is not being kept alive by any heroic means. No machines are involved. She only has a feeding tube attached three times a day - otherwise she is on her own. And a vast majority of doctors believe Terri would be able to eat on her own if she was allowed therapy. By Mr. Schiavo's logic we should kill every man, woman, child, and infant who are not able to feed themselves.


So next Friday, Terri Schiavo not be allowed to eat. She will starve to death. The starvation process will be a slow and painful death. Mr. Schiavo, his rat-faced attorney, and judge Greer should all be forced to sit in Terri's room 24 hours a day from the time the feeding tube is taken away to however long it takes Terri to starve to death. Let them witness the the result of their actions. What would be real justice would be to deprive all three of them food and water while they're on this death watch.


Whoa buddy you need to either read the case history, or not make such ignorant comments.

Theres no 'Conspiracy' by her husband to cover up anything , it is public and documented case by the courts , she suffered a massive heart attack 15 years ago and has gotten progressively worse since .


The Question people are arguing over is "Did/does she want to live or die , and who is best suited to make that decision' ?

Her husband is not just going to let her family take over because HE is sure she wants to die......esp after all this time and effort he has put into it over the last 15 years , not to mention she still was his damn wife . And her family wants to keep her alive bc theyre holding on to an unrealistic hope that she's not brain damaged and might recover.


Its not going to happen , she's only going to get worse. The best doctors in the entire USA have been trying and testing her for 15 years to help her get better. She's not , theres too much damage done and theres nothing anyone can do . She is only going to get worse . Period.


Her death will be painless , she's nearly braindead . and as stated before theyre not going to let her just die painfully. Her death will be assisted by medication Obviously .


The Conflict now is that Politicians are getting involved , both state and federal courts as well . Which is going to make it a case about VOTES , and not about the best chioce for Terri Schiavo.

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Originally posted by ASER1NE@Mar 20 2005, 02:14 PM

Whoa buddy you need to either read the case history, or not make such ignorant comments.



Whoaaa Buddy..what the FUK are you talkin bout???..I did not type that shit dog..If you could just go back and read My WHOLE post..You will see thats from an article I found..I was just tryin to contribute with something related to the case..As a matter of fact I stated I didnt wanna comment on the situation a lot and that i just thought it was fuked up..


Aight I kinda agree she has to go cause, theres no point in livin when you cant do shit (brain dead or whatever)..But then again.Think bout how much shes goin to suffer..Its goin to be a slow painfull death..I dont wanna comment to much on it but i just think its fuked up..


On another note..Last nite my B-I-Law was tellin bout some guy offerin the girls husband, a million dollars for him to change his mind and leave the tube..I dont think homeboy took the offer doe....I just got home a while ago and did the search..Last part of the article its really touching..  ..Here you go




So please dont talk out of your ass If you didnt read the whole shit..


Back to the Thread.... :rolleyes:

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I honestly think the mother has some serious issues with letting go. I understand completly the bond that they have, and how much she loves her daughter, but could you honestly look at your child in that state, and not feel sorry for them? She has been in that condition for several years now, and to my knowledge will never recover, why tourture her that way and keep her alive?


The husband here is doing the right thing, he doesn't want to see the women he loves in that condition, and I don't understand how the mother/rest of the family could.

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Originally posted by KiLL Or DiE+Mar 20 2005, 05:08 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (KiLL Or DiE - Mar 20 2005, 05:08 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-ASER1NE@Mar 20 2005, 02:14 PM

Whoa buddy you need to either read the case history, or not make such ignorant comments.



Whoaaa Buddy..what the FUK are you talkin bout???..I did not type that shit dog..If you could just go back and read My WHOLE post..You will see thats from an article I found..I was just tryin to contribute with something related to the case..As a matter of fact I stated I didnt wanna comment on the situation a lot and that i just thought it was fuked up..




So please dont talk out of your ass If you didnt read the whole shit..


Back to the Thread....


Matter of fact i did read it , and it didnt sound like anyone in the media wrote it . Whoever did write it has Way too much bias to be writing articles .,.

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i love how our president is above every fucking authority there is

including the judges from the judicial branch of his own government.


how is this even an issue?

our executives decided they didn't have to listen to judge's decisions anymore.

our whole government is out of control.

this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

the cultural divide, religion in government, overzealous politicians. etc etc

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Originally posted by ARCEL@Mar 19 2005, 06:50 PM

how many of the people who want her kept alive support the death penalty


I was gonna reply " GIVE HER THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!" not just because I'm an asshole, but also because this whole fiasco is because of those hypocrit right-wing "pro-life/pro-death penalty" assholes.

These people making such a big deal over this poor ladys "life" are first to cheerlead for meaningless wars and cut social services at home.

Stoopid christian, taliban wannabees!

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This shouldn't be a national issue in the first place. This is something for the family to work out. I don't think the president or all these religious nut protesters need to be involved, this is for the family to deal with.

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Originally posted by bobthebuilder@Mar 21 2005, 09:42 AM

Let the woman die, being in a coma is a torturing expiriance. Even if she woke up now, she would be a vegtable.

She's not in a coma , she suffered severe brain damage in 1990 following a heart attack and has gotten progressively worse.


The History:

Terry Schiavo suffered severe brain damage in 1990 following a heart attack. The brain damage left her unable to care for herself so for the last 13 years she’s had a feeding tube in her for nutrients and fluids.


Terry was awarded a substantial malpractice settlement for the improperly diagnosed potassium deficiency that led to the heart attack and collapse which damaged her brain. The settlement was for continuation of her care and rehabilitation, among other things.


Many forms of rehabilitation were attempted in the first years of Terry's condition, but she did not respond or recover. It is reported that nearly all of the settlement has now been spent on rehabilitation attempts, and continuing care.


Terry is now in a hospice. Several doctors, including those appointed by the courts, have pronounced her to be in a "persistent vegetative state". However Terry parents have hired doctors that claim that Terry has a consciousness.


Terry is unable to eat or swallow, and is being kept alive by means of a feeding tube. Her husband, Michael Schiavo has sought for years to remove the feeding tube and allow Terry “die naturally”. In other words to starve to death.


The issue has made it’s way through the Florida courts, and in June of 2003, the Second District Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's ruling that would allow Michael to have the feeding tube removed from Terry.


On October 20, 2003 the Florida Legislature passed bill 35E, which empowered Governor Jeb Bush to issue executive order 03-201, which he did the following day. His executive order required that doctors replace the feeding tube and continue to provide medical attention as needed.

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This whole thing has gotten a bit out of hand. These tuff personal decisions have been latched on to and changed into political grandstanding. Did they really draft some special bill due to this mess? .......Either way, this foto is inspired off the whole business.

Also, I'd read that her heart attack was partly due to an eating disorder.......

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This whole thing has gotten a bit out of hand. These tuff personal decisions have been latched on to and changed into political grandstanding. Did they really draft some special bill due to this mess? .......Either way, this foto is inspired off the whole business.

Also, I'd read that her heart attack was partly due to an eating disorder.......[attachmentid=10870]


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this shit is just fucked up, your killing a human being, if this was YOUR DAUGHTER would you want her to die? would you want to MURDER your own daughter? killing someone = murder, isnt that against the law?


she is alive, even if she is brain dead, i would not kill my mother or anyone related to me in any way....

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